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thats 19 more than it takes to stop a crowd of seething gooners....


hands up if you didnt think that gif was coming?

Tarquin was not amused!

Chipped one of his nails!
Boooooo, looks like they are trying to sort out the issues..

Still, once that is sorted they have plenty others to address. ie; getting wet when it rains, waiting 4 hours for a train, oh and the pitch will still be miles from the stands..

Club Statement | West Ham United
They have some brass neck. Ordering Vinici to improve things and yet I doubt they are contributing much if any additional money. Absolutely disgusting that they are throwing this at the Stadium operators when it is THEIR customers and stadium users who are causing the problems.

Imagine sticking 100 pissed up idiots on a general every day train. Watching the pissed up idiots wreck the train and then insist the train company paid for more guards so the wankers did less damage. It's the same thing !
Boooooo, looks like they are trying to sort out the issues..

Still, once that is sorted they have plenty others to address. ie; getting wet when it rains, waiting 4 hours for a train, oh and the pitch will still be miles from the stands..

Club Statement | West Ham United
No way will it be sorted IMO.

First, that statement passes all the responsibility to the operators. Second, the solution that I have heard all day and now reading their statement is they need more stewards and more Police. This I like, because it just means more of them will be slung out, more of them arrested and more of them banned. This is going to get far worse, it's just the beginning.

The main issue that I can gather has been the offer of a 2 for 1 ST (probably a bad description) but they were so desperate to sell ST's that a 2nd ST was offered if you bring a mate (or something like that), which has meant a lot of those who are on life bans are now back in the stadium under the "other" ticket. The other issue is the allocation of tickets to people who want to sit have been placed to those behind those that want to stand LOL!

"The Club is working hard to move likeminded supporters into areas to enhance their match day experience. This process commenced ahead of the Watford game and has already proved successful in key areas. The Club will continue prioritising this approach around the stadium".

Even with the eyes of the country on them they still spinning lies, how they can call what they did "successful" following Saturday is truly fucking staggering. Anyway, this will take ages. probably will never be fixed as those that bought ST's on a whim will not go back, or will certainly not take their kids with them, which means seats will be empty. For the "family" people who bought their ST's I wonder if they can sue or get their money back if they don't like it? Those that want to stand and escape being slung out, banned or nicked will still hate everything about it, only now it will be with a few thousand empty seats surrounding them.

The fact that 3/4 of the stadium emptied with 20mins to go shows there are no solid foundations within the bullshit fanbase. More enjoyment for us all will follow on a weekly basis, of that I am in no doubt.
No way will it be sorted IMO.

First, that statement passes all the responsibility to the operators. Second, the solution that I have heard all day and now reading their statement is they need more stewards and more Police. This I like, because it just means more of them will be slung out, more of them arrested and more of them banned. This is going to get far worse, it's just the beginning.

The main issue that I can gather has been the offer of a 2 for 1 ST (probably a bad description) but they were so desperate to sell ST's that a 2nd ST was offered if you bring a mate (or something like that), which has meant a lot of those who are on life bans are now back in the stadium under the "other" ticket. The other issue is the allocation of tickets to people who want to sit have been placed to those behind those that want to stand LOL!

"The Club is working hard to move likeminded supporters into areas to enhance their match day experience. This process commenced ahead of the Watford game and has already proved successful in key areas. The Club will continue prioritising this approach around the stadium".

Even with the eyes of the country on them they still spinning lies, how they can call what they did "successful" following Saturday is truly fucking staggering. Anyway, this will take ages. probably will never be fixed as those that bought ST's on a whim will not go back, or will certainly not take their kids with them, which means seats will be empty. For the "family" people who bought their ST's I wonder if they can sue or get their money back if they don't like it? Those that want to stand and escape being slung out, banned or nicked will still hate everything about it, only now it will be with a few thousand empty seats surrounding them.

The fact that 3/4 of the stadium emptied with 20mins to go shows there are no solid foundations within the bullshit fanbase. More enjoyment for us all will follow on a weekly basis, of that I am in no doubt.

One of the most interesting comments on Kumb was one fan saying 'I only think we have 30,000 real fans'.

The new stadium is far to big for them and sold at insanely low prices has attracted day trippers and football tourists who don't want to stand or sing.

Brady will kick out the 'hooligans' for standing, singing and what not and they will be left will an Arsenalificated fan base devoid of passion.

It's the inevitable conclusion of getting a stadium that has no soul or passion in any football sense. All the violence and drama is nothing more than the traditional fan base breathing their last breath.
This is the sort of feeling I was hoping for.....

What do you think of that Greavsie??? :kaneear:

As i said a few weeks ago in my eyes the club is dead, and in many more peoples eyes it is dying. Its a ****ing shame but Brady has finally got what she wanted get rid of the "ruffians" and get in the city boys and tourists sanitise the club to death and make it a lovely profitable franchise.

I know a lot of the old boys that have given up their ticket like me and they will be followed by many more, as some of you have said, it will kick off very badly over there very soon and then the **** will really hit the fan.

Its bad planning to the extreme to think that the more volatile in our crowd will suddenly become pacifists because you have given them a shiny new athletics stadium, i will do a few aways this year but thats it , the bastards have won.

As an aside the issue i see more than segregation in the ground (although that needs dealing with) is walking back out when both sets of fans are trying to get to the same place on the same route for a very long walk, it will go off big time, mark my words!! there are some long drops on the route out as well; as there are in Westfield, its a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe the idea is to get rid of any passion in our support and hope we all just throw popcorn at each other?
This is the sort of feeling I was hoping for.....

What do you think of that Greavsie??? :kaneear:

As i said a few weeks ago in my eyes the club is dead, and in many more peoples eyes it is dying. Its a ****ing shame but Brady has finally got what she wanted get rid of the "ruffians" and get in the city boys and tourists sanitise the club to death and make it a lovely profitable franchise.

I know a lot of the old boys that have given up their ticket like me and they will be followed by many more, as some of you have said, it will kick off very badly over there very soon and then the **** will really hit the fan.

Its bad planning to the extreme to think that the more volatile in our crowd will suddenly become pacifists because you have given them a shiny new athletics stadium, i will do a few aways this year but thats it , the bastards have won.

As an aside the issue i see more than segregation in the ground (although that needs dealing with) is walking back out when both sets of fans are trying to get to the same place on the same route for a very long walk, it will go off big time, mark my words!! there are some long drops on the route out as well; as there are in Westfield, its a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe the idea is to get rid of any passion in our support and hope we all just throw popcorn at each other?

Long term Brady will win. As games go by more and more Hammers fans will get banned for standing, fighting, farting whatever and many of the rest will go because they can't take it no more.

Another comment on Kumb was one forum
Member speaking with a senior security official and being told the culture of West Ham fans needs to change and will do over time, he could have been lying but if true it suggests this is far from an accident.

Over time the hardcore element will be removed and West Ham will be a corporate fan base watching football via their IPhones or binoculars.

I think I was probably the most pessimistic on this board regarding the move, I thought it would be their outright death but even I have been taken back by the mess of it all. Upton Park is gone and they have a 99 year lease in a ground totally unsuitable for football and a permanent security nightmare run by the idiot dildo brothers. Irrelevant of football results they are totally fucked, I don't see a way out for them other than rebuilding the stadium or moving/building a new stadium.
Well Woolwich have got the dead bowl Emirates, West Ham have got the OS, question is where can we move Chelsea, Twickenham perhaps.

Long term Brady will win. As games go by more and more Hammers fans will get banned for standing, fighting, farting whatever and many of the rest will go because they can't take it no more.

Another comment on Kumb was one forum
Member speaking with a senior security official and being told the culture of West Ham fans needs to change and will do over time, he could have been lying but if true it suggests this is far from an accident.

Over time the hardcore element will be removed and West Ham will be a corporate fan base watching football via their IPhones or binoculars.

I think I was probably the most pessimistic on this board regarding the move, I thought it would be their outright death but even I have been taken back by the mess of it all. Upton Park is gone and they have a 99 year lease in a ground totally unsuitable for football and a permanent security nightmare run by the idiot dildo brothers. Irrelevant of football results they are totally fucked, I don't see a way out for them other than rebuilding the stadium or moving/building a new stadium.

Many are asking for the owners to re-buy Upton Park as it hasn't been knocked down as yet.

More and more are turning on Brady by the day, she is hated. It all depends on how thick her skin is as to whether she will win or not.
She has already backed down by saying the life bans will only be season long bans now..

What is happening is beyond beautiful and long may it continue..
Penny is really dropping SouthStand Billy SouthStand Billy , another Kumb post below. What amazes me is that we talked about all or most of the issues prior to this, it's not hindsight on most things, how did their fans/owners miss it?

''As i said a few weeks ago in my eyes the club is dead, and in many more peoples eyes it is dying. Its a ****ing shame but Brady has finally got what she wanted get rid of the "ruffians" and get in the city boys and tourists sanitise the club to death and make it a lovely profitable franchise.

I know a lot of the old boys that have given up their ticket like me and they will be followed by many more, as some of you have said, it will kick off very badly over there very soon and then the **** will really hit the fan.

Its bad planning to the extreme to think that the more volatile in our crowd will suddenly become pacifists because you have given them a shiny new athletics stadium, i will do a few aways this year but thats it , the bastards have won.

As an aside the issue i see more than segregation in the ground (although that needs dealing with) is walking back out when both sets of fans are trying to get to the same place on the same route for a very long walk, it will go off big time, mark my words!! there are some long drops on the route out as well; as there are in Westfield, its a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe the idea is to get rid of any passion in our support and hope we all just throw popcorn at each other?''
Penny is really dropping SouthStand Billy SouthStand Billy , another Kumb post below. What amazes me is that we talked about all or most of the issues prior to this, it's not hindsight on most things, how did their fans/owners miss it?

''As i said a few weeks ago in my eyes the club is dead, and in many more peoples eyes it is dying. Its a ****ing shame but Brady has finally got what she wanted get rid of the "ruffians" and get in the city boys and tourists sanitise the club to death and make it a lovely profitable franchise.

I know a lot of the old boys that have given up their ticket like me and they will be followed by many more, as some of you have said, it will kick off very badly over there very soon and then the **** will really hit the fan.

Its bad planning to the extreme to think that the more volatile in our crowd will suddenly become pacifists because you have given them a shiny new athletics stadium, i will do a few aways this year but thats it , the bastards have won.

As an aside the issue i see more than segregation in the ground (although that needs dealing with) is walking back out when both sets of fans are trying to get to the same place on the same route for a very long walk, it will go off big time, mark my words!! there are some long drops on the route out as well; as there are in Westfield, its a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe the idea is to get rid of any passion in our support and hope we all just throw popcorn at each other?''

That's the post I quoted a few posts up this page but it's so good it's worth quoting twice..

But totally agree with you...:adethumbup:
Latest is that Wee-man from Jackass's son is trying to get their landlord licensed stewards fired for being inept.

Their own fans are spitting on their directors as they try to quaff candyfloss and the stewards are busy watching youtube or something. I like to think its the stewards doing the spitting.
The one plus point they had was bottle lids were allowed inside. And now thats under an (unqualified and confused) stewards enquiry.

God/Allah/Elephant dude/Bhudda/Mormon guys please/please/please/please/please/ draw Millwall away at West Ham in the FA Cup....I want to see.
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