Jose Mourinho

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I know I am in the minority here and I got called out a bit in the Bayern Match Thread, but I need to see more of Jose before I can make a judgement on this appointment.

I can say definitively that it is early days and there is still a lot of work to be done, but I can also say definitively that I am not in love with the way we have played so far. Goals aside, I find the style of play very limiting and one dimensional.

I hope to see some more breadth to the way we play as we continue to see more from Jose.

Question for those that now him more than I do. What made his Chelsea teams so deadly? I really can't recall those early chelsea days. I know Claude was a Kante in the middle and Essien was a great box to box, but how did they play? Was it a similar swashbuckler style of win the second ball and play it off of Drogba?

Good post, not sure why you’ve got stick for your views. For the record I was Poch out for most of this season as I could see the writing on the wall way back from last season. Can see why Levy appointed Jose. Hope he shows all of his best managerial qualities at our club and none of his worst. History tells me I’ll be disappointed but we’ll see. I’m genuinely interested in how he is going about turning this around and will, of course, lend him and the team my 100% support.

Early Chelsea Mourinho - I remember being relatively exciting, swashbuckling as you say. For me it was built on Duff and Robben feeding Drogba with Lampard (& others arriving late). It’s worth remembering that Chelsea were in a similar (loosely) situation to us. Under Gullit, Vialli had Ranieri they picked up trophies (fa cup/cup winners cup) and began to climb the league. I think they’re first CL qualification came just before Jose got there.

Anyway, if we ignore for a second Roman’s blood soaked petro-chemical roubles, Jose added defensive steel, streetwise nous and a winning mentality/habit to an emerging side with a sprinkling of home grown players and genuine world stars. I played football with a few Chelsea fans and one of them made a fortune betting on 4-0 when they were at home - came in an incredible amount of times one season and epitomised the ruthless nature of Chelsea under Jose. (Cunts!)
I would agree with that. He needs to win a couple of big games against quality sides for me to be completely convinced. But I must say we're on the right track and it looks VERY promising. The team's morale just looks different.
This is my take so far as well. Yes we have yet to win against any of the "big" teams we have faced with Mou (all 2 of them). But we have started beating all the teams that are "below" us, which for the last year and a half under Poch we seemingly struggled with.

Next season is when we can start seeing a long term vision of Mourinho's Spurs IMO. When he has gotten rid of some of the players he wants rid off and brought in some players that he has identified.
This is my take so far as well. Yes we have yet to win against any of the "big" teams we have faced with Mou (all 2 of them). But we have started beating all the teams that are "below" us, which for the last year and a half under Poch we seemingly struggled with.

Next season is when we can start seeing a long term vision of Mourinho's Spurs IMO. When he has gotten rid of some of the players he wants rid off and brought in some players that he has identified.

We have plenty of talent that can hold its own both immediately and long term agains the big clubs so ultimately his quality should come to the table as and when the moments come. As you've said he hasn't beat a big team yet but it's impossible to judge early on with a nothing game at Munich and a below par attitude from the lads up at Old Trafford.

I'm more intrigued about what his transfer window activity is going to look like. For me it's vital we filter out the ones who can only go so far and use their places for fresh blood as and when required.
We have plenty of talent that can hold its own both immediately and long term agains the big clubs so ultimately his quality should come to the table as and when the moments come. As you've said he hasn't beat a big team yet but it's impossible to judge early on with a nothing game at Munich and a below par attitude from the lads up at Old Trafford.

I'm more intrigued about what his transfer window activity is going to look like. For me it's vital we filter out the ones who can only go so far and use their places for fresh blood as and when required.
We need to find buyers. That's been the problem for the last few windows, especially with levy bring out for top dollar. Hopefully sense will prevail and we'll take the £69 that Wanyama is now worth
I know I am in the minority here and I got called out a bit in the Bayern Match Thread, but I need to see more of Jose before I can make a judgement on this appointment.

I can say definitively that it is early days and there is still a lot of work to be done, but I can also say definitively that I am not in love with the way we have played so far. Goals aside, I find the style of play very limiting and one dimensional.

I hope to see some more breadth to the way we play as we continue to see more from Jose.

Question for those that now him more than I do. What made his Chelsea teams so deadly? I really can't recall those early chelsea days. I know Claude was a Kante in the middle and Essien was a great box to box, but how did they play? Was it a similar swashbuckler style of win the second ball and play it off of Drogba?

I don't think that anyone can say anything fully certain or throw around superlatives about Mou.

But to call how we play "one dimentional".... wasn't that just exactly what we played like under Poch. All the time moving ball slow, getting near opposition box. Swinging from side-to-side, back to midfield, again to side, back to where it started again etc. Now we are actually using flanks, we play some real one-touch football for example.

Sure, it will all take time for Mou. I mean our midfield is absolutely non existent as of now. As pointed out countless number of times, we have no DM (as Wanyama and Dier have lost their legs, Skipp not trusted and Winks not good enough in DM position) nor good and in-form creative CMs (NDombele not in form, Lo Celso not even integrated to team, Winks good as squad option but maybe not a nailed on starter, same goes for Sissoko).

Mou has been at the wheel only for 6 games. Let's see how it goes, but I think it takes more time for squad to start playing how he prefers.
We saw tonight how KWP isn't good enough. I saw Cirkin, Binks and White for the U19s this afternoon, they were awful frankly. Robson was an unused sub. From what I've seen of Georgiou he'll be lucky to get a 2nd Division team to take him on.

I've thought for some time we overrate our yootdem

I think the problem is, that we only see them in youth matches, or in my case don't even see them play at all, apart from the odd friendly.

Get them out on loan and see what they can do, and what they learn from it.
This is my take so far as well. Yes we have yet to win against any of the "big" teams we have faced with Mou (all 2 of them). But we have started beating all the teams that are "below" us, which for the last year and a half under Poch we seemingly struggled with.

Next season is when we can start seeing a long term vision of Mourinho's Spurs IMO. When he has gotten rid of some of the players he wants rid off and brought in some players that he has identified.

interesting turn of phrase... don’t think of Jose as someone with a long term vision at all. Much more likely to see the team Jose builds to win trophies at all costs next season than any kind of vision for the future IMHO.

personally prefer the long term vision approach, but not if you never reach the destination, Jose cares about nothing but the destination.
A LOT of outgoing players by next summer, 3 class signings and he will have a team capable of achieving big things imo.
This season is about top 4 end of, and I think we will do it comfortably tbh-how we win games in the league is not the priority especially at the start, its about playing to our strengths scoring goals and getting into a better position in the table-the real work starts when we are close to where we want to be which will hopefully be after the chelsea game.
I know I am in the minority here and I got called out a bit in the Bayern Match Thread, but I need to see more of Jose before I can make a judgement on this appointment.

I can say definitively that it is early days and there is still a lot of work to be done, but I can also say definitively that I am not in love with the way we have played so far. Goals aside, I find the style of play very limiting and one dimensional.

I hope to see some more breadth to the way we play as we continue to see more from Jose.

Question for those that now him more than I do. What made his Chelsea teams so deadly? I really can't recall those early chelsea days. I know Claude was a Kante in the middle and Essien was a great box to box, but how did they play? Was it a similar swashbuckler style of win the second ball and play it off of Drogba?

Duff and Robben, getting it out to them quickly, or, Drogba fighting for it and feeding back/out to them or Lampard etc.

They were frankly one of the best units the prem has seen.
It does look good. This is just my biggest concern with Mourinho. I didn't get the feeling he was on the same page as Martial, Rashford and Shaw at United

I have never liked Martial and Shaw has weight problems but could any of us have predicted how Rashford has turned out?
I have never liked Martial and Shaw has weight problems but could any of us have predicted how Rashford has turned out?

I just don't like the way Mourinho called them out in the media. Maybe Martial didn't have the best case when attending some personal/family issue in France, but I don't remember this issue. Clearly Rashford dislikes Mourinho and holdes a grudge towards him. Poch seemed to have control over Shaw, and made him look like the next Bale coming out of Southampton.

I'm not saying our youth players are doomed, I just don't remember to many youngsters who's flourished under Mourinho.
I just don't like the way Mourinho called them out in the media. Maybe Martial didn't have the best case when attending some personal/family issue in France, but I don't remember this issue. Clearly Rashford dislikes Mourinho and holdes a grudge towards him. Poch seemed to have control over Shaw, and made him look like the next Bale coming out of Southampton.

I'm not saying our youth players are doomed, I just don't remember to many youngsters who's flourished under Mourinho.

I get what you’re saying but I’m hoping that we have a different Mourinho now as he took over a toxic situation at OT

Lessons learned hopefully
I just don't like the way Mourinho called them out in the media. Maybe Martial didn't have the best case when attending some personal/family issue in France, but I don't remember this issue. Clearly Rashford dislikes Mourinho and holdes a grudge towards him. Poch seemed to have control over Shaw, and made him look like the next Bale coming out of Southampton.

I'm not saying our youth players are doomed, I just don't remember to many youngsters who's flourished under Mourinho.

Mourinho had nothing but good things to say about Rashford, and when asked always commented he does not see Rashford as a striker.

In relation to Martial nothing has changed in relation to his application, 1 good game in 4, the only thing Jose said about Martial, was in relation to when he left the camp and went to be with his wife or girlfriend at childbrith, and Jose response was he not sure when he would be back.

Luke Shaw was called out long before Mourinho arrived by Van Gaal, for his lack of professionalism, mainly due to his lifestyle, with the advances in sport science there was no reason for Shaw, to be out of shape.

It's about professionalism, applying yourself to your trade, if you don't enjoy your trade, change it and do something else, don't just mope around.

In life you can try as hard as you want to change another persons, attitude and behaviour, but if the said person, does not want to take responsibilty for their actions or conduct, there is little that you can do, and as for the person providing the help, it can become tiresome, as the energy and time invested in individual, could be concerntrated elsewhere.

The most important property afforded to life is time, and there are many vices, that people succumb to, that nibbles those minutes away.

The moral of the story 'FOCUS'...................... and maybe just maybe more players would have a career like James Milner.

The players at Man U, should see themselves as 'we are Man Utd' and understand that it is an instution of excellence, [as many of them are from the academy, so they should breath, eat and sleep the ethos] and as they enter the gates, nothing but success,defines them.
Mourinho had nothing but good things to say about Rashford, and when asked always commented he does not see Rashford as a striker.

In relation to Martial nothing has changed in relation to his application, 1 good game in 4, the only thing Jose said about Martial, was in relation to when he left the camp and went to be with his wife or girlfriend at childbrith, and Jose response was he not sure when he would be back.

Luke Shaw was called out long before Mourinho arrived by Van Gaal, for his lack of professionalism, mainly due to his lifestyle, with the advances in sport science there was no reason for Shaw, to be out of shape.

It's about professionalism, applying yourself to your trade, if you don't enjoy your trade, change it and do something else, don't just mope around.

In life you can try as hard as you want to change another persons, attitude and behaviour, but if the said person, does not want to take responsibilty for their actions or conduct, there is little that you can do, and as for the person providing the help, it can become tiresome, as the energy and time invested in individual, could be concerntrated elsewhere.

The most important property afforded to life is time, and there are many vices, that people succumb to, that nibbles those minutes away.

The moral of the story 'FOCUS'...................... and maybe just maybe more players would have a career like James Milner.

The players at Man U, should see themselves as 'we are Man Utd' and understand that it is an instution of excellence, [as many of them are from the academy, so they should breath, eat and sleep the ethos] and as they enter the gates, nothing but success,defines them.

Dress it like you want, Mourinho totally killed the vibe at United

It was also terrible handling of Rashford, when he missed a big chance to score against Brighton (I think), Mourinho on the presser said something like: "and that's why I always chose Lukaku". Maybe not the most motivating thing to say to a youngster.
I just don't like the way Mourinho called them out in the media. Maybe Martial didn't have the best case when attending some personal/family issue in France, but I don't remember this issue. Clearly Rashford dislikes Mourinho and holdes a grudge towards him. Poch seemed to have control over Shaw, and made him look like the next Bale coming out of Southampton.

I'm not saying our youth players are doomed, I just don't remember to many youngsters who's flourished under Mourinho.

I know that this is a very basic overview of "Jose vs the academy". But it is an interesting watch.

In short he prefers players who are mature, which a lot of youth players aren't. But I think he will be much more willing to send our promising youths out on loan to develop that maturity than Poch was.
Dress it like you want, Mourinho totally killed the vibe at United

It was also terrible handling of Rashford, when he missed a big chance to score against Brighton (I think), Mourinho on the presser said something like: "and that's why I always chose Lukaku". Maybe not the most motivating thing to say to a youngster.

but was there’s vibe there when he first arrived?

I agree about his comment about Rashford though

Hopefully that crap is behind him
Luke Shaw was called out long before Mourinho arrived by Van Gaal, for his lack of professionalism, mainly due to his lifestyle, with the advances in sport science there was no reason for Shaw, to be out of shape.

It's about professionalism, applying yourself to your trade, if you don't enjoy your trade, change it and do something else, don't just mope around.

If you work your body into the ground to fulfill your managers want (Poch), become an absolute monster LWB, but it undermines all your mineral reserves, that is not Shaw's fault IMO.

This is the same as Danny Rose, Wanyama, Dier.

That our club knows shit all about mineral dynamics has shown repeatedly to be true, over and over.

If you are low on certain nutrients, this may/will manifest in cravings soo very strong that most people cannot resist it, your core is longing for replenishment that the Sports Science team are not fulfilling IMO.

Not a disagree as such loops, more just my usual rant about the undermining nature of the Pochettino/Bielsa mehodology.

Out whole squad was detroyed, condition wise, this season, are they all unprofessional...
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