Danny Rose

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Simplest explanation is usually the truth.

I find that his mouthing to press to be either a)him trying to force a move or b) being completely misunderstood by us prolesashim trying to force a move considerably more believable than it all being club sanctioned to soften said proles up. Especially when said theory is suggested by Mr "not one brick, bet levy is paying for archway appeals". Who seems to have an irrational need to criticise levy over anything and everything. Who clearly wasn't around during the sugar years...Cos then he would know what having a cunt of an owner is actually like.

The infuriating thing is you don't even need to be old school to gain a rational view of things.... Countless examples of chairmen fucking clubs over in recent years if one genuinely seeks perspective.
I just put it forward as a theory.
If I had said last year that by Xmas we would have sold Walker to one rival and looking to sell Rose to another, you would have used your not one brick argument and accused me of having an anti Levy agenda for making such a monstrous prediction.
So, the simplest explanation isnt always the truth, is it
other than in your head, do you have a shred of evidence that the club is actively seeking to sell him?

Just cos players that are trying to force a move get sold (walker asked for a move in the middle of a title chase, for fucks sake..being disruptive doesnt always mean being late for training) it dont mean that was the plan, its called making the best of a bad lot

and i said "usually the truth"..not always the truth.
anyway, were you around during the Sugar years?
Yes I was. Considering he inherited a near bankrupt club from Scholar he didnt really handle things too badly. After all, this was before the insane billions starting drenching the Premier League through tv rights and the global phenomenon it has since become.
Yes I was. Considering he inherited a near bankrupt club from Scholar he didnt really handle things too badly. After all, this was before the insane billions starting drenching the Premier League through tv rights and the global phenomenon it has since become.
the man that threw the shirt of an internationally respected star at a TV interviewer (just when the whole barriers started to fall with world renowned players coming to England), claiming he wouldn't wash his car with it, that was rumoured and alleged to have been tipping Sky on the rights sales (wonder who made sateliette dishes), who, just after signing Les Ferdinand proclaimed, very loudly and with all the class of Gold and Sullivan that he had bought a pup, who sold Sheringham to Man Utd, Ruddock to Liverpool, bought in George fucking Graham after his very incompetent appointment of Christian Gross, who thought that signing Jose Dominguez would leave us happy and who gave the impression that as lomg as we were mid table he would be happy, didnt really handle things badly?

You are right. he handled them fucking horrendously, and right at the star of English football becoming a cash cow, settled for mediocrity.

Did you know we had to rent Alan Sugar's services as chairman? We had to pay one of his other companies a fee for using him as chairman.

Levy has fucked up more than once, but the clubs trajectory under him has generally been upwards. under Sugar, it staying level was a good year

and the worst thing....i had to give my season ticket up just before he sold the club to ENIC
The deluded, tin-hat gimp hasn't a fucking clue!!!!!

You deluded troll fuck.

You abuse this entire community by coming here "just to vent" you selfish prick.
First of all. I aint no troll.
Secondly, who are you to to say I abuse the whole TFC forum just because you find some of my views not agreeable.
You may speak for a few, but certainly not everyone.
You have become a very agressive, intolerant poster unable to accept that others may have different opinions.
I think others are starting to see through you to.
Between his performances and the sounds coming out of his face, Rose is going to be shipped in January at this rate.

No, not really, but seriously, next summer odds on he’s gone and we bring in another LB.
Wilfried Zaha for one.


Some players choose cash over career and then others make a calculated assessment that they will have a better chance of success at a club that just happens to pay more.

I suppose the truth for us and maybe where Rose's view holds sway is that our best players whe are sought and go for very high sums have nearly all gone on to win trophies.

Of the last 5 I think 4 did, with only Keane not winning anything at Liverpool.

So, from our point of view we extract big money, sometimes reinvest wisely but yes, still fail to do the two things that might limit the excuses/options/reasons given for players to want to leave.
the man that threw the shirt of an internationally respected star at a TV interviewer (just when the whole barriers started to fall with world renowned players coming to England), claiming he wouldn't wash his car with it, that was rumoured and alleged to have been tipping Sky on the rights sales (wonder who made sateliette dishes), who, just after signing Les Ferdinand proclaimed, very loudly and with all the class of Gold and Sullivan that he had bought a pup, who sold Sheringham to Man Utd, Ruddock to Liverpool, bought in George fucking Graham after his very incompetent appointment of Christian Gross, who thought that signing Jose Dominguez would leave us happy and who gave the impression that as lomg as we were mid table he would be happy, didnt really handle things badly?

You are right. he handled them fucking horrendously, and right at the star of English football becoming a cash cow, settled for mediocrity.

Did you know we had to rent Alan Sugar's services as chairman? We had to pay one of his other companies a fee for using him as chairman.

Levy has fucked up more than once, but the clubs trajectory under him has generally been upwards. under Sugar, it staying level was a good year

and the worst thing....i had to give my season ticket up just before he sold the club to ENIC
Bravo that man. A schooling.
Bloke in front of me in the entrance queue on Wednesday night claimed that Rose has just bought a £4M house round the corner from him. Make of that what you will... and no, the guy didn't have a Manc accent!
Taking away the fact he's pissed me off monumentally. What on earth is going on with his fitness levels? I get he's not long back from injury, but it seems questionable to say the least.

I accept that he needs minutes to find form and fitness, but I've seen nothing since his return that would make me pick him over Davies today, but there ya go...
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