The Olympic Stadium thread

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Straight from the horses mouth - a mate of mine in there now watching the rugby, the pitch is miles away!!! Look at that left hand side


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100,000 free tickets per season...I wonder what seats will be the free ones ?

At least 10, could be up to 20, meters from pitch side seats to pitch...maybe they will be free or will it be the ones 50-60 meters away ?

The "Moore" success = the more you pay in rent, good job this mob have pretty much no fucking history of success nor any legitimate rationale that success will come in the future.

Absolute joke situation. Their club has been surrendered into something with no tangible assets at all - and the fucking idiots seem pleased about it all. They really are Turkey's voting for Christmas. What a job Gold and Sullivan did asset stripping them.
To make matters worse, I read today that the tax payers are going to pay to heat and light the stadium.. How in the name of Fred fuckery is this still allowed to happen??
I'd assume they would have worked out the operating costs overall & that the cost of football does not increase those operating costs, therefore the rent charged for the "upto" 25 games per year will be covering the overhead & then profit. Spammers will say "ha ha ha we get all this free" but it's not free when your paying to use the stadium.

Best way to think about this is consider renting a flat with bills included. You might get a decent deal, but it is not free no matter how it's looked at as your paying in one lump sum for the lighting, heating etc etc.

What I am not clear on is how much per annum, per game Spammers are paying, when we know that we can either laugh some more or get annoyed that the Tories have fucked us all again ! ( you don't get to become Baroness Brady unless you do something Dave & Boris really like )

I have my packet of fags & on the back in burp I have worked out (within minutes) that if I guess they get an average price of £40 per match ticket for the 49,000 tickets they can charge for, their match gate receipts income (pre tax) is just shy of 2 million. If they are paying, say £15 million a year rent (600K per match ) Then their gross income per match drops to £1.4 million, which is £35,000,000 over the year ( based on 25 match days ) that's not a vast increase on the 20 odd million they get already at their caravan site, which they own lock stock and barrel.

There is of course the "corporate" income which might be high, but even if that doubles the income above we are still not looking at a game changing situation. But the 54,000 capacity includes the corporate attendance so in theory that would put the average price up to £40 given that a large percentage of subsidised tickets will be below £20 per match

Hopefully someone brainer than I can tidy up my figures above, but I doubt this works out to such a good deal in the end. The game changer would be if the commission sold the Stadium to whoever buys the Spammers off the Pimp & his mate in the funny Russian hat
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It's state aid pure and simple the running costs are greater than the rent. Naming rights shared so in affect they are being paid to play at Stratford. They Trosured the vast majority of the sale of Upton Park so they have in affect a free stadium plus several millions to spare.

Boris Johnson for pm

I don't understand how they've got away with it. It's just wrong. I wouldn't want the place, but how is this fair on other clubs in the PL? Why do West Ham get a free ride? It's a scandal.
Had a brief nose through it so may have got some facts wrong but 2.5mill a year rent outgoings and don't have to pay a sausage else. Not even a groundsman.
50% of anything above 4mill in naming rights
30% of anything above 500k taken in food and drink
Keep all match day revenue.
1mill to pay if they won the champions league (that's safe then)
15mill towards the 300mill to convert it into a football stadium
They have hit solid fucking gold. No wonder they wanted to keep that quiet.
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