Summer Transfer thread - 2024

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Are people actually annoyed we haven't wasted 35m on a fucking 18 year old with zero Prem experience and less than a handful of decent performances that anyone has actually seen with their own eyes?


One game against a piss poor Chelsea.'

I watched him several times last season and in the play off final.


Not a player we need, and remember that the last player we signed from Leeds is heading into oblivion.
Why is it a worry?

I thought he was the next big thing?

Yet it was Brentford who got him. Not City. Not Real Madrid. Not Liverpool. Not Bayern Munich or any other big club. Brentford.

That should tell you all you need to know. Everyone else was probably perplexed at how he was worth so much for achieving very little OR he wanted game time and thought Brentford would give him that.

This x 10000000000000000000000000000
The ethos of ENIC and Daniel Levy is to make as much financial gain as possible from the football club.

They donā€™t have an ethos on the football side of things. Absolutely none. Theyā€™re shysters who put on a facade that they have a philosophy and ethos as you suggest by occasionally throwing out buzz word statements like ā€œwe want a coach that can play free flowing attacking footballā€ before appointing Nuno, or ā€œwe have our Tottenham backā€ after we won a couple of games, to make the more gullable of the fans believe they actually have some sort of vision. They donā€™t.

The old chestnut that they try and put out there that we are a club that signs exclusively young talented players is absolute dung too.
We sign predominantly players that are cheap. If a player is not a young and talented player we have no issue signing him as long as he isnā€™t very expensive. Itā€™s a classic way of trying to justify continuously signing players that are not at a level that are really going to turn us into challengers. ā€œOh we donā€™t sign stars, we make them. Itā€™s the Tottenham way.ā€ Utter horseshit.

Under Jol, Harry, AVB, Poch, Mourinho, Conte, Nuno (what a collection of different managers that is btw, for an ownership that supposedly has an ā€œethosā€) we signed numerous players mid/late 20ā€™s/early 30s. Why? Because we could ā€œdo a deal.ā€ Ethos went out the window.

Levy and ENIC have no footballing ethos or philosophy. They plod along on the football side of things chopping and changing from different methods and regimes and whenever things go tits up, Levy comes out with a buzz word statement, ā€œwe need to get back to the Tottenham way.ā€ and bobs your uncle he gets a cohort of fans back onside again.
Rinse and repeat.
And most fans are more than happy to touch their toes and take it.

So, on it shall go.
Here he goes again


Just can't help himself .:harrylol:

Sleep Yawn GIF

Neither can you, clearly.

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Are any of the midfielders weā€™re talking about able to fulfil a decent No 6 role?
The only one that I've seen any links too has been Palhinha from Fulham. I think he was rated 6th best DM in Europe last season. I'm not sure that he'd suit Ange though, he is 28 and linked to a few clubs. Bissouma was rated 10th best, which considering his drop off halfway through the season means we have a pretty good one already.
I doubt if he'd have been a primary target.

More of a 'ok to sign later in the window but we might sign others first'
Not sure what our primary targets are anymore. I thought our 3 primarys were a top class DM, CM and striker/winger and than some cheaper options in other positions as back ups. We don't seem to be linked to any top class players in those positions yet. Hopefully Johan Lange is quietly organising some transfers that we know nothing about yet.
The funniest thing is this poster regularly tries to claim that anyone that is anti Levy/ENIC are ā€œGooner Trollsā€ and, in his mind, not real Spurs fans, even though actual Woolwich fans continuously sing about how they want Levy to STAY. (understandably so too, as even they realise we are never going to be a serious outfit or win anything of significance with him at the helm)

You genuinely couldnā€™t make it up.

When you see the transfer fees for Minteh, Gray, Dewsbury-Hall, Anderson, etc, Iā€™ve no issue with us not being involved in the market until later.

Paying 30 odd million for players like this gives me the fear. I know these fees are probably inflated due to some dodgy fiscal shenanigans, but I dread to think what kind of money we are being quoted for some of our targets, who are almost certainly several levels above this lot.
Gray may turn out to be another Rodon or he could be another Eze, Bowen or Watkins. There are no guarantees in football. He certainly has talent.

It's right that we look to find the best British talents but I totally understand why players from that level prefer to join a lower PL team rather than go straight to the top end. You just aren't going to get the same opportunities to play. If we need home grown young players then we need to focus on developing them in our academy.
the point is anyone can have a decent game against good opposition. I've seen him in games against lesser opponents and he didn't look particularly great.

He might well turn out to be a very good player but I can definitely understand why we are not spunking 35m on him.

Young players are inconsistent and Farke was playing him different positions to teach him the game.

35m not spent on him means very little to me itā€™s not my money and there are crazy deals going on all over the place. 33m for Minteh to Brighton etc

End of the day if they get the business done that they want to then who cares but we already regret it with Wharton, letā€™s hope we donā€™t with Gray but based on the times Iā€™ve seen him play, well regret it before Christmas.
When you see the transfer fees for Minteh, Gray, Dewsbury-Hall, Anderson, etc, Iā€™ve no issue with us not being involved in the market until later.

Paying 30 odd million for players like this gives me the fear. I know these fees are probably inflated due to some dodgy fiscal shenanigans, but I dread to think what kind of money we are being quoted for some of our targets, who are almost certainly several levels above this lot.

If the market inflates then you pay the prices or you donā€™t get the assets.

The amount of game changing talent this club has failed to sign over the years by trying to beat the market is sickening.

Iā€™m not saying it about Gray specifically Iā€™m talking about our highest conviction targets. If Gray wasnā€™t one then fair enough but Iā€™m really hoping we donā€™t miss the players we really need because prices are inflated so we decide to waitā€¦

When was the last time an inflated price for anything came down?
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