Summer 2014 Transfer Window DISCUSSION Thread

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I think we'll end up with Walker, Daws and Rose plus a new keeper and a new partner for Daws. Would love Kaboul to find his old form but he might well get dumped by the club in the summer.

Edited - Totally forgot about Vlad. Just a new keeper then, to round out the starting back 5.

There lies the problem

Walker - Dawson - Vlad - Rose are no nearly good enough, never mind with any keeper we can hope to attract with the current mess at the club and no CL football
We are 5th with a average manager. If we get LvG, assuming he can take us up a level we should be ok with minimal changes. Keeping the existing players will be the hard part.

10 or 11 players here or there should do it
Does anyone know off the top of their heads or through research (which I can't be arsed to do on my break), what sort of players LvG has brought into his clubs in the past?

Are they of a certain mould? I know he brought in 4-2-3-1 at Bayern. So he obviously likes his attacking midfielders, whether they are more of wingers or all three attacking creative midfielders who can drift wide.
Does anyone know off the top of their heads or through research (which I can't be arsed to do on my break), what sort of players LvG has brought into his clubs in the past?

Are they of a certain mould? I know he brought in 4-2-3-1 at Bayern. So he obviously likes his attacking midfielders, whether they are more of wingers or all three attacking creative midfielders who can drift wide.
He turned Seedorf, Edgar Davids, Kluivert, Van Der Saar, Bergkamp, Thomas Muller, Schweinsteiger into world class stars. He gave Xavi and Carles Puyol their first Barca games. He coached Guardiola, Frank de Boer, Luis Enrique.
He turned Seedorf, Edgar Davids, Kluivert, Van Der Saar, Bergkamp, Thomas Muller, Schweinsteiger into world class stars. He gave Xavi and Carles Puyol their first Barca games. He coached Guardiola, Frank de Boer, Luis Enrique.

Some of my favorite players in there, including and especially Puyol. Impressive CV indeed.
If we keep onto Lloris it will be a miracle. Apart from that we need a left winger to restore balance. I'm jumping on a bandwagon I know but I like Konoplyanka A LOT. I also think we need to replace Lennon. He's been a passenger for far, far too long.
I think we just need a marquee signing for LW, a LB and a CB and we'll be good with van Gaal. not very relevant sidenote but Dembele was a main part of his title winning side at AZ so I can't see us losing him in Summer.
There lies the problem

Walker - Dawson - Vlad - Rose are no nearly good enough, never mind with any keeper we can hope to attract with the current mess at the club and no CL football

I agree that that lineup isn't good enough if we are to be a top 4 contender, but who can we realistically attract especially without CL football? We'll need our folks to play a blinder in the market.
Guys from all over the continent are going to be leaping to come to the EPL even without CL football due to how much more money EPL teams now have compared to 99% of teams on the continent. We'll be one of the top ten most attractive clubs monetarily in the world. Only City, Chelsea, United, PSG, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern will be above us. Woolwich, Liverpool, Juventus, Napoli, and Atletico Madrid will all be pretty similar to us. We won't be able to get the top targets but we'll certainly be competitive for the second tier.

Also, I'm pretty sure we've bought Vertonghen, Lloris, Dembele, Soldado, Lamela, Paulinho, Chirches, Holtby, Eriksen, Capoue, Adebayor, Chadli, and Sigurdsson without Champion's League. We've had trouble keeping onto players when not in the CL but never really had a problem attracting them since the PL got richer. Now if we add a big name coach in the summer getting players should be even less of a problem. Keeping players should be more difficult but that is true of every single club not named City, Bayern, Barcelona, United, Real Madrid, and Chelsea. Even then they occasionally have one slip away too.
If we keep onto Lloris it will be a miracle. Apart from that we need a left winger to restore balance. I'm jumping on a bandwagon I know but I like Konoplyanka A LOT. I also think we need to replace Lennon. He's been a passenger for far, far too long.

I only want Konoplyanka to piss off Liverpool fans. "Wah wah waaaaah, Spurs used our scouts again"

The way Spurs work nothing will done until the new manager comes in & negotiations for that will take us till Aug 29th leaving 2 days to sort the squad out with players he wants.

You know it'll happen
There lies the problem

Walker - Dawson - Vlad - Rose are no nearly good enough, never mind with any keeper we can hope to attract with the current mess at the club and no CL football

Not sure about walker and vlad. Vlad has done well prior to injury and has great potential, walker has been our most consistent performer, take your point with Dawson though.
Fraser Forster to replace Hugo if he goes. CB wise we could try and raid Dortmund (3rd, 3 points off 5th, if they finish outside the CL), Hummels and Subotic either or both as Dortmund.

Otherwise.... wow, in our league there are not many really good CBs, maybe Ashley Williams
Valdes if Lloris goes? Seems his Monaco move fell through. Clearly take a lot of convincing but someone like Van Gaal could possibly do that (assuming he comes too).
Fraser Forster to replace Hugo if he goes. CB wise we could try and raid Dortmund (3rd, 3 points off 5th, if they finish outside the CL), Hummels and Subotic either or both as Dortmund.

Otherwise.... wow, in our league there are not many really good CBs, maybe Ashley Williams


Come on, let's keep our feet on the ground.
We're a PL top 5 side, not the world leaders.
He turned Seedorf, Edgar Davids, Kluivert, Van Der Saar, Bergkamp, Thomas Muller, Schweinsteiger into world class stars. He gave Xavi and Carles Puyol their first Barca games. He coached Guardiola, Frank de Boer, Luis Enrique.
That's some proper world class European pedigree right there,
If this impressive fucker comes to our club I will be so happy.
Saying that they have lost 6 games already this season

So what? How Dortmund is performing has got absolutely nothing to do with our chances of getting him.

If, and that's IF he wants to leave Dortmund, every other club in the world will be in for the grab.
We're talking Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG, City etc.

Guy is without doubt one of the best CBs in the world, and he just turned 25! He's got like 10 good years in him.

Absolutely no fucking chance.
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