Jose Mourinho

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Great result but the score papers over what was a shambolic
performance for most of the game.

As it stands, bar Ndomble, he have a championship-level midfield - which got completely owned by a bunch of mediocre Portuguese journeymen. 2 years later we still can’t replace Dembele. We made 35-year old Moutinho look like a prime Zidane. Sanchez looked like a pub player for most of the game. No heart, no gut.

We had no rhythm and no real quality - I sincerely hope Levy would open up the coffers next month - we urgently need a DM, CB and a quality LB
World class manager that is going to win us trophies, I would bet my house on it.

Said it from that start and today was a prime example of it, he gives us a winning mentality, we might lose games every now and then but he will never allow the players to accept losing as something that just "happens."

That's how I know he will win us things.
Today’s game was classic Mourinho ugly style ugly football but fuck it if we get results then so be it. I know there’s the “Tottenham way” and all that but if we want to compete then we’ve to dig in and do what we have to do.

The "Tottenham way" has been the most annoying phrase for my entire time as a supporter of this club.

I couldn't care less how we play football as long as when that final whistle blows we have 3 points.

The " Tottenham way" has been always falling short whilst playing "entertaining football" well I don't consider losing to be entertaining tbh.
For all the bad talk on Sanchez and the midfield we only really gifted them one good chance and there goal came from the only shit bit of defence all game when we didn't close down.

Classic Mourinho game although I think he should have used the subs sooner
The "Tottenham way" has been the most annoying phrase for my entire time as a supporter of this club.

I couldn't care less how we play football as long as when that final whistle blows we have 3 points.

The " Tottenham way" has been always falling short whilst playing "entertaining football" well I don't consider losing to be entertaining tbh.
There is a fucking "West Ham way" as well, you know. Every cunt's got notions these days.
Today’s game was classic Mourinho ugly style ugly football but fuck it if we get results then so be it. I know there’s the “Tottenham way” and all that but if we want to compete then we’ve to dig in and do what we have to do.

I'm glad we would play a way that can get us results when needed.

We beat Burnley 5-0 last week and played fantastic stuff.
I guess I am in the minority of who wants spurs to play attractive football.

I want to win things, but I want to do that while playing something I enjoy watching.

Today was miserable and I can’t imagine any fan wanting to sit through 50 games a year with that. But I guess there are and so I am the minority.
I'm glad we would play a way that can get us results when needed.

We beat Burnley 5-0 last week and played fantastic stuff.

Did we? We had some great breaks, but did we play well? I thought we looked horribly one dimensional and only won because we played a team that perfectly suited our launch it forward mentality.
Did we? We had some great breaks, but did we play well? I thought we looked horribly one dimensional and only won because we played a team that perfectly suited our launch it forward mentality.

We've certainly looked better than we had under Pochs last 12 months.

With the benefit of actually winning.

No one has scored more goals than we have since Mourinho took over.

I personally couldn't give a shit.
I guess I am in the minority of who wants spurs to play attractive football.

I want to win things, but I want to do that while playing something I enjoy watching.

Today was miserable and I can’t imagine any fan wanting to sit through 50 games a year with that. But I guess there are and so I am the minority.
We all want Spurs to play attractive football, but he’s got to make do with what he’s got at the moment.

And how can you say an injury time winner was miserable?
There's always been flawed ements in Pochettinos coaching. Failure to adapt most of the time.

Mourinho is quite... Refreshing in comparison.

Hmmm...I haven’t seen any adaptation outside his ability to deploy his style. He didn’t adapt against Man U. He continued with the shit house of Dier and Sissoko against Bayern. Sure that game meant nothing, but the tactics never shifted.

So far it is one way to play. Which is fine and I know will get better with time, which will probably lead to winning ways with the amount of quality we have. I just want to see some variety and think we can achieve that by playing some players that have actual footballing qualities.
Hmmm...I haven’t seen any adaptation outside his ability to deploy his style. He didn’t adapt against Man U. He continued with the shit house of Dier and Sissoko against Bayern. Sure that game meant nothing, but the tactics never shifted.

So far it is one way to play. Which is fine and I know will get better with time, which will probably lead to winning ways with the amount of quality we have. I just want to see some variety and think we can achieve that by playing some players that have actual footballing qualities.

If we go down the Liverpool route of getting the ball to the front 3 as quick and incisively as possible then I won't mind at all sacrificing 60 or 70 % of the ball like we had most of the time under Poch. In Son, Dele and Harry we have a menacing goal threat and they need to be fed the ball early so they can get at the opposition back 4 before others get back to help
I’m enjoying seeing the adaptation in the players there: Lucas and Son both chasing back to double-up in their wide players today; Kane and Alli back in our box; Dier providing an out from CB.
We’ve been spoiled with the play under Poch but, as so many glass-half-emptiest have said, we only got top 4 because the other teams were so shit (don’t agree, btw); perhaps we need to adapt to different tactics as the squad ages? Also, absorbing pressure and countering should beat the City / Pool press.
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