Come here to laugh at West Spam

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I'm pretty sure there is a clause in the contract that says they can't sell their ownership for ten years unless any profit is given back to the tax payers.

Apparently the way they've set the loans up they could sell the club and reap the interest payments and the loans would offset any listed profit so the OLC would get sod all and they'd rake it in
Apparently the way they've set the loans up they could sell the club and reap the interest payments and the loans would offset any listed profit so the OLC would get sod all and they'd rake it in
Yes. You are correct. They are cunts, but they are not stupid cunts. They have set it up to rob West Ham blind
I'll just leave this here, shall I...?

I'm not one to condone this sorta thing... but you know, just sometimes, when Neanderthals just need to sort it out between themselves, there really is nothing you can do except look on and marvel...

Happy Monday everyone!

That second clip is from the other week during their european game, think he was an away fan.
When I said if they leave Upton Park it would come to this... they all laughed at me...
Well they're not laughing now!

N.Farage, 2016...
class a) cunt but who called it right!
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I'm pretty sure there is a clause in the contract that says they can't sell their ownership for ten years unless any profit is given back to the tax payers.
I believe it's if they sell within 10 yrs or for moe than ยฃ1255m they ave to pay a sum, which would be very affordable.
In the disclosed papers it was revealed that debts can be offset against any sale.
They could make ยฃ31m without paying back a penny.
Shareholders, and he is the main one Sullivan, will have to repay a percentage if the sale is more than ยฃ125m or sale is within the next 10 yrs.
With debt of ยฃ91m in the most recent accounts, it effectively means the sale price would need to be far higher to trigger a taxpayer return.
If they sold now for ยฃ215m the taxpayer would not earn a penny, and Gold and Sullivan would pocket ยฃ165m, a ยฃ31m profit on their original investment.
Were Sullivan and Gold to sell in a ยฃ300m deal, they would take ยฃ231m, representing a ยฃ97m profit. Less than ยฃ9m โ€“ ยฃ1.5m short of what they paid for Payet last summer โ€“ would flow back to the taxpayer.
From a ยฃ350m sale, Sullivan and Gold would take ยฃ265m โ€“ a profit of ยฃ131m โ€“ while the public purse would receive ยฃ19m.
It's all in their favour despite their cries otherwise.
Love some of the debates on KUMB, here they are discussing a pitch invasion.

hammers92 wrote: pitch Invasion?

We would be to knackered to protest by the time we got to the pitch!

Col Hammer

Posts: 144
Joined: Sun May 20, 2012 4:33
Is anyone planning on going to Spammers away? I would seriously be concerned if bringing a child. Security the first few matches has been a joke. If it was to really kick off the security would have no way of controlling anything.

I hope they draw MIllwall in the cup and bedlam ensues
We don't play there until May next year (cup draws aside), I'm sure it will have come to a head one way or another by then.

Doesn't Boro have a bit of a reputation for some aggro? Trying to figure when things are going to kick off big time. Lucky for them (and us) Two biggest fixtures for concern (Chelski and us) are a far way off. Like I said hoping they draw Millwall or Leeds in a cup and things come to a head.
Is anyone planning on going to Spammers away? I would seriously be concerned if bringing a child. Security the first few matches has been a joke. If it was to really kick off the security would have no way of controlling anything.

I hope they draw MIllwall in the cup and bedlam ensues
It will be utter chaos. The owners are living in the clouds. There is virtually no segregation. Inside the stadium fans have been able to mix. They want West Ham to be a family club and for it to be like going to the theater but they still do have some 'proper' fans turning up.
However they are lucky they don't have any risk games for a while. Although I can see Boro in a few weeks getting nasty. If it can kick off against Bournemouth and Watford there is something seriously wrong going on.

This was my favourite part from that thread:

"Went to Upton Park after the game yesterday.
Chatted to a few people in businesses on Green Street, popped in the Boleyn, and along Barking Road.
The place is empty. The businesses are really missing the football punters.
Seems like a different planet to that fantastic night in May."

West Ham party turns sour as Manchester United bus attacked

Doesn't Boro have a bit of a reputation for some aggro?

I'd be angry all the time if I was from the North East.

They have the goons in December and United in January and both of them will bring numbers, if nothing else. If it is going to go nuclear it will be well before we are there.
It will be utter chaos. The owners are living in the clouds. There is virtually no segregation. Inside the stadium fans have been able to mix. They want West Ham to be a family club and for it to be like going to the theater but they still do have some 'proper' fans turning up.
However they are lucky they don't have any risk games for a while. Although I can see Boro in a few weeks getting nasty. If it can kick off against Bournemouth and Watford there is something seriously wrong going on.

Yes exactly what I was thinking when watching on telly. The line of stewards didn't even go all the way up to the top of the stand. If some of them knobs really wanted to make a go at the away supporters there is no way that skinny line of 20 odd stewards is going to do a fucking thing to stop them.
I'll just leave this here, shall I...?

I'm not one to condone this sorta thing... but you know, just sometimes, when Neanderthals just need to sort it out between themselves, there really is nothing you can do except look on and marvel...

Happy Monday everyone!

What about the brave cunt punching the guy being held by stewards?

Well hard!
Is anyone planning on going to Spammers away? I would seriously be concerned if bringing a child. Security the first few matches has been a joke. If it was to really kick off the security would have no way of controlling anything.

I hope they draw MIllwall in the cup and bedlam ensues

What and miss the freak show??? damn right I am, wouldn't miss it for the world.

There will be a marked improvement on security by then plus there will be the biggest police presence since the poll tax riots.

It will all be addressed before any of the major threats will pay them a visit..
They are lucky that all they've had is Bournemouth and Watford so far. Stoke and Boro will be a different proposition though, if nothing is sorted by then there will be major problems. Boro will bring plenty as it's a newish experience for them and Stoke can be as bad as anyone on their day.
Yes exactly what I was thinking when watching on telly. The line of stewards didn't even go all the way up to the top of the stand. If some of them knobs really wanted to make a go at the away supporters there is no way that skinny line of 20 odd stewards is going to do a fucking thing to stop them.

thats 19 more than it takes to stop a crowd of seething gooners....


hands up if you didnt think that gif was coming?
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