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Never a pen for Barca, Suarez treads on Denayer
You might wanna pipe down about this as it really doesn't show VAR in a good light. Then again it could just be Spanish VAR...or VAR in Madrid and Barca that's wonky. It really is pitiful that folks can actually review that and give a pen.

I only got 1 replay on my feed and it was clear Suarez treads on Denayer's ankle. but that's how instant replay works in the US too. When shady calls need to be confirmed you can bet you'll only be seeing live action. And when you compare it to the Lyon goal that they reviewed for like 5 minutes intently looking for a reason to rule it out.

But I'm not bitter BC. Rest assured, I'm not bitter.:pochunimpressed::roseunsure:
You might wanna pipe down about this as it really doesn't show VAR in a good light. Then again it could just be Spanish VAR...or VAR in Madrid and Barca that's wonky. It really is pitiful that folks can actually review that and give a pen.

I only got 1 replay on my feed and it was clear Suarez treads on Denayer's ankle. but that's how instant replay works in the US too. When shady calls need to be confirmed you can bet you'll only be seeing live action. And when you compare it to the Lyon goal that they reviewed for like 5 minutes intently looking for a reason to rule it out.

But I'm not bitter BC. Rest assured, I'm not bitter.:pochunimpressed::roseunsure:

The bottom line is, VAR is still humans looking at stuff and making decisions. I still don’t expect refs to call 100% even with the help of VAR. Maybe they would say Denayer still accidentally “interfered” with Suarez by planting his foot where Suarez had to put his?? At worst, this was just a bad call, reinforced. Which will still happen because of the nature of the offence/view, interpretation, human error and human ego of refs.

It’s if VAR starts changing good decisions into bad ones I’d worry, which doesn’t happen much at all.

There are definitely things to iron out, like refs looking at screens at the side of the pitch - just trust the VAR refs to make the call - etc - and what VAR looks at should go up on the screens in grounds.
Roughly 14 thousand Frankfurt fans as well as a couple of thousands Atalanta ultras linking up in Milan for the game vs Inter. And the Inter ultras are apparently being backed up by Lazio ultras.

This could get spicy.
Getting kicked out of the Europa League tonight by Rennes will feel even worse for them now there are 4 English teams in the quarter finals of the CL.

Personallly I want Woolwich & Chelsea staying in that competition for as long as possible. One or the other will probably win it based on the other teams in there so the longer they stay in, the better for me.

If Man U win their QTR in the Champions League and beat Wolves in the FA Cup, they'll have 9-10 games to deal with in April, that's got to be better for us than them or the goons & chavs just having the top 4 to focus on
Personallly I want Woolwich & Chelsea staying in that competition for as long as possible. One or the other will probably win it based on the other teams in there so the longer they stay in, the better for me.
I wouldn't be against it, but I'm convinced that they will get kicked out tonight, the chavs will obviously make it to the next round (3-0 last week)
Personallly I want Woolwich & Chelsea staying in that competition for as long as possible. One or the other will probably win it based on the other teams in there so the longer they stay in, the better for me.

If Man U win their QTR in the Champions League and beat Wolves in the FA Cup, they'll have 9-10 games to deal with in April, that's got to be better for us than them or the goons & chavs just having the top 4 to focus on
Just cut them off right now. I don't want them having any chance in Europa League.
Only way I'd accept Chelsea and Woolwich getting through is if it's a guarantee they get eachother in the next round.

That way they have eachother to worry about and the games would be sandwiched between Watford (A) and Palace (H) for Woolwich and West Ham (H) and Liverpool (A) for Chelsea.

As there is no guarantee - then I hope Rennes just knock Woolwich out tonight. Chelsea are as good as through anyway so will still get that tricky run-in through April.


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