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The squad is stronger, all over the pitch, but our problems are mental ones.
agree here. Part of what you pay for is mental strength (at least you'd hope to).

Not trying to start a whole new AVB vs whomever discussion, but AVB seems to have a track record of gutting his team of leadership. He tried at chelsea- Ade sent to reserves- Benny gone. VDV gone (marriage or not- not much of an effort was made to keep him) . I'm wondering if we're feeling the crack back of that gutting.

I may be wrong - just putting it out there.
They are overrated because they refuse to play to their full capacity.

Technically, the squad is better all over the pitch, bar Bale and Modric (even though they were not even the same players back then, but I wont quible on that) and, Id say, even the brilliance of a FIT Ledley King wouldnt compensate for Gomes, Hutton, Corluka, Alnwick, Bassong and Woodgate over Vertonghen, Lloris, Vlad, Freidel and Walker (as he is now).

Ive been through this before, dont need to repeat the whole lot, but as I said back then, I dont hear anyone complaining that we spent 110M and went 5 years backwards in terms of quality.

The squad is stronger, all over the pitch, but our problems are mental ones.

You may argue that the squad is mentally weaker, etc.......but Im talking about the quality of players, and what should have been achieved had it not gone this far. I dont think we can save this team now.

And Im sorry, but yes, I expected more from a 26M striker, a 30M winger and a 17M midfielder in the way of Paulinho.....its funny that on one side, people argue til they are blue in the face that Soldado is world class and just needs time......then try to say the squad was stronger with Crouch up front.

I'm with you that we should expect the team to be stronger after spending the money, I just feel like some of us are blind to the fact maybe they aren't as good as they should be, and as fans of the team, we defend them to the hilt when someone suggests they aren't actually that good.

For the money its cost I really don't see that much of an upgrade in Paulinho over Huddlestone. You mention Crouch but he was more of a handful for defenders than Soldado currently is. Lamela is a joke, not because he has under performed but the fact he hasn't played. People say you need a season to adapt - a season of actually playing that is...

If we are talking about getting into the top 4, I just look at our squad and don't think it has the players, the quality just isn't there. We don't have an Aguero, Hazard, Toure, Silva, Mata, Rooney, Suarez etc etc we just don't have the special players that you need. Other than Adebayor we have minimal goal threat in our team and alongside that have copped some absolute beatings this season too.

Unless we are able to pull in a few players who will seriously improve this team, I think we need to readjust our expectations going forward.
Look what Paulinho did to Sandro on his birthday:
Charlie Adam could walk into our midfield these days...

I think Dembele is more important player to be honest, we just need a manager that allows him more freedom.

Sandro was better when he was more gung ho, and Redknapp kept doing his nut telling him not charge forward...he should be our Yaya Toure, but he's simply playing like Paulinho....the game passes him by, and lacks presence in the middle for a player of that stature. He looks scary, but he isnt.

But he is also one of the players that is now in the "Legend/Fav" bracket, and no one ever criticise, like Holtby.

Sandro is a top player, but he's been average for good while.....our midfield gets bypassed or dominated by every team we play, whatever the formation. I didnt notice our game improve when Sandro came back from injury....did you?

What a load of absolute fucking bollocks. Don't be a twat Sammy. I know you've got a brain in there somewhere, use it occasionally. Watch back the the benfica game. Download it or whatever. But watch it. And tell me the game "passed Sandro by"
We'd have been much worse off without Sandro in that team. I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your bullshit.
Thats what all you fucking idiots say.....

You also seem to overlook the fact there are other people agreeing with my posts.

Get off your high horse

Go make a list. Cunt.

One minute you're hating on Sandro. The next you're saying we need more players with fight desire and commitment. That's Sandro all over. He's not perfect. We certainly overrate him. But Fuck. I wouldn't swap him. We need more players like him.
Go make a list. Cunt.

One minute you're hating on Sandro. The next you're saying we need more players with fight desire and commitment. That's Sandro all over. He's not perfect. We certainly overrate him. But Fuck. I wouldn't swap him. We need more players like him.

Josh Pauls
B-O Spurs

Like I said, idiots like you forget that my opinions are shared.

Hating on Sandro...hahahaha

This place gets more Degrassi Junior High by the day.

Grown men. Wow
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Saying Paulinho is no upgrade over Huddlestone?!? Now I rate Huddlestone highly, I mean really highly and was gutted when we let him go but that is a tad too far. Like most of our players this season he's struggled to put a good run of games together but when he has played well hes torn the opposition to pieces. His contribution is just much more subtle and it's only really useful when everyone else is playing well. Notice how for Brazil he is an incredibly key player and when we played our best against Villa, Newcastle and Stoke he was on a different level. His flicks, his passing and the way he just carried the ball was so vital to the team.

Basically I think if we can hold onto him and string some good games together people will begin to recognize how good he is. If we sell him to Madrid in the summer, we'll regret it, badly.
At times he has looked amazing, at others he has looked absolute dog shit. It's the looking amazing part I am interested in, and how we can get him to do it on a consistent basis.
Josh Pauls
B-O Spurs

Like I said, idiots like you forget that my opinions are shared.

Hating on Sandro...hahahaha

This place gets more Degrassi Junior High by the day.

Grown men. Wow

I "agreed" one of your sandro posts in this. I havent commented or rated any other ones. I do think Sandro is vastly overrated before and after the injury. I still thibk he is very good but hasnt been playing to that level yet. I dont agree thatd id rather have the previous midfield to our current one. Our midfield dominates play. Our midfield cant create that spark in the final third though. If you gave United our misfield they would be top of the league. Our misfield plus two big time strikers.
I "agreed" one of your sandro posts in this. I havent commented or rated any other ones. I do think Sandro is vastly overrated before and after the injury. I still thibk he is very good but hasnt been playing to that level yet. I dont agree thatd id rather have the previous midfield to our current one. Our midfield dominates play. Our midfield cant create that spark in the final third though. If you gave United our misfield they would be top of the league. Our misfield plus two big time strikers.

I didnt say you agreed with every single thing I said.

I said that some people share my views.
I agreed as I was pissed. What did I agree to? In seriousness I see where Sammy is coming from, Sandro, like most of the squad has been below par on a number of games and he and Pauli were fucking owned on Thursday night.

My frustration with Pauli is that we all know how good he can be, away at Newcastle and just before he got injured in the pre xmas games he was bossing it in the midlle, on Thursday the game just passed him by and he looked like he had no fight or desire in him, mind he was not the only one.......
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