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Doesn't want to be a footballer any more, the fight has completely left him.

Loan him, sell him - whatever just get him the fuck out of the club.

He is symbolic of everything wrong with us at the moment.
Really wanted to see him be that kid again that burst on to the scene had a smile and played for fun ,but sadly he just doesn’t look like he’s up for it anymore and the spark has has gone ,sad for the club and sad for him , time to move on.
I can't imagine who'll pay a fee for this guy and pay his wages. Try to engineer a player+ £ swap with Everton for one of Pickford/ Richarlison/ DCL. Don't envy Paratici's job trying to shift some of these players.

As with others; wages are an obstacle, but with Dele if we can approach from the attitude that he only cos us 5m there must be some way out for him even if that's for a similarly nominal fee....

Let's be brutally honest here he's useless to anyone so much as flirting with a relegation battle so:

S'ton, Everton, Villa, Palace... That's your (very small) market, right there.
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I could see him going for £12-£15m. Someone will think they can turn him around. That sort of fee isn't out of the question. Look at Sala, KDB, both failed at Chelsea and have gone on to better things. It happens.

We just need to get the thought out of our head (well Levy's) that he is a £50m player... that's the issue, and if his ego could contemplate a team like Palace.
I could see him going for £12-£15m. Someone will think they can turn him around. That sort of fee isn't out of the question. Look at Sala, KDB, both failed at Chelsea and have gone on to better things. It happens.

We just need to get the thought out of our head (well Levy's) that he is a £50m player... that's the issue, and if his ego could contemplate a team like Palace.
Salah and KdB got hardly any games at Chelsea, Dele has been shit for seasons.
Salah and KdB got hardly any games at Chelsea, Dele has been shit for seasons.
but the point is, a flop for one team isn't necessarily a flop for another, like a top player for one isn't guaranteed to be the same at another club. So with that rationale, another club or manager might feel Dele can give them what they need. Sure he's not the player he was but starting every week for a lower team and going for £10-£15m is possible IMHO
I could see him going for £12-£15m. Someone will think they can turn him around. That sort of fee isn't out of the question. Look at Sala, KDB, both failed at Chelsea and have gone on to better things. It happens.

We just need to get the thought out of our head (well Levy's) that he is a £50m player... that's the issue, and if his ego could contemplate a team like Palace.
They barely played at the time Chelsea had Hazard, Costa, Willian, Oscar, Fabregas, Mata and they were just young kids who weren't going to displace those guys. Zero chance of Dele going on to have anywhere near the success of either of those 2, he doesn't have the pace of Salah or the vision and passing of De Bruyne.

I think he thinks he's some sort of creative, ball-playing number 10 and doesn't have enough humility or sense to realise he's nothing of the sort.
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but the point is, a flop for one team isn't necessarily a flop for another, like a top player for one isn't guaranteed to be the same at another club. So with that rationale, another club or manager might feel Dele can give them what they need. Sure he's not the player he was but starting every week for a lower team and going for £10-£15m is possible IMHO

It's a different situation completely. KDB and Salah at Chelsea were young talents struggling to break into a title-winning XI under Mourinho.

Dele has been a regular for us for 5 years and has multiple devastating hamstring injuries that have taken away all his athelticism. He's knackered. Simple as that. Was sad to watch him get outmuscled and outrun by Mura yesterday. His legs have gone.
He was fucking dog turd.

A long long post of half assed ‘analysis’ can’t change what we actually saw.
"he was fucking dog turd" isn't much of anything tbh.

unless you elaborate it just appears you want to be noticed.
but it's one of them. Last night when he lost the ball he was static. Like Lennon used to be. His mind is wired incorrectly, he gets the hump losing the ball, like a spoilt child. I think of players like Moura, Lamella and Skip. Suddenly they are off, trying to recover the ball. Totally different attitude. Don't think you can change that
And he got involved in a “ handbags” situation when we were already down to 10 men. He just doesn’t engage his brain.
Even if we give him away for basically nothing as a transfer fee--who will take him on those wages?

Fear we may be stuck with him. We can see he's championship level, which means everyone else can too.
Bite the bullet and pay him off like we should Winks and Doherty
A loan deal is probably the best way out. He'll be very hard to shift otherwise as Levy will want a sizeable fee and Dele won't take a drop in wages.

Giving people like him and Winks 6 year contracts on massive wages is one of the more stupid management decisions this club has made.
And Kane
I could see him going for £12-£15m. Someone will think they can turn him around. That sort of fee isn't out of the question. Look at Sala, KDB, both failed at Chelsea and have gone on to better things. It happens.

We just need to get the thought out of our head (well Levy's) that he is a £50m player... that's the issue, and if his ego could contemplate a team like Palace.
Palace don’t pay 100k per week, that’s the issue (plenty will pay 8 figures for him but wages are the barrier)
The flack Levy got when he paid our players much less than teams below us. He rectified that and now people complain some of our players earn too much.
I have tried to remain patient with Dele but whilst I do not go along with 'he should never play for the club again' yes it is in every ones interest he leaves. In his defence he is suffering from lack of service in the same way Kane is but he seems unable to adapt.
Palace don’t pay 100k per week, that’s the issue (plenty will pay 8 figures for him but wages are the barrier)

Can we not pay part of his wages?

If we pay 50k to supplement his wages to his new club and get even a mediocre guy like Todd Cantwell at 50k that is the same wages we are paying Alli but a massive upgrade and we have a player that could actually help us.
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