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No, but if they then proceeded off the back of that windfall to win multiple trophies and become one of the most decorated clubs in the country then can you really say they aren't a "big" club..?
Theres a ton of jealousy here. City got lucky and have bought success. Fine. We all know that. But to say they aren't a big club is just being obstinate and in denial.
Think you are mistaking Jealousy for the word disgust. Be clear I do not want Spurs to win one cup under City or PSG's ownership. I don't care about football so much that it would not matter to me.
Think you are mistaking Jealousy for the word disgust. Be clear I do not want Spurs to win one cup under City or PSG's ownership. I don't care about football so much that it would not matter to me.
You can be jealous of the trophies and silverware they pick up but also disgusted at the manner with which they achieve their success.
Winning silverware at Spurs would taste even sweeter knowing we would be pipping clubs like City and Chelsea that are financially doped, certainly.
City were always United’s poor relation. The yo yo club that had a good team a couple of times in the dim and distant past. In fairness they had a very big fan base & their fans used to be a thoroughly decent bunch by and large. They worshipped absolute donkeys like Shaun Goater ffs because that’s where they were as a “force”.
In terms of fans they were a big club. Maine Road was a big old stadium. And they got decent crowds home and away even when they were not in the top flight
But they weren’t ever going to be anything more than an object of fun for Man United fans until the oil barons came to town. None of their success has been achieved through sustainable means like Liverpool and United for example. And for all their spending they’ve been in as many CL finals as us.
It depends on your definition of a big club. You can both be a big club and, as you say, a fake plastic club. They aren't mutually exclusive

Your own definition is noble and im not saying I want to go down the City moneybags route either, but I suspect that general consensus amongst sports fans would be that City are without a doubt a big club.

Everything is relative. We are also a rich club...we spent nearly £60m on NDombele! Our owner is a billionaire who made his money in a morally decrepit manner. The likes of Burnley, Soton, etc probably look at us with envy being able to spend our way to success.
Spurs owners have chosen to spend their earnings and wealth on building an expensive new stadium at other costs. Man Citys owners have chosen to spend their wealth on buying good players at any cost who can win the club trophies. It's what a clubs priorities are as all the big clubs have rich owners with access to large funds.
Sorry but in no way is Spurs a bigger club than Man City! Let's stop being delusional. How many trophies have Spurs won in the last ten years compared to City. Oil money?? And what about Chelsea's or PSG? All legitimate money is money! And you wonder why no big player wants to come to Spurs!

Spurs owners have chosen to spend their earnings and wealth on building an expensive new stadium at other costs. Man Citys owners have chosen to spend their wealth on buying good players at any cost who can win the club trophies. It's what a clubs priorities are as all the big clubs have rich owners with access to large funds.

You know those two things aren't remotely equivalent just because you constructed a sentence that included them both yeah?

Also there has been no external to the football club 'wealth' put into Spurs as far as I'm aware.
No, but if they then proceeded off the back of that windfall to win multiple trophies and become one of the most decorated clubs in the country then can you really say they aren't a "big" club..?
Theres a ton of jealousy here. City got lucky and have bought success. Fine. We all know that. But to say they aren't a big club is just being obstinate and in denial.
But buying success doesn’t make you a big club

They can barely fill their own stadium

Plastic club with largely plastic fans!

Same as the Chavs
Its stunning. Like yeah you can win more money than (I don't know) Guns&Roses/Lady Gaga on the Euro millions, but get your banjo out and book Wembley see what happens... Thats Man City the bin man that won the lottery.
What if you take your euromillions win and buy guitar and singing lessons and get good. Then start getting good. Then 13 years later, book Wembley and people want to see you?
But buying success doesn’t make you a big club

They can barely fill their own stadium

Plastic club with largely plastic fans!

Same as the Chavs
Again....what is a big club? Clubs with histories? What constitutes a history? Winning trophies decades ago?
City win them now.
Times have changed in football and elite sports. The game is awash with money, whether we like it or not.
Buying success does not make success taste as sweet, in my opinion. But does it make you a big club? Well, sustained success and trophies does, yes. And City have been winning trophies, albeit due to owners with deep pockets, for a number of years now. I'm not condoning it in any way, shape or form. I'm just saying I personally believe they are a big club...
City were always United’s poor relation. The yo yo club that had a good team a couple of times in the dim and distant past. In fairness they had a very big fan base & their fans used to be a thoroughly decent bunch by and large. They worshipped absolute donkeys like Shaun Goater ffs because that’s where they were as a “force”.
In terms of fans they were a big club. Maine Road was a big old stadium. And they got decent crowds home and away even when they were not in the top flight
But they weren’t ever going to be anything more than an object of fun for Man United fans until the oil barons came to town. None of their success has been achieved through sustainable means like Liverpool and United for example. And for all their spending they’ve been in as many CL finals as us.

You could almost apply all of that to Spurs compared to Woolwich at one point. Yeah we were great up to 91 and then fell off a cliff. Woolwich had matched us up until then and once Wenger came in they went next level and we went further back.
It'll take us decades to re-address the balance if we even had a chance. At their worst they won 3 FA Cups, at our very best recently we won fuck all.
Again....what is a big club? Clubs with histories? What constitutes a history? Winning trophies decades ago?
City win them now.
Times have changed in football and elite sports. The game is awash with money, whether we like it or not.
Buying success does not make success taste as sweet, in my opinion. But does it make you a big club? Well, sustained success and trophies does, yes. And City have been winning trophies, albeit due to owners with deep pockets, for a number of years now. I'm not condoning it in any way, shape or form. I'm just saying I personally believe they are a big club...

We’re still a bigger club

If both our respective owners fucked off and we both got relegated as a result I feel sure that we would still be attracting big crowds

Shitty wouldn’t
Yup, the poster was trying to imply Lewis had stumped up for the stadium himself (as if we're not saddled with debt) like abu dhabi paid a billion pounds for players out of their rainy day slavings.
Got it, apologies thought you were trying to say we hadn't got external funding in for the stadium when quite clearly we have!
Key difference is that City is run for immediate success.
ENIC are an investment company looking to increase the capital value of the club to make a buck.
Either way...we are both stinking rich and spending billions...!
Again....what is a big club? Clubs with histories? What constitutes a history? Winning trophies decades ago?
City win them now.
Times have changed in football and elite sports. The game is awash with money, whether we like it or not.
Buying success does not make success taste as sweet, in my opinion. But does it make you a big club? Well, sustained success and trophies does, yes. And City have been winning trophies, albeit due to owners with deep pockets, for a number of years now. I'm not condoning it in any way, shape or form. I'm just saying I personally believe they are a big club...

Money has always had a say in whether a club becomes big. most fans weren't born when Spurs rose to prominence but it was in part due to being able to pay more for players and when the salary cap went, pay them more salary,

I'd love to have some insight in the 50's and 60's as to where teams like Spurs and United got the money from that they used to run the clubs.
We’re still a bigger club

If both our respective owners fucked off and we both got relegated as a result I feel sure that we would still be attracting big crowds

Shitty wouldn’t
Fans of football clubs are plastic. It isn't just city. Football is global.
Liverpool...United...everyone has fans who will piss off it the success goes.
If Son leaves us we will lose a horde of South Korean fans. Some will stay. Some won't. Thats life
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