Come here to laugh at the Fascist, Failing Chavs

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A glorious week to be a Yid topped off by Putin FC playing out of their skin but still being slapped down by a god of a player and still a Yid at heart. Small fella, big nose you may have heard of him.

My league table of hate:
3rd place: West ham. I view these as the annoying little snotty nose brother. Running round like an excited puppy, pissing in the corner and really not understanding what is happening around them
Given a slap every now and then to remind him of his true place. (The brother not the dog).

2nd place: Woolwich. Fucking annoying neighbor. The type to call the Council if your having a party. In a conversation you are trying to get away as soon as it starts as he's a fucking train spotter.

1st place: Chelsea, the club that sold its soul to the devil. Vile, vile club.
Never met one I would have a pint with. Stupidity would have to be contagious to explain the mind set of these cunts. Trophies won on the back of dead Ukrainian kids. Shame on the club, their fans and players. I truly despise these bastards.

They remind me of the dick who won the lottery years ago and blew it all. He's now working on the bins.

No matter who buys this plie of venom they are on a downwards trajectory . 5-10 years these fucks are a championship side with gates of 10K. If that happened to Woolwich or West Ham, that would be funny. Happening to these thick, brainwashed scum, that would be justice.
A glorious week to be a Yid topped off by Putin FC playing out of their skin but still being slapped down by a god of a player and still a Yid at heart. Small fella, big nose you may have heard of him.

My league table of hate:
3rd place: West ham. I view these as the annoying little snotty nose brother. Running round like an excited puppy, pissing in the corner and really not understanding what is happening around them
Given a slap every now and then to remind him of his true place. (The brother not the dog).

2nd place: Woolwich. Fucking annoying neighbor. The type to call the Council if your having a party. In a conversation you are trying to get away as soon as it starts as he's a fucking train spotter.

1st place: Chelsea, the club that sold its soul to the devil. Vile, vile club.
Never met one I would have a pint with. Stupidity would have to be contagious to explain the mind set of these cunts. Trophies won on the back of dead Ukrainian kids. Shame on the club, their fans and players. I truly despise these bastards.

They remind me of the dick who won the lottery years ago and blew it all. He's now working on the bins.

No matter who buys this plie of venom they are on a downwards trajectory . 5-10 years these fucks are a championship side with gates of 10K. If that happened to Woolwich or West Ham, that would be funny. Happening to these thick, brainwashed scum, that would be justice.
Our of interest, where did you grow up?
My mates who were born in Essex (West Ham / Spurs territory) absolutely hate the Spammers.

Born in Hackney, I grew up within pissing distance of the old Highbury stadium. As a result, I hate Woolwich with a passion and feel mostly cold and indifferent to Chelsea.
Our of interest, where did you grow up?
My mates who were born in Essex (West Ham / Spurs territory) absolutely hate the Spammers.

Born in Hackney, I grew up within pissing distance of the old Highbury stadium. As a result, I hate Woolwich with a passion and feel mostly cold and indifferent to Chelsea.
I live 15 miles SW of London in a big Chelsea/Spurs area and agree with the poster, Chelsea are pure hatred #1

No-one really supported Goons growing up
Our of interest, where did you grow up?
My mates who were born in Essex (West Ham / Spurs territory) absolutely hate the Spammers.

Born in Hackney, I grew up within pissing distance of the old Highbury stadium. As a result, I hate Woolwich with a passion and feel mostly cold and indifferent to Chelsea.

I get the sense that a number of things have combined to make Chelsea the most hated team, regardless of history, where you grew up etc, even when they weren't necessarily so earlier. Being the original moneybags team to ruin the game, their fans' (increasing?) racist behaviour, continued support of RA in these times, and the 2015-16 season combines for a lot of animosity. No matter how you felt about Woolwich or Spam compared to the chavs previously. Not for everyone, but a fair few imo. Myself included.

20 or 30 years ago you wouldn't have thought that possible, but there you go, it's happened.
I live 15 miles SW of London in a big Chelsea/Spurs area and agree with the poster, Chelsea are pure hatred #1

No-one really supported Goons growing up
To my point, a lot is dependent on geography and timing.
I came of age when Chelsea were shit in an area where no-one cared about them.

I think they’re always going to be second rate in my eyes — supported by Chavs from Acton and, now, a bunch of Twitter clowns from West Africa — none of whom I’ll interact with meaningfully.

North London Spurs fans are always going to hate Woolwich more. East Londoners probably the Spammers.
To my point, a lot is dependent on geography and timing.
I came of age when Chelsea were shit in an area where no-one cared about them.

I think they’re always going to be second rate in my eyes — supported by Chavs from Acton and, now, a bunch of Twitter clowns from West Africa — none of whom I’ll interact with meaningfully.

North London Spurs fans are always going to hate Woolwich more. East Londoners probably the Spammers.

Q. Do you undertand that much of the hatred for Chavski is irrespective of how good they are and how much Spurs do or don't consider them rivals?
Q. Do you undertand that much of the hatred for Chavski is irrespective of how good they are and how much Spurs do or don't consider them rivals?
I think I’ve been pretty clear on how I feel.

Obviously, it’s subjective. I can understand how other fans might hate Chelsea more than I do. I can understand how some might actually like Madrid — I know a couple that do. You’re entitled to your feelings and me to mine.
I think I’ve been pretty clear on how I feel.

Obviously, it’s subjective. I can understand how other fans might hate Chelsea more than I do. I can understand how some might actually like Madrid — I know a couple that do. You’re entitled to your feelings and me to mine.

What I'm alluding to is that whilst you're taking exception to RM on the basis of off-field matters; at the same time you appear to be only evaluating Chelsea in terms of football rivalry and locality to Tottenham.

Doesn't quite add up.
To my point, a lot is dependent on geography and timing.
I came of age when Chelsea were shit in an area where no-one cared about them.

I think they’re always going to be second rate in my eyes — supported by Chavs from Acton and, now, a bunch of Twitter clowns from West Africa — none of whom I’ll interact with meaningfully.

North London Spurs fans are always going to hate Woolwich more. East Londoners probably the Spammers.
They were shit when I was at school but that started to change as I hit mid teens…. They still had a nasty undercurrent of racist, Jew hating fans in the late 90’s, just as I started to to venture into pubs and play mens football so it all came to a head. Generally older lads who were 15 years my senior and whom were about/active in the 80’s.

They absolutely despise/despised Spurs and get some good kickings along the way
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