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81 days until this...


No matter what happens, things will be kicking off one way or another (even if it's mainly Woolwich fans getting a kicking).

Regarding that post from KUMB and fan segregation on way in and out of ground. That is exactly how things kicked off against Bournemouth. Most if not all the Bournemouth fans looked like regular families or minding their own business and spammers were jumping them.

They are all heading back to the same station it's a logistical nightmare. Can you imagine the number of police it would take to stop a riot after we predictably stuff them at their track and field stadium? Can just picture yids and spammers walking hand in hand back home and having a good laugh about it ....
81 days until this...


No matter what happens, things will be kicking off one way or another (even if it's mainly Woolwich fans getting a kicking).

I think they have Stoke before then. Have always had a "rowdy" away following. If I was to have a bet, I think it's going to kick off big time way before the Gooners go there.

A quick question about the leaking roof (hahahaha ). Has the stadium hosted anything in bleak mid winter& if so, were there any complaints about being exposed to the elements? Cos if they are moaning about an Autumn shower with an air temperature of 22 degrees, they are gonna be proper fucked mid winter when it's blowing a gale & pissing down as only it can in England . I have visions of loads of them sat there like Jack Nicholson at the end of the Shining & it amuses me greatly.
No way will it be sorted IMO.

First, that statement passes all the responsibility to the operators. Second, the solution that I have heard all day and now reading their statement is they need more stewards and more Police. This I like, because it just means more of them will be slung out, more of them arrested and more of them banned. This is going to get far worse, it's just the beginning.

The main issue that I can gather has been the offer of a 2 for 1 ST (probably a bad description) but they were so desperate to sell ST's that a 2nd ST was offered if you bring a mate (or something like that), which has meant a lot of those who are on life bans are now back in the stadium under the "other" ticket. The other issue is the allocation of tickets to people who want to sit have been placed to those behind those that want to stand LOL!

"The Club is working hard to move likeminded supporters into areas to enhance their match day experience. This process commenced ahead of the Watford game and has already proved successful in key areas. The Club will continue prioritising this approach around the stadium".

Even with the eyes of the country on them they still spinning lies, how they can call what they did "successful" following Saturday is truly fucking staggering. Anyway, this will take ages. probably will never be fixed as those that bought ST's on a whim will not go back, or will certainly not take their kids with them, which means seats will be empty. For the "family" people who bought their ST's I wonder if they can sue or get their money back if they don't like it? Those that want to stand and escape being slung out, banned or nicked will still hate everything about it, only now it will be with a few thousand empty seats surrounding them.

The fact that 3/4 of the stadium emptied with 20mins to go shows there are no solid foundations within the bullshit fanbase. More enjoyment for us all will follow on a weekly basis, of that I am in no doubt.
There were lots of empties in both main stands and at the lower and upper tiers behind the left goal at Watford game
Many are asking for the owners to re-buy Upton Park as it hasn't been knocked down as yet.

More and more are turning on Brady by the day, she is hated. It all depends on how thick her skin is as to whether she will win or not.
She has already backed down by saying the life bans will only be season long bans now..

What is happening is beyond beautiful and long may it continue..

Also didn't the Baroness say 'no' to safe standing in the stadium as she didn't like being made to stand on her piggy feet in her childhood?

Now one of the Dildo's has come out as saying he has been in discussion with himself about trying to get safe standing implemented?
Sullivan now demanding police presence without chipping in for it.
They didn't seem to fussed about the security/police arrangement when signing the contract.
It's Di Vinci's stadium now and LS problem now.
If it's not 'your' responsibility then stop calling it 'your' stadium.

You'd have thought after the many incidents they have had, even after their party was spoilt with the Man u incident - when Sullivan condoned the fans behaviour then backtracked and apologised - they would have been a little concerned about the security arrangements.
They all visited the stadium on many times. The brady bunch and simple jack couldn't stop telling us how great the place was, but they all failed to see the problems with the communal away end.
From KUMB this could be a lovely day out...

"They are going to have to modify the Premier League computer's fixture scheduler next year to take into account us not playing at home the same time as Woolwich.

It was only Watford but many of them coming in from Euston came via Highbury and Islington. After the match there were some verbals between Watford and Woolwich fans, but clearly a flashpoint when any of the Northern clubs come to play us. 22nd October could be interesting - we're at home to Sunderland the same time that Woolwich are at home to Middlesbrough!

They will both get moved but the fixture list has Woolwich at home to Man Utd the same time that we are home to Spurs!"

A club statement read: “Whilst West Ham United do not hold the safety certificate or control the security at the stadium, the club is doing everything possible within its jurisdiction to help provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all supporters.”
And how's that going?
I must say, I've been genuinely surprised at how quickly this has gone tits up for them. I thought it would be a slow rot, with Hammers fans living in denial continuing to "brag" about the OS, even as more and more start to laugh at them and it becomes obvious that the stadium move has been a failure.

I had no idea that it would be THIS bad.
Also didn't the Baroness say 'no' to safe standing in the stadium as she didn't like being made to stand on her piggy feet in her childhood?

Now one of the Dildo's has come out as saying he has been in discussion with himself about trying to get safe standing implemented?

Indeed she did. There are so many logistical nightmares involved in bringing safe standing to that stadium. I can't see it unless West Ham fork out as no one else is willing to pay any more to that shite stadium.
A club statement read: “Whilst West Ham United do not hold the safety certificate or control the security at the stadium, the club is doing everything possible within its jurisdiction to help provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all supporters.”
And how's that going?
Are they fuck. They have gone into this completely blinded by getting something for nothing. They should put their hands in their pockets & pay for adequate facilities for the stewards & the police. No working radio system in the ground? What a shambles.
They need to clamp down on all of this aggro before someone does get hurt & football's name is dragged through the mud again.

It really does come across that they are washing their hands of any responsibility & saying it's the landlords responsibility. That may well be true to a degree, but does the average tenant call the landlord to replace a light bulb? No, the tenant fixes it or lives in the dark. Is the landlord obliged to provide the tenant with a tv? Same here. Why should the landlords put in a radio system for the police? Fucking hell. It would cost a few grand but they have bundles of money-or do they?

Edit-just a thought. I don't think they will retain the safety certificate if there are no police in the ground. That will completely fuck them
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