Roberto Soldado

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This guy is at that age where he'll need to adapt quicker or he will slated left right and center.
What gets me irritated about people stating that his link up play should keep him in the starting line up, is that it rarely leads to an end product ( rarely not never).
Ade was shit today too but we need him as target man in every match, Soldado on the other hand can easily be replaced in the line up with another midfielder or lamela. Because let's be honest Eriksen does what soldado is trying to do with a better end product.
Remember how shit Giroud was last year. I'm hoping Bobby will be our Giroud next year.
When is Ade's contract due to be renewed? I'm looking forward to the preceding season for him to break-out again.
21 games gone and i have no problem in calling him a flop. hes too lightweight, not enough commitment or passion. negredo was 14 million cheaper and he is 5 times the player of soldado. its the truth!
I'm personally running out of excuses. Theses more to being a striker than goals but ffs 1 or 2 would be nice. Between him and lamela we must be getting the piss ripped out of us.
Remember how shit Giroud was last year. I'm hoping Bobby will be our Giroud next year.
When is Ade's contract due to be renewed? I'm looking forward to the preceding season for him to break-out again.

Giroud was constantly grafting and working hard running into midfield to retrieve the ball if needed and this was last season but Soldado isn't a grafter it's not in his nature if he was working hard and grafting away atleast we could say 'he'll come good lads don't worry just needs an end product give him time' but Soldado has an end product (which has taken a knock because of his lack of confidence) it's the other stuff he doesn't have, he's developed a style and that's how he likes to play and at this moment it's not compatible with our formation especially considering we go 4-4-2 and his lack of workrate sometimes means we look like we're a man down.
Soldado worked harder than most in the first half. Granted there wasn't much competition but he seemed the only one in the first 45 to chase down anyone in a Palace shirt and put a decent tackle in.

Can never understand picking on one player when the whole team was shite.
I've said it a few times before but two signings City made that I thought they got ripped off on were Negredo and Fernandinho and honestly speaking it's the worst footy based thughts i've had since I predicted Leeds would finish 3rd the season they got relegated, they've been immense world class performers.
Soldado worked harder than most in the first half. Granted there wasn't much competition but he seemed the only one in the first 45 to chase down anyone in a Palace shirt and put a decent tackle in.

Can never understand picking on one player when the whole team was shite.

He's our star striker and he's got like 1 goal from open play in the league this season which isn't good enough for a player of his standard, he seems to have split opinion on his workrate (I'm not sure how) but he's very static which doesn't suit out system and it was clear to see yesterday.
you can defend him. its your choice. but i think deep down every spurs fan thinks hes not good enough. for 27 million he most definitely is not

He is 'good enough' he just doesn't fit our system and doesn't seem to fit the pace of the PL yet, lets not get it twisted we're not saying this is some 27m Maiga or Carlton Cole type situation it's not about ability it's about style, formations and tactics with Soldado and IMO his lack of effort.
I'm personally running out of excuses. Theses more to being a striker than goals but ffs 1 or 2 would be nice. Between him and lamela we must be getting the piss ripped out of us.

Well the difference is Lamela just isn't getting played (enough). I really hate to go over this again but that Anzhi game before Newcastle was key and AVB bottled it IMO
ffs there is grave amounts of bollocks that gets typed around here

21 appearances with 10 goals 4 assists is his overall stats in all comps

sure it would be nice if he'd become more settled in the league but with all the shite we've endured thus far this season it's no surprise most of our new signings are still to fully settle in

we've just changed our whole attack and playing style and pulled a 180 in the managements approach

yesterday the whole team were crap for the first 30 as we were getting overrun in midfield big-time but to act like Ade and Soldado just stood there watching is well wide of the mark. Soldado himself made 2 or 3 absolutely mint passes in the final third yesterday
Worried about soldado now, yesterday his movement was poor I mean not just lacking but seeming to lack intelligence as well didn't hold the ball up which is at least what ade does, didn't make a nuisance of himself in the box like Defoe it was like he was not there not even sure about his ability when the ball finds his feet. Don't know if it's a confidence crisis or just we have signed a average player. Until he sorts himself out would rather a 4-5-1 with eriksen in the hole behind ade so we are stronger I the midfield.
Soldado himself made 2 or 3 absolutely mint passes in the final third yesterday

Yet we paid 26M for a striker not a playmaker. He is regarded as a poacher, yet he's never on the end of anything....he barely even ever has a shot.....if he's not scoring, he's not exactly grafting for the team, so right now, he's offering nothing. The chances he does get, he squanders by and large.

He could'nt play as the lone striker, and now he cant play with a partner.

Needs to shape up and fast imo...instead of kicking the post, and booting the ball at the hoardings every game in frustration.
Luis Suarez scored 4 goals in his first season with Liverpool after Joining in January.
In his 2nd season he score 11 in the League.. I bet Liverpool had wished they got shot of him..

That was before he was eating defenders alive :adeohshit:


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