Summer 2018 transfer window

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But come on, at the end of the day Tottenham Hotspur is a business like any other, as well as a club that we love. Huge investment in the business has happened and is happening, on a level that takes it way, way beyond where' it's been over the last few decades. The current administration has done this and it's unquestionably a massively progressive move, much more so than signing a couple of big players in this transfer window. If people believe that this isn't a relevant context to our lack of spending right now then they're mad, regardless of what Levy may have said. Our leadership clearly know what they're doing. We have in incredible starting XI, a pretty good squad and we'll very likely be in the top four, as well as very soon being light years ahead of others in terms of infrastructure. Levy clearly deserves credit for handling and managing Poch (arguably the brightest talent in world football management) too, as he seems extremely sold in.

Again, if people melting about the transfer window do so seemingly without putting what's happening with the club generally into context, then they're in the wrong in my view.
You've ignored my points and just reiterated that you think it's all super.

That's OK. I don't
IT shit:
Thread starter #1
Who: Hercules
When: 8th August
Where: SC
I was told 2 in & 2 out. One was Grealish in (today), the medical that was planned. I quietly confident we will do 2 deals, as per Trix’s information. Just to add to that. We really are serious about Martial, and will hold our main funds for that, and this window.

If we cannot do that deal, we will not waste it on same area, lesser player. In the last 48 hours, some very good names in desperation being put to us. But! Also to our rivals. Some we were interested before, but they through their agents, was hedging their bets. Today’s work is about finding out if we will be wasting our time, our selling clubs playing games on price and structure.

If this is the case, we will hold out on just the 2 players. Poch berry happy with that.
But this is the crux of the argument, isn't it.

Are we a big club? Yes, of course we are.

Have we won much in the last couple decades, no, we haven't.

Because the owners of the club won't invest in the playing squad or spend the money befitting of a club of our status.

This is exactly why there are so many argumemts and cunt offs across every Spurs forum on the planet.

I think we’re a bigger club now than immediately before ENIC took over. Regular European football, higher league finishes, fuck off big stadium, one of the most valuable squads in world football. None of these examples were true prior to their ownership. It’s difficult to argue otherwise. Or would you say we were bigger before they arrived? Because I don’t remember it that way.
I've honestly found this window so bizarre. Going into it I just sort of assumed that Daniel would want to go into the new stadium with at least one big, bold, marquee signing, almost as a look the stadium we've got now and look what who we can bring in to play in it, especially after hearing Poch's comments.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting Bale but I expected us to bring in a top tier CM to slowly replace Moose or a quality back up to Harry.

I'm not going to bullshit and say I'm massively excited by Grealish, I'm be interested to see how he'll do and how Poch can improve him, if he signs I'll support him 100% but as I say it just wasn't what I expected from this window.

I have a lot of faith in Poch and our squad, I just feel like it is going to be a shame and a bit of a missed opportunity if we don't bring in someone to really improve us and help us kick on now we're moving back home....
IT shit:
Thread starter #1
Who: Hercules
When: 8th August
Where: SC
I was told 2 in & 2 out. One was Grealish in (today), the medical that was planned. I quietly confident we will do 2 deals, as per Trix’s information. Just to add to that. We really are serious about Martial, and will hold our main funds for that, and this window.

If we cannot do that deal, we will not waste it on same area, lesser player. In the last 48 hours, some very good names in desperation being put to us. But! Also to our rivals. Some we were interested before, but they through their agents, was hedging their bets. Today’s work is about finding out if we will be wasting our time, our selling clubs playing games on price and structure.

If this is the case, we will hold out on just the 2 players. Poch berry happy with that.

So Toby and Moussa out, and Grealish and one more player in? So that means we're either going into the season with no replacement for Moussa or Toby.
Decent analysis that, although I'd say (2) is a semi-cunting, seeing as Dembele's decline in form and fitness is evident and that our rivals have strengthened
Very true. I think it could swing both ways on that point. The younger players may push up a level which in theory means we are better than last season to some small degree. But as u say, Dembele is an example of the reverse.

Doing nothing in this window only means we are no weaker in comparison to our own levels from last season. And as you point out what really matters is where we are compared to those teams around us reflectively speaking. If they improve and we stand still then in theory we are weaker by comparison.

“They had nine players who played right to the end of the World Cup and only came back on Monday. The odds are stacked against them – but it doesn’t seem to panic Mauricio Pochettino. He seems to be relaxed about it.

“They haven’t done any business in the transfer window, but there doesn’t seem to be any furore over that.

“There is a lot stacked up against Tottenham this season when you look at it but the spirit, togetherness, continuity and stability is there. The manager looks after the players and has them playing his way, so I think Tottenham will finish above Woolwich, who are one of the intriguing parts of this season.”

You don't read this forum, do you Gary? :llorishowudoin:
You sure it wasn't a mirror and you're just having a bad hair day?...

5 & 3 mate. Full Suedehead.

As we enter the last few hours of the window, I’ve been thinking where I’m unhappy with our squad. And I’m not.
Regular CL contenders.
1 final and 2 semi finals.
We are still a young team that has now had a few seasons together. We have only lost Walker in that time (of the players we’d hand on heart want to keep) & it was only because he made it crystal clear he wanted to leave and to leave for City.
With the money we got for him, we brought in Sanchez, who really will be a top level defender within a couple of years.
There aren’t many players in the world who would walk straight into our starting XI and as the window draws to a close, it seems that we won’t be having a fire sale of our lads.
I’d prefer to keep this bunch together, with another year’s experience under their belt, and go again. They are a settled bunch, they know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, & by and large there is a great togetherness within the group.
Of course, I’m not saying that the club should not look to strengthen its depth if possible, but I really can’t panic about our situation. The clubs that have strengthened, I would say, are Liverpool and City.
I think united will be much the same next year, Woolwich have signed nobody of note & Chelsea look to be in a fucking mess. I’d be surprised if either of them “overtake” us this season. As for teams like Spam & Palace, they fucking well need to improve just to avoid relegation.
A signing or 2 would be nice. But to go into the next season with the same squad, a year older & wiser (whilst still relatively young) wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it?
Toby/Rose can warm the bench if the manager prefers big Dav & gentle Ben. Or they can fit into another formation if necessary.
I’m chilled out about it all really, & hope that you all have a lovely day in this gorgeous sunshine.
Peace to you all.
Going to have to disagree - the thought of loosing a couple of players to injury, or just bloody knackered having to play every league and CL game worries me, as well as important english cup games if we get that far. lets be honest if we lose Harry or Eriksen for any period of time we are screwed! We just have nobody to replace them who can do what they do for us.
The there is our DFM situation, with Winks, Wanyama injured, Dier back late and Dembelle possibly gone - where does that leave us in MF?
You mentioned sanchez, who "could" be a top level defender "in a couple of years"! That doesn't really help us this season if Toby goes, and i think we all know he will - so again, CB becomes a problem, especially if we lose Verts to Injury at anytime in the season, and we usualy do!
Aurier has "long term" promise on the right but the jury is out - Tripps is an able, but not world class RB. On the left, if Rose goes, or even stays and plays like last season, then we are left with a solid but plodder of a LB in Davies, hardly lights up the LB position.
Subs bench, well this is where we are really hurting, if we are not brining in anyone, we are left with a very average and young looking subs bench/cup football second string team - I would see no cups again with that B team having to play, and we just don't have a strong enough a team to play ALL games in CL/LC/FA Cup and premiership so something will have to give and I think that will be prioritised to finishing 4th!

So for me all in all, although it wouldn't be an absolute shit pile of a season - like for instance I still think with current team we could make top 6 and possible last 4 of one cup, I do not think we would make progress on last season - and I thought that was Poch's aim??
So no, starting with the current team is not good for me, and I am not chilled about it at all, if anything I would be dismayed and upset! But the biggest worry is I think it shows a lack of ambition, and Poch is not going to hang around for the folllowing season, then we would be in real trouble. Can you see the likes of Harry, Eriksen, Hugo, Verts etc hanging on at this club next year if we make no investment in the team, or back our manager?
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