Harry Kane

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All he's got to do is hand in a formal request. Just don't leave the club twisting in the wind.
Still nothing compared to the mess enic & levy have got us in to. We are average. & the Kane issue doesn’t arise if enic & levy didn’t mess up so bad.
levy does his job & kane issue doesn’t arise.
Support enic & levy all you want mate, you ain’t getting me.

I told the enic/levy lovers years ago kane would leave if we settle for scraping 4th now & then. But they wouldn’t hear of it.
They are wrong every season over these issues. So forgive me for not buying in to us challenging for the title this season.
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I still think Levy is a bald wanker and it’s his fault we are in this mess, but I also feel he’s well within his rights to keep Kane at all costs unless a seriously ridiculous offer comes in. He’s on a 3 year contract and he is irreplaceable. If City are not serious and are trying to lowball us with ridiculous 100 mil offers, then they can kindly fuck off. Kane will have to do some grovelling, but at the end of the day we will forgive and forget. I don’t want him going city.
100% this. Can’t have it both ways with Levy. Yes he’s a cunt and the clubs policy put us in this shit heap in the first place. However, he will bleed city dry if they are serious about buying Kane. So either they put up the required fee or they fuck off.
A bigger worry (& for all those who sympathise with Kane’s stance, take note) is that we sell him for £150 million and squander/ don’t fully reinvest in the team. We didn’t sell Elvis and buy the Beatles with the Bale money. Much of that fee was squandered on substandard players/wages and we really got lucky with Eriksen putting up the numbers he did until he got fed up and wanted a move. Lack of trophies is always going to be an issue for the top players.
People need to vent at someone or something and Kane has put his hand up by doing what he's done. Some fans should be a bit more concerned about the overall state of the club and where we are currently heading, and also worry about who exactly will replace Kane considering we're not attracting anything like world-class players any time soon, but some people have magic inside their heads, and also seem to think Espirito Santo arrived with a wand in his back pocket.
They do it every time. Instead of levy/enic it’s Harry, poch, Jose, mason, shit players, refs, VAR, & next up…. Santo.
Never levy or enic.
It’s very transparent. Then they double down & tell you they are the Bestest fan in the lane.
People don't seem to get that there's no re-sale value with Kane. It's not like City can get a few great years out of him and then re-coup a massive chunk of what they pay for him. If he goes there and stay's until his early to mid 30's he's not going to be worth a quarter of the price that's being flung around here.

If he was 24-25 they would have paid the money and done a deal already.
160-200m like some have suggested is a rip off for Kane.
I don’t know but I was driving late last night and listening to Talkshite (I know) but Perry Groves reckoned that for Kane they would be in the region of £20-25 million

Seems high to me but I still maintain that money isn’t the issue
That's 2 and half years wages??????

If it's anywhere near that, then there's no way he's going aks for a transfer
At the moment the clubs are miles apart on valuation. If however it gets closer Kane could reduce the Gap by putting in a transfer request and forgoing bonus and Kane's brother could agree to forgo the Agents fee. It will not happen because it is as much about money as Trophies.
Levy only part of the problem. I am praying that Paratici can solve some of the other part. It is not that since 2019 we haven’t been investing in the squad it is just that we have invested poorly.
Shame levy has no control over who invests in the squad
Bad things get said on here , didn’t you know & everyone judges others it’s a fact of life . I’m sure you’ve said worse , in fact you have on here about other posters .
Neither seem particularly bright
Some posters on here deserve it!

Don’t put all this on Harry’s brother after he was the one who appointed him

You’re just judging him by the way he looks which is wrong as was other teams fans judging Harry by the way he talks
Both wrong imv
Maybe he wants to cause resentment? Maybe he feels this would help him get his move.Who knows what goes throught these players heads?
Not a lot these days, unfortunately!

160-200m like some have suggested is a rip off for Kane.

Quality wise he's worth it, at his best. But considering he seems to pick up more and more niggles, and his ankles are suspect, I certainly wouldn't pay anything like that when you could wait one year and then get Haaland, who offers much better value for money all things considered.
Some posters on here deserve it!

Don’t put all this on Harry’s brother after he was the one who appointed him

You’re just judging him by the way he looks which is wrong as was other teams fans judging Harry by the way he talks
Both wrong imv
Classic Baz
Any person who has a motorbike in his office with skid marks , has a million photos of his only client who is only the agents as he’s his brother is clearly not the brightest person on the planet
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