January 2022 - Transfer Window

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I agree that it was bad acting involved but I have seen much worse acting than this for much less. Kounde throws a ball with full force into Alba's face with full force from 1 meter away. It was a clear red card.

Lol..... Full force in the face!?!?

It grazed him at most.
Valhovic has 16 league goals in 18 games this season. Break the bank
Help Me Im Poor Donald Duck GIF
What's the point in loaning Rodon?
That’s obvious no? What is he plays well and really develops? I’ve seen enough in games to think he’s a better option than Sanchez, certainly more consistent

If someone wants to pump £20M for him then we have a decision to make
Quite surprised a midfielder isn’t on the list? Lo celso and Ndombele clearly aren’t fancied. Skipp and Hoj can’t play every game.

Odd I’d say CM is in more need than the forward area.
I would think that if a midfielder isn’t on the list that Ndombele and Lo Celso might in fact be in Conte’s plans. Lo Celso has been injured and you know Conte won’t play Ndombele consistently until he gets to his fitness expectations, but maybe he wants to incorporate them when fit and healthy.
What's the point in loaning Rodon?
Well he doesn't get a sniff here.
Seems to be behind both Sanchez and Tanganga, and Romero is back soon.

Either way I imagine 2 of Rodon, Sanchez and Tanganga are gone in the summer.

For next season: Romero, Dier, New guy in first XI

Davies and one of the three as cover. Rodon needs to play if he is to stake his claim and survive the cull.

A prem loan would be good for him.
I'll accept this argument because it's fair and a bit more balanced.

The problem is his argument:

Can you see why people are going to disagree with this?

I bet if he had a bit more balance and pointed out his good bits people would have been a bit more understanding, there's always going to be opposition to one sided myopic bias, it's lazy and uncessary.
Got your point and can agree with that :thumbup:
Well he doesn't get a sniff here.
Seems to be behind both Sanchez and Tanganga, and Romero is back soon.

Either way I imagine 2 of Rodon, Sanchez and Tanganga are gone in the summer.

For next season: Romero, Dier, New guy in first XI

Davies and one of the three as cover. Rodon needs to play if he is to stake his claim and survive the cull.

A prem loan would be good for him.

Letting players go without replacement in Jan does us no good..... Especially without trf fees coming in the other direction.
Of course he still has a lot to prove. He's been here for a few months and has been injured for half of it.

BUT I think it's very obvious to see (even in the limited minutes) that his ability on the ball is above all of our defenders and he provides that aggression and front foot style that Conte's teams need. Yes he is card happy and he will need to control this, I'm sure he will with age and experience.

I think it's weird to downplay his quality and try to criticise others for being excited about a clear talent who, if nothing else, is a massive step up on Sanchez and will make us a better team when he returns.

If you agree that he has a lot to prove (meaning nothing is certain yet), then why all the disagrees and statements that sound like solid facts?

I absolutely agree that he has some very good attibutes - aggression and strength among them. He generally has a LOT of talent and potential.

Thing is - no one is downplaying his quality. Nor critisizing optimism / positivity. I personally like balanced approach and reflection of things. I don't like if everyone would make very definite claims when it is too soon for that. Same mentioned injuries are also a concern in my eyes. If young player comes and is sidelined almost half of the season - this is another worry for me.

In the end conclusion is - we don't know how well he will do for Spurs YET. There are lot of positives, and clear talent. But this talent needs application as well. We have very caucious example of Ndombele in the side who has all the talent but no application unfortunately.
I have some utter unsoureable rubbish pub talk post Liverpool given me by a Spurs lad from Leeds clami g to know the players family. I'm posting it because even though I know its crap it made me happy.

Apparently Kalvin Philips is open to a move to a London club. And as he can't see Chelsea buying and English player they didn't produce, he is very open to Conte's Spurs. Its contingent on Leeds staying up and using the big bucks to rebuild in the summer. Now we all know Levy would never wear it cost wise......but be nice huh.
You said it just grazed him yet the ball changed direction up on impact. It was not just a "graze" (I am not denying that Alba acted well but he was clearly hit by the ball)

It impacted the side of his face...... That ball did not hit him full or hard.
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