Gareth Bale

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I never changed my "no" vote and still very skeptical about this entire move.

That being said, hearing about Bale being excited to come back "home" is making me more excited, I have to say.
Haven’t changed my vote (yet) and I think it’s absolutely right to be cautious. We know what he’s all about and on his day he is a murderer of oppo defences. I don’t think we can expect the world immediately. He’s not played a whole lot of football recently because of whatever shenanigans between him, his agent, Zidane & the golf course.
But nothing will piss on my fireworks when he is holding up the shirt.
The club has shown real ambition imo however it turns out. I really hope he tears up trees again for us because he can be an absolute specimen to admire when he’s in the mood.
It's not a killjoy. No one has said he's going to be shit, it's just that no one knows if he's still at the top or if he's dropped off on account that he has barely played in 2yrs.

The sensitivity of some of you lot is just a fucking joke.
Well, can we enjoy the moment of re-signing a club legend first, a world star who has given the vast majority of our fanbase a massive boost before you chime in with your 'practicalities' and buzz kills? About as welcome as a fart in a lift right now.
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It's not a killjoy. No one has said he's going to be shit, it's just that no one knows if he's still at the top or if he's dropped off on account that he has barely played in 2yrs.

The sensitivity of some of you lot is just a fucking joke.

I don't get this bit, he has made 62 appearances for Madrid and 7 for Wales in the last 2 seasons.
The point is; what is in his game today? That's all. He's barly played for 2yrs! If he's not scoring from outside the box, then is he still able to play on the counter? (I hope so because this is our MO under Jose). The answer is we don't know. We do know that he's not the same player that left. As yo say, "there WAS more to his game". It's completly unknown what he brings today.

Why would he give the squad a lift? Last time he was playing for us he didn't bother to train with the squad on occasions, if you listen to the Defoe's interview about this the players were not impressed by this. By many accounts, his RM team mates didn't bond with him at all (apart from Modric). Just another example of the players not getting the "shot in the arm by his presence".

The lift is from the fanbase, the shot in the arm is felt by the fanbase, all thinking we are getting the same player back that left 7yrs ago.

I'm sure that if his level has dropped 25% then that means we still have a good player on our hands but the expectation of him banging in worldies as he used to for us is only going to end in tears IMO. I do hope that he feels he has something left to prove, and is motivated to show Madrid that they shouldn't have booed him and included him but, this is merely wishful thinking, as evidence suggests that he didn't really give a shit and was content playing golf whilst picking up £600kpw neto!
I'm afraid as a Spurs fan, if you're not gonna get excited by this there's no hope for you. Might as well call it a day and support the hammers.
Well, can we enjoy the moment of re-signing a club legend first, a world star who has given the vast majority of our fanbase a massive boost before you chime in with your 'practicalities' and buzz kills?
He made 13 apps for RM last season in League and CL was a sub in just under half of them (6). 26 the year before 10 of those apps a substitute. He will be playing for Wales when is 80, I think that's a given.

Just fucking ignore me then and enjoy your day.

That one is my favourite since he left, there’s a shot just after this of Ronaldo going loopy in the crowd too
I'm afraid as a Spurs fan, if you're not gonna get excited by this there's no hope for you. Might as well call it a day and support the hammers.
Ahh here we go, pulling the classic superior supporter bollocks again.

Isn't it West Ham fans that spend every season jizzing over signing players at the end of their career's? Couldn't make it up.

My main excitement is going on the new LB. A player that has a higher upside to our fortunes than a loan deal for Bale IMO a player that is erm actual becomes a proper Spurs player with a contract and everything.

Why are you even wasting your time telling me to support another club, just enjoy your day, enjoy the moment. Why can't you do that?
Someone used to say to me many years ago, 'Go to where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated.' Just imagine the difference for Bale. Hounded, booed and called names in Madrid and then getting a heroes welcome back home treatment in London. Nothing like it, I imagine.

Imagine the poetry of a full stadium for his home re-debut though. :avbshock:
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