Gary 'the ears' Lineker is a prick - discuss

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Is Gary Lineker a massive fartfaced prick

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • Super Yes

    Votes: 18 15.5%
  • Bigger yes than his ears

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • No, I love the gooners

    Votes: 12 10.3%

  • Total voters
Bunch of foaming at the mouth, red faced pricks get someone "cancelled" and then moan about "cancel culture" when someone they like is admonished for a racist remark.

Honestly, if the gooners win the league, just launch the nukes and be done with it all. Stop the world, I want to get off!

Oh, Linekar is a bit of an annoying cunt as well. I think anyone worth a few million should just keep quiet and be happy that us Poor's haven't put them up against the wall and had them shot. What sort of cunt with loads of money and an easy life wants to go on something as fucking awful as Twitter?

I think I just hate everyone.
I'm on about the hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is the BBC, and the Government in fact, encouraging the presenters to criticise politics in Qatar (rightly in the case of migrant deaths), yet cancelling the bloke for a pretty accurate comment on our absolute embarrassment of a Government.

Maybe that's what you meant, it's hard to tell sometimes!
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I find it incredible that braverman, Patel and Sunak all benefited from migration(through their parents/grandparents) into the uk could have such abhorrent policies and deny people a better life based on the lottery of birth.. who votes for these Tories…

Anyway not my country and none of my business
May not be your country but that's still a top class post.. Probably even more poignant to see it coming from someone with no cause for nationalist bias.

Well said.
Won't happen, of course, but it would be so fucking funny if the lot of 'em were sacked.

Just imagine the scrambling back from smarmy faux virtue to hard-reality:

"Pleez can I haz job back?"

"#FuckLineker yeah... okayz?"

"Come on... I...I haz billz"

I don’t see it as any different to someone benefitting from tax avoidance laws then saying we need to close tax loopholes. Then justifying it by saying things were different when they were doing it.
Don't see how those are comparable. Zahawi fled Iraq as a child in the 70s, he didn't really get a say. As far as I know Sunak and the rest were born in the UK. Bringing up their heritage seems like it's undermining their britishness. As I said before, a LOT of things have changed since then.

If these people had immigrated recently then I think your point would be valid.
Won't happen, of course, but it would be so fucking funny if the lot of 'em were sacked.

Just imagine the scrambling back from smarmy faux virtue to hard-reality:

"Pleez can I haz job back?"

"#FuckLineker yeah... okayz?"

"Come on... I...I haz billz"


It's a token gesture for Twitter likes.

If any of them came out and said they were resigning permanently, I could respect that.
I'm in that club.

Honestly, I think this forum is hundred times better than social media (I binned all that shit a long time ago). All different opinions, get called a cunt, call someone a cunt, but in the end it's not too serious. We all have anonymous names, we're not defining ourselves by the shit we post here.

The worst thing to happen to the internet was for people to put their real names and identities out there next to the shit they write. As for celebrities who made it long before any of this tech existed, they can all fuck right off.

I can't remember the last time I watched motd. I endure our games on a live stream, you want me to see it again with a dollop of gooner highlights on top? Kin hell.

Anyway, I enjoyed posting my mini rant!
Honestly, I think this forum is hundred times better than social media (I binned all that shit a long time ago). All different opinions, get called a cunt, call someone a cunt, but in the end it's not too serious. We all have anonymous names, we're not defining ourselves by the shit we post here.

The worst thing to happen to the internet was for people to put their real names and identities out there next to the shit they write. As for celebrities who made it long before any of this tech existed, they can all fuck right off.

I can't remember the last time I watched motd. I endure our games on a live stream, you want me to see it again with a dollop of gooner highlights on top? Kin hell.

Anyway, I enjoyed posting my mini rant!

You cunt!
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