Levy / ENIC

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I mean the reports we have are that Levy was on-site every day and no one could believe how personally involved he was.

And obviously the dodgy wiring thing was quite the acute crisis in that moment. August 22, 2018 was when it became public.

Spurs recruitment operation was under-staffed and under-empowered, that's well known and Paratici's explicit remit was to expand and develop it into a more modern operation.

Levy makes no secret in the Cambridge Union interview that wage controls are what he's counting on to bring Spurs back on terms with the top of the sport.

It's possible he's right. The problem in likelihood of winning trophies terms is that it reduces the gaps behind as well.
I think you be right about levy thinking he can pull the club level via a wage cap.
It's a bit like a kid at school, asking the teacher to get the big boys to play nice, because you can't find a way yourself to deal with it.
I think it's too late for ENIC/Levy, it's all got away from them, I hope but don't expect that the managerial appointment is bang on but it won't be.
Certainly the most expensive in the PL



Fulham have taken over next season.

Angry Fulham fans urge Shahid Khan to revise season-ticket price hikes that are ‘out of touch with reality’​

Seats in the new Riverside Stand at Craven Cottage will cost up to £3,000
I think you be right about levy thinking he can pull the club level via a wage cap.
It's a bit like a kid at school, asking the teacher to get the big boys to play nice, because you can't find a way yourself to deal with it.
I think it's too late for ENIC/Levy, it's all got away from them, I hope but don't expect that the managerial appointment is bang on but it won't be.
It's Rodgers all day long.
Out of interest, what do you mean by that last sentence? Who do you mean by 'we'? And how have they been used exactly?

For me, Levy / ENIC accumulated enough wealth through their previous business activities to purchase this football club (well, simplified but basically correct), and now own it, so can do as they wish with it (within the regs and law of course). They have never forced any fans to attend matches or buy merchandise. So just like with any other business, if we don't like what they are doing, their product, their behaviours, whatever, then we can refuse to pay them a penny, that's our choice as fans / consumers.

So how has anyone been 'used'?

(Genuine question, and apologies if I've simply misunderstood your point).
I see that both Col_McCafferty Col_McCafferty and John Thomas John Thomas have 'disagreed' with this - at the start of that post I was just asking a question of Col_McCafferty (a question that he never answered...) - I'm sure neither of you is disagreeing with a question, that doesn't make sense, so there must be something in the rest of my post that you both disagree with - what bit is it exactly that you disagree with? Isn't it all just factually correct? (Whether we like it or not is a different matter of course - I'm sure there are times when all of us wish we had more power or think we could do a better job of running the club etc - but what have I said there that is incorrect, i.e. that you disagree with?) :/
Fulham have taken over next season.

Angry Fulham fans urge Shahid Khan to revise season-ticket price hikes that are ‘out of touch with reality’​

Seats in the new Riverside Stand at Craven Cottage will cost up to £3,000
Fulham's wages to turnover is 98% and they had losses of £93m...that stand's refurbishment cost around £60m.

Their prices make more sense tbh...plus their owner's actually put money into the club.

Meanwhile our wages are amongst the lowest in the league relative to turnover while DL's waiting for UEFA to wave a financial magic wand to level the playing field while Joe Lewis slowly dies having put £150m in for the first time in about 7 fucking years through increasing share capital of course.
I see that both Col_McCafferty Col_McCafferty and John Thomas John Thomas have 'disagreed' with this - at the start of that post I was just asking a question of Col_McCafferty (a question that he never answered...) - I'm sure neither of you is disagreeing with a question, that doesn't make sense, so there must be something in the rest of my post that you both disagree with - what bit is it exactly that you disagree with? Isn't it all just factually correct? (Whether we like it or not is a different matter of course - I'm sure there are times when all of us wish we had more power or think we could do a better job of running the club etc - but what have I said there that is incorrect, i.e. that you disagree with?) :/
People will disagree with you in here when you state facts or ask questions. They are just outing themselves as limited people.
I watched the whole video. Levy isn’t mocking the club and he’s not making light of where we are now. It was just a tongue in cheek almost throwaway comment.

His article is a bad one for two reasons.

First, if you’re going to relay facts then you have to be a credible messenger. He is using uncharitable hooks and making snipes like “exiting Tottenham has not exactly proved to be a career killer”. Does leaving a big club usually kill your career? It’s a sarcastic non-point.

But more importantly, there’s no structure or point to the article. What’s the key argument? How do the facts and evidence support that key point? Is it that Spurs are not the greatest club in the world? Clearly not. That isn’t an article worth writing.

Is it just that spurs are a mess? That would be an article worth writing. So he describes some factual things to support that which is fine but runs out of steam after 8 sentences. Then he’s talking about Levy doing karaoke in Moscow, the fact former employees noone cares about have done well, the fact Brighton might finish higher… it’s an incoherent mesh of troll statements designed to feed in to disaster porn.

The article isn’t supposed to be funny, it’s not satire, it’s not got an argument, it’s got 8 sentences at the start which describe what’s happening in a pretty uninsightful way.

The line between journalism and Twitter is becoming blurred. It’s a race to the bottom. There were far, far better ways to attack the club or Levy.
There aren't even 8 words worth reading in your post, but that ain't a surprise coming from Levy's biggest aficionado
Why does someone have to speak about the club? Do other owners do that a lot? Are you forever rolling your eyes when yet another interview with Sheikh Mansour comes on SSN? Sick of hearing long interviews with the Glazers? Nobody does it and why should they?

I honestly think this highest ticket price thing is a huge issue for many that the club could solve pretty quickly. Reduce prices by 10% across the board and it wouldn’t make a huge dent in our revenue. Would that make this season any more palatable? It wouldn’t for me, but might for the huge numbers of ENIC Out I keep hearing about.
I agree with your first para, but only to some extent. When the ship is sailing just fine, yeah sure, I don't care about the cap making a statement. But when said ship is sinking, and I've remortgaged the house to buy me a ticket, I sure as heck am hoping to hear from the main man about his plan to save us.

As for your second para, I'm sure your PLB comrade and this place's little facts & figures queen LeParisien LeParisien would disagree that a 10% discie wouldn't translate into a big loss in revenue
I like a lot of your posts but I don’t think you’ve thought this through.

Since we’ve moved into our new stadium our transfer spend has been good and that has been despite covid causing stadium closures. The new stadium has led to an increase in transfer spending.

Also, it’s just wrong to isolate one part of our revenue and say that this should be key in setting transfer budgets. It’s our total revenue that matters. I’m surprised you didn’t know that Chelsea, Liverpool and the Manchester clubs have had significantly higher revenue for at least a decade and that is why they spend more.
Question for you, Your Highness: if we had better players, which is generally the way to achieve better results, would we then not win more trophies -> becoming more popular worldwide -> selling more shirts/merch/sponsoring etc -> higher revenue?

But of course that requires a combo of ambition, balls and brains...
Levy makes no secret in the Cambridge Union interview that wage controls are what he's counting on to bring Spurs back on terms with the top of the sport.

It's possible he's right. The problem in likelihood of winning trophies terms is that it reduces the gaps behind as well.
I don't see why. A lot of those below us spend more on wages relative to turnover than us.

Problem will be the oil clubs' accounting, inflating turnover to get round this. Hopefully PL charges vs City on this are upheld.
Hi all, my first post on here. Greetings.

As a Season ticket holder of 30+ years and having been going since 1980, I have seen my fair share of ups and downs. More downs than ups in the last 30 years, where to my knowledge, the club has been rinsed by greedy owners dining out on our glorious past, which is moving further and further away. False promises, high ticket prices justified always by 'jam tomorrow', yet no jam has been put on our bread for decades.

Glory, to me is winning trophies, it is the same in any sport, nobody deems finishing 3rd or 4th on the podium as success, yet at THFC and among the nouveau fan that seems to be prevalent these days, apparently getting Champions League football is to be celebrated like a trophy.

Even while our fans were crowing at Woolwich's recent dip with Wenger etc, they still won THREE Fa Cups.... we won exactly SWEET FA.

I had called Levy out after only two years of his tenure, yet teflonistas and his cult following continue to make excuses about him and the so-called bigger picture. The bigger picture was the ground and for a brief moment, having got lucky on Pochettino, with the promise of the new stadium, we were told was going to catapult us into a new era of glory. However, it was just another ruse or mirage, with Poch never being backed in 2 successive transfer windows while rivals invested in their teams of tomorrow. The rest is history, Levy rinsed Poch and hung him out to dry when the fizz went out, long before the CL Final.

Now, having saddled the fans and club with a £1 billion debt, once again, and 3 years of massive decline, having sacked Mourinho one week before a major final, was the coup de grace for me while appointing a kid as manager was ludicrous, but the cynics among us would say Spurs avoided paying out more compensation had he won a trophy. If that doesn't tell you the contempt Levy has for the fans, nothing else will.

His fans say, he built a stadium? Well he did, but not on his money. The stadium rights have still not been sold, Tottenham's property portfolio is expanding and as shady as a Gangster's bank account.

Ultimately, for £1,000 a year ST money, a nice seat is not what I go for. The football we have been force fed for 3 years is utter dross. Players that should have been moved on years ago, still lurk in the corridors. White elephants have been bought and cannot be moved on as they are mentally deranged. You just can't make it up.

Without a doubt, we are a laughing stock to our peers. We even managed to get in the urban dictionary and possibly the Oxford dictionary to come with the coined phrase 'Spursy' which is used for anything flakey in any industry. Thank you Mr Daniel Levy, you bald headed C**t, I hope the fans go full nasty on you, and frankly I don't care how your tenure ends, just as long as you go.

Sorry my first post is so negative, but currently, that is where I am at and have been for a long time regarding THFC.

Rant over.
Welcome to the forum, OldschoolSpurs

Congratulations on a magnificent first post. Hope to see much more of you in the weeks and months ahead.

Support the team. Not the board.

Fuck Levy
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