Come here to laugh at West Spam

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So what's the overall list of problems so far.

- seats miles from pitch creating shit atmosphere
- transport links mean it takes ages to get in and out
- open stadium and leaky roof that will be a nightmare come winter
- terrible looking stadium in 'football mode' with duvet looking thing at the back, trampoline in the middle and scaffolding at the front
- stadium designed as all fan place for Olympics so no division either inside or outside between home and away support making dangerous situations inevitable
- own goal by Brady and Dildo's as they didn't create clear separation between family and hardcore fans leading to fights
- dumped Upton Park stewards who understood and loved West Ham and replaced them with a combination of boys and bouncers who don't give a shit, one apparently celebrating Watford scoring
- failed to bring along traditional businesses so Pie and Mash is now popcorn and beer is now wine
- police can't come in as no comms system for them
- previously banned fans back in as they apparently did no back ground checks on the new seasons tickets as they desperately tried to flog them
- tickets sold so cheap half the stadium is full of day trippiers and even rival fans looking for a cheap thrill

Other than that it's all good

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So what's the overall list of problems so far.

- seats miles from or creating shit atmosphere
- transport links mean it takes ages to get n and out
- open stadium and leaky roof that will be a nightmare come winter
- terrible looking stadium in 'football mode' with duvet looking thing at the back, trampoline in the middle and scaffolding at the front
- stadium designed as all fan place for Olympics so no division either inside or outside between home and away support making dangerous situations inevitable
- own goal by Brady and Dildo's as they didn't create clear separation between family and hardcore fans leading to fights
- dumped Upton Park stewards who understood and loved West Ham and replaced them with a combination of boys and bouncers who don't give a shit, one apparently celebrating Watford scoring
- failed to bring along traditional businesses so Pie and Mash is now popcorn and beer is now wine
- police can't come in as no comms system for them
- previously banned fans back in as they apparently did no back ground checks on the new seasons tickets as they desperately tried to flog them
- tickets sold so cheap half the stadium is full of day trippiers and even rival fans looks for a cheap thrill

Other than that it's all good

That is some list. The funny thing is, anyone who has watched football Would have been able to foresee nearly all of the issues on that list. It's a cauldron of shit waiting to bubble over properly.
Like I said they never thought about the Police/Security when too busy getting their grubby hands on freeness.
Even when they were told the radio system was a problem for Police.
You pay peanuts you get monkeys.
Heard they are also investigating the transfer of Masuaku as they over paid £1m to an undeclared party. £6m they paid the cunts.
What about Calleri, how did they get around the third party ownership? Thy never bought it outright, like Juve did with Zaza, so can you now loan players who are third party owned? I thought it was banned.
They also paid £4m to loan Calleri. Who got that money?
Out of interest what was their original stadium deal the one that collapsed ?

Spammers are always harking about the original deal was for them to buy it and Levy stopped it thus being Tottenhams fault the tax payer got ripped off , which sounds partially right but is also confusing because Piggy was constantly harping on about "legacy" and "a truly world class multi purpose stadium" surely they weren't going to actually buy a stadium with a running track and have to spend nearly 300 million on it to convert it and how could they have owned it but have the athletics world dictating they had to have athletics championships ?
London Stadium. The Club London lounge. The logical next step will be for Brady to shutter West Ham United and rebrand as London F.C.

Those fuckers are unfuckingbelievable. "London Stadium" what a fucking joke, and all because they can't find a corporate sponsor.
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Now they are upset that stye have no influence in the stewarding.
If they want their own stewards that were at Spam, then pay for them. If you want Police, pay the bill.
Why should others foot your security bill when you have already milked the public purse.
How can you get disappointed about that when you knew the details of the security when you put pen to paper?
There was a solution, buy your own gaff then you wouldn't have to rely on Landlords to sort it out.
utter wankers.
Porn is about right. You can't fuck that up.
Out of interest what was their original stadium deal the one that collapsed ?

Spammers are always harking about the original deal was for them to buy it and Levy stopped it thus being Tottenhams fault the tax payer got ripped off , which sounds partially right but is also confusing because Piggy was constantly harping on about "legacy" and "a truly world class multi purpose stadium" surely they weren't going to actually buy a stadium with a running track and have to spend nearly 300 million on it to convert it and how could they have owned it but have the athletics world dictating they had to have athletics championships ?

The original deal was when the icelandics were there. They wanted to move in but were told that the stadium would be reduced to a 25k and keep a running track. They backed out and got planning permission to build a new stadium near West Ham station.

How did Levy stop them from buying it? Even if they could have what would have been the point, they could have built their own ground for £600m

They took over in 2010.
It went to bids and our bid to demolish it build a football stadium and build them an athletics stadium, a home for athletics that would be filled once in 40 yrs as the legacy.
At no expense to the taxpayer!
Their bid was to keep the 'iconic' stadium and running track as a legacy.
So, as I said, pay peanuts get monkeys.

Edit: It's a public stadium, paid for with taxpayers money that they paid a pittance towards getting converted with another £300m of taxpayers money.
That is the be all and end all.
It's not their stadium. I cant smash walls down or change anything in my gaff. I rent. I have to get permission to change a tap.
They rent. It's like me complaining about the shoddy work of my landlord.
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Now they are upset that stye have no influence in the stewarding.
If they want their own stewards that were at Spam, then pay for them. If you want Police, pay the bill.
Why should others foot your security bill when you have already milked the public purse.
How can you get disappointed about that when you knew the details of the security when you put pen to paper?
There was a solution, buy your own gaff then you wouldn't have to rely on Landlords to sort it out.
utter wankers.
Porn is about right. You can't fuck that up.

I like how their solution to the security problem was to send their concerns to the landlord. Anyone who was ever a tenant knows that landlords usually go the extra mile to sort out issues for their tenants! HAHAHA It is pretty clear that this group LSwhatever have no idea how to properly police a football match, so even if they tried to fix the problem they don't know how. All they did was issue this statement to try to absolve themselves of blame when the inevitable shit hits the fan.
The original deal was when the icelandics were there. They wanted to move in but were told that the stadium would be reduced to a 25k and keep a running track. They backed out and got planning permission to build a new stadium near West Ham station.

How did Levy stop them from buying it? Even if they could have what would have been the point, they could have built their own ground for £600m

They took over in 2010.
It went to bids and our bid to demolish it and build a football stadium and build an athletics stadium, a home for athletics that would be filled once in 40 yrs as the legacy.
Their bid was to keep the 'iconic' stadium and running track as a legacy.
So, as I said, pay peanuts get monkeys.

I don't know but I do remember Hearn and Levy taking legal action and the deal collapsing because of a loan from the council that was against EU Regs , it had nothing to do with the biscuit barrels because it was Brady and Co that clinched the deal.
Now they are upset that stye have no influence in the stewarding.
If they want their own stewards that were at Spam, then pay for them. If you want Police, pay the bill.
Why should others foot your security bill when you have already milked the public purse.
How can you get disappointed about that when you knew the details of the security when you put pen to paper?
There was a solution, buy your own gaff then you wouldn't have to rely on Landlords to sort it out.
utter wankers.
Porn is about right. You can't fuck that up.
Their bare arsed cheek is laughable - that's for sure. We want a stadium built with the tax payers money, we don't want to pay for stewarding, policing or equipment for the authorities to do their job properly, & we will blame everything that goes wrong on the landlords. They should bloody well know what's needed to host football matches safely. They should have sorted all this out before they got the keys to the place. I'm certain that the landlords would not have objected to Spam supplementing the stewards & police with greater numbers. I think the real problem is that Spam don't want to pay for anything & the landlords had no idea what a sack of shit they were getting as tenants.
I like how their solution to the security problem was to send their concerns to the landlord. Anyone who was ever a tenant knows that landlords usually go the extra mile to sort out issues for their tenants!
Meh, I've never had much problem in either department.

I doubt the Baroness has ever bothered to pull a toilet up and run a snake down the pipe, though.
I don't know but I do remember Hearn and Levy taking legal action and the deal collapsing because of a loan from the council that was against EU Regs , it had nothing to do with the biscuit barrels because it was Brady and Co that clinched the deal.
Well there was no original deal then.
Levy complained because he thought the bidding process was unfair and Hearn did also.
The fact is that it wasn't council owned like the Eithad. It's a taxpayer stadium so Newham should have had no influence at all.
The fact that Spam is is Newham means fuck all unless Newham council paid for the stadium.
Newham loaned money to them which is nothing like Manchester council putting half the money in for a £50m conversion of a stadium they own.
That's where it comes in as financial aid.

Fact is they could not afford to buy it , convert it or even build a new stadium.
They would have built their own ground if so or put in a bid similar to ours.
London Stadium. The Club London lounge. The logical next step will be for Brady to shutter West Ham United and rebrand as London F.C.

Those fuckers are unfuckingbelievable. "London Stadium" what a fucking joke, and all because they can't find a corporate sponsor.
The stadium owners get 50% of any sponsorship over 4 million a year. They also get 100% on anything under 4 million a year. :roflmao:

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