The Olympic Stadium thread

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Karen Brady is indeed a peer of the realm. She can lie & bullshit with the very best. That video really fucked me off.

"Two thousand and Sixteen" "Two thousand and Sixteen" "Two thousand and Sixteen" "Two thousand and Sixteen"

Fuck sake, Karren, FUCK UP!
“We’ve got nothing to hide, we’ve got a very good rental agreement with West Ham and it’s fantastic that we will not be spending any more public money on this, so let’s get it out there.

It's laughable how of the £272m to convert it for football, only £15m is being provided by the Spammers. Plus the additional £40m from Newnham. So that leaves £217m to be picked up by the tax payer? What a bunch of pikies!
It's laughable how of the £272m to convert it for football, only £15m is being provided by the Spammers. Plus the additional £40m from Newnham. So that leaves £217m to be picked up by the tax payer? What a bunch of pikies!

And yet it's " fantastic " news that no more of public money will be spent on it..??

This will rumble on I believe..
The beasts from the east seem to think the truth will leave them with egg on their face and the rest of football will be laughing at them.
Can't see that myself, think the truth will prove they have a good deal financially.
Who is the £2,5m per year paid to? It's certainly not back to the tax payer. Over 99 years that should equate to about £250m in rental not including inflation and change to agreement. We will never see the benefit of that money. Yet the Spanners have more or less been gifted a new 50k seat stadium for peanuts.

This is public money we are talking about, of course we should see how it is being wasted helping to fund a small company.
I reiterate: Is the most important factor in this deal going to be made public.

The only guarantee the public has that Gold & Sullivan won't sell is: 'to show our commitment we have made an agreement to pay a one off payment if we sell within 10yrs'

This is the most important fact in the whole deal.
Just how much is that 'one off payment' ?

They have refused to reveal how much they are getting for Upton Park, Baroness Brady reckons little more than their payment for the OS conversion.
Yet they have to clear a £35m bank debt t before they move into the Olympic Stadium.

I suggest the amount is nowhere big enough to prevent them from selling within 10 yrs and making a profit.
This 'one off payment' is the biggest con in the whole deal.
I read somewhere that the one off payment was rumoured to be 50%.

can you believe that Brady tried to get their debt paid off by tax payers money as well??
She said it was in the interest of the Olympic project that they move in debt free..

Is there any wonder they are called Pikeys?
I read somewhere that the one off payment was rumoured to be 50%.

can you believe that Brady tried to get their debt paid off by tax payers money as well??
She said it was in the interest of the Olympic project that they move in debt free..

Is there any wonder they are called Pikeys?
The Baroness really does need taking down a peg or two ! Utterly without shame.
Background image is the seating plan for the revised Spurs stadium, with the Olympic Stadium seating plan in football mode outlined in red:


Lifted this from Skyscrapercity.
The spammers won't be buying scarves outside the OS, they will be buying telescopes.
Background image is the seating plan for the revised Spurs stadium, with the Olympic Stadium seating plan in football mode outlined in red:


Lifted this from Skyscrapercity.
The spammers won't be buying scarves outside the OS, they will be buying telescopes.

Are the area's I have shaded blue just gaps between the tiers?

Let's all be honest the Spammers would be struggling to fill those upper tiers anyway with their tin pot support. All sell out matches will be lower tier only.

An appeal. Hmmm. Seems there be fear in them eyes. Anyone connected to this stadium farce needs a kick in the balls ( including big Karen who clearly has some massive balls )

I am guessing that the Stadium in Rugby mode at the moment gives an indication how good / bad it will really be Next year. I pray it's dreadful. I fear it won't be as bad as I hope. Anyone been to the Rugby to check it out ?

We Spurs fans should start block booking appointment times to attend their shop at Stratford for season ticket sales and not turn up. Childishness at its best.
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