Summer 2021 - Transfer Thread

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Maybe the noises about a naming rights deal are a wee bit more than just noises?
It’s a good point - my mate has just sponsored Reading’s stadium for a M per year. How much would we get? 30M? Get a ten year deal and no reason why U couldn’t borrow against the guaranteed 300M now. That would be massive and appropriate in a Buyers market. Scattergun 5 or 6 players in whilst the market is low
Woolwich? Second best supported in the world? WTAF
Yep, behind Real Madrid apparently.

Now I'm sure the way it's calculated is highly debatable and contentious we've all seen City buy in lists to boost their Twitter flowers and advertise for people to follow them. And I'm sure it varies greatly across different platforms etc but the one I saw has it thus..........

I was up for buying him when Watford got relegated. I reckon he has a very high development ceiling.
He looked like quite the prospect in the 2018 WC. We should have gone after him then (and would have actually had a signing to show for that summer). But of course we don't buy players off a good tournament, so yeah.
Whats the deal with Martinez, did we bid for him?

My brothers m8 is a season ticket holder at Inter Milan and he reckons he's a brilliant player, genuinely 2 footed, etc. Reckons the Inter fans would be gutted if he left,

My brothers 2m8s are onion sellers in Paris and they reckon PSG have landed themselves a half decent player from somewhere in Spain. Reckons the club he left were pleased to see the back of him.
I sincerely hope the Braithwaite links are bullshit.
I've never understood why he's at Barca, nor why he has a 300m release clause valuation. Whenever I've watched him I've been totally underwhelmed.
where’s the money gonna come from? Would be great to keep Kane and sign both but can’t see it happening. Even with selling some deadwood.

maybe I’m wrong?

Why not?

Factor all the ins and outs so far and the fact that Romero will be deferred til next season at the earliest.... We've literally a few million

I don't think a winger is a priority, but I totally expect a modest trf kitty of 60m-ish + any further sales.........
Im a big Ndombele fan, think he has heaps of talent and was worth the transfer fee (atleast at the time).

I do think it’s time we moved him on if possible though as it’s been 2 years now and multiple managers appear to have come to the same conclusion.

What’s frustrating is he could be a world beater if he could sort his fitness/hunger to succeed out..
I could be a world beater if I wasn't a fucken mental, alcoholic, Scottish cunt
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