Summer 2013 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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I genuinely thought he'd been pretty decent at Chelsea, though most of what i've seen is him come on at 67 minutes to replace the ghost of Fernando Torres, anybody could make him look good, except Ade's body double from 01/09/2012-20/03/2013:adeninja:
True, but the money and exposure would probably be comparable here, plus he isn't in the shadow of Ronaldo.
Definately more exposure in North America this year with the new tv deals if he stayed in the premier league. I could be wrong, but as great as he is, I think Ronaldo is the better footballer. Bale would have a better chance to shine here at Spurs possibly? I'm sure he could negotiate a new salary if he was so inclined.
It is a ballsy move by Bale in a way. Aside from the glamour of the Bernabeau and the galacticos bollocks, he is undoubtedly going to struggle to outperform Ronaldo Messi Neymar Iniesta et al. Going from being the best player in the league to possibly 5th or 6th has gotta hurt minutely. Granted he might outshine them but his bollocks would have to be planet sized.:ledleylick:
It is a ballsy move by Bale in a way. Aside from the glamour of the Bernabeau and the galacticos bollocks, he is undoubtedly going to struggle to outperform Ronaldo Messi Neymar Iniesta et al. Going from being the best player in the league to possibly 5th or 6th has gotta hurt minutely. Granted he might outshine them but his bollocks would have to be planet sized.:ledleylick:
I doubt he will do as well as fifth or sixth to be honest...... He wont have the freedom he had in our team and will need to work on some areas of his game..
I doubt he will do as well as fifth or sixth to be honest...... He wont have the freedom he had in our team and will need to work on some areas of his game..
It is the big fish small pond situation, moving into the lake that is Madrid. I'm just hoping the Real stage is set up for the glorious return of Brett Emerton formerly of Blackburn Rovers, not my Gareth:avbshock:
It is the big fish small pond situation, moving into the lake that is Madrid. I'm just hoping the Real stage is set up for the glorious return of Brett Emerton formerly of Blackburn Rovers, not my Gareth:avbshock:
Yeah. My point exactly. You go to a team filled with global superstars and your bad performances will look so much worse, Modric for example. And god I hope they are just stirring shit again. I think I will have a full on mental breakdown seeing him paraded like they did with Ronaldo.
Have to agree with that. If you don't have crazy hair, have a boring name or look like you've been hit in the face with a shovel then you're not coming to Spurs.

Come to think of it, why have we never signed Vagner Love?

I don't think Dzagoev will leave Russia, at least not in the near future.

As for Vagner Love, he's insane. Like ... absolutely insane. Great player who consistently scores goals wherever he goes, but he's Carlos Tevez with dreads. Honestly, I cannot imagine Spurs dealing with him and his drama.
@ TheLutonYid TheLutonYid dont know why im bothering to respnd to this. They wont stay fixed on the wings. The whole reason bale was so good last year because he was allowed to come in looking for the ball. He wss tired of being double marked. He prospered. I dont need to remind you how good ronaldo is at it too
@ TheLutonYid TheLutonYid dont know why im bothering to respnd to this. They wont stay fixed on the wings. The whole reason bale was so good last year because he was allowed to come in looking for the ball. He wss tired of being double marked. He prospered. I dont need to remind you how good ronaldo is at it too
Ronaldo is shit. But in all honestly. You think both ronaldo and bale will both cut in at the same time and work together to score. Fuck no. It will be either the bale show or the ronaldo show. They wont work well together because they are so alike and ronaldo is a cunt.
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