The Olympic Stadium thread

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Dodgy deal but glad we ain't got the OS.

1 leaving their home, might only be close but Stratford ain't West Ham, for us this would have been even worst going from Tottenham to Stratford.

2 damaging local businesses by moving, WHL is the soul of Tottenham just as West Ham is the soul of that place. It will hurt West Ham as an area when they move.

3 stadium design, seats miles from the pitch in a bowl style stadium, you couldn't build a worse style for football. Upton Park is a proper football ground with a real atmosphere, that will go in the OS. We at least can build a proper football stadium.

4. Don't even own the stadium as West Ham are effectively renting it.

All in all I am looking forward to our new stadium, I certainly wouldn't look forward to moving into the OS.
This may sound silly today but once the dust has settled it will be for them a horrible place to be, the closest pub is 2.5 miles away. It's simple things like the match day experience that effects your day out. The only alternative is franchise food in Westfield shopping centre and franchise food at the stadium. Speak to any WHU fan about what they enjoy about their shit hole now and they will tell you about the pubs, pie and mash and the cafes they have been visiting all of their lives on match day. These things are the DNA of any supporter. In a flick of a switch all that has gone.
Levy would have accepted the same deal.
So i guess we cant whinge too much.
On second thought, levy would have probably got the taxpayer to cover even more of the costs.

Levy would have ensured the LLDC covered the EU conventions before sign off, if the Pikies had done that they would have gotten away with it.
true. It is wrong taxpayers covering all those costs when premiership teams make so much anyway.

I am just being my usual annoying self by questioning the motives of some of the whingers.

I just feel a bit cheeky complaining when i know our club would have taken full advantange of the situation too.
But we didnt & west ham did. So people have the right to complain about the hammers.

I havent read back in this thread.
But what would be the alternative to west ham having it? I read it would have barely been used or made much ££ if they didnt rent it.

Leyton Orient?
At the end of the day I don't think Levy or the board were serious about us going to the OS. I still think it was to force Haringey/Boris' hand in getting our own stalled application in Tottenham rolling. The riots also had a major effect as well as it really highlighted the shittiness of the area and it's much required regeneration.

I think it's worked out well for us and the club have managed to leveraged out more from the Government/Boris/Haringey towards our own development of the area.

Also we can now look at the Pikies and judge the ridiculous situation they have now created.
Bloody hell is that right? Ha, I should talk as I usually go drinking round Liverpool St these days before a game. I am aware this doesn't help the pubs in Tottenham.

I bet Westfield won't be happy with 30,000 piss heads descending on it. They'll have to go somewhere else and then get a tube to the stadium

Not exactly going to be an intimidating atmosphere when all the home fans are two miles away!
Bloody hell is that right? Ha, I should talk as I usually go drinking round Liverpool St these days before a game. I am aware this doesn't help the pubs in Tottenham.
I've probably exaggerated the distance, the closest pubs are Stratford High Street, 1.5 miles probably??, if they are still there and haven't closed.
My biggest fear, I live a stones throw away, is that they discover my local and start using that. It will be a good 30-40 min walk so keeping my fingers crossed.
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At the end of the day I don't think Levy or the board were serious about us going to the OS. I still think it was to force Haringey/Boris' hand in getting our own stalled application in Tottenham rolling. The riots also had a major effect as well as it really highlighted the shittiness of the area and it's much required regeneration.

I think it's worked out well for us and the club have managed to leveraged out more from the Government/Boris/Haringey towards our own development of the area.

Also we can now look at the Pikies and judge the ridiculous situation they have now created.
Do you think Levy arranged for Mark Duggan to be shot as well?

He was 100% serious.
Do you think Levy arranged for Mark Duggan to be shot as well?

He was 100% serious.

I did not say that, the riots whilst unrelated to our on going plan, would have had a factor in highlighting the much needed regeneration in the area.

I do not believe it was ever their intention to go to the OS, staying in N17 was first and foremost, however the barriers put up which slowed our process down would have pushed the club to do something alternative. Going to the OS was the wrong move, however it kick started the process for us to actually stay as well.
Do you think Levy arranged for Mark Duggan to be shot as well?

He was 100% serious.
lol, no he wasn't. You Levy haters just use this little rhetoric as a stick to beat him with now you have little to no ammo.

Levy got exactly what he wanted out of Stratford and now there is a stadium being built at White Hart Lane.

His long term vision is coming to fruition and it nags and nags at you moany fuckers that have done nothing but slander him the past 5 years.

Big up Daniel Levy.
lol, no he wasn't. You Levy haters just use this little rhetoric as a stick to beat him with now you have little to no ammo.

Levy got exactly what he wanted out of Stratford and now there is a stadium being built at White Hart Lane.

His long term vision is coming to fruition and it nags and nags at you moany fuckers that have done nothing but slander him the past 5 years.

Big up Daniel Levy.

I agree, plan was to stay in Tottenham, it was a game of poker and who would fold first. If we didn't show seriousness in the OS, do you think the plans for the Northumberland Project would have progressed further albeit with other hitches along the way?

The Duggen issue whilst sad, dubous, etc... happened at the right time for the club. It seemed to be a perfect storm with highlighting the much needed regeneration of the poorest area of London. The club needed to stay in the heart of the area to bring about that much needed change.
west ham will sell out the first season give or take. its the 2ND season they have to worry about.

from a footballing perspective, the pitch layout will be a great leveller for the away sides
from a fan perspective the newness will soon give way to how crap it is.
I agree, plan was to stay in Tottenham, it was a game of poker and who would fold first. If we didn't show seriousness in the OS, do you think the plans for the Northumberland Project would have progressed further albeit with other hitches along the way?

The Duggen issue whilst sad, dubous, etc... happened at the right time for the club. It seemed to be a perfect storm with highlighting the much needed regeneration of the poorest area of London. The club needed to stay in the heart of the area to bring about that much needed change.
Agreed. As much as one might raise an eyebrow at Levy perhaps taking advantage of those two situations, when you juxtapose the unbelievable deal West Ham is getting with some of the hoops that Spurs had to jump through to get the stadium planning sorted, it's understandable.

While Spurs' planning application was gone through with a fine tooth-comb (e.g. looking at affordable housing, etc), West Ham are going to contribute less in rent per year to running the OS than the taxpayer will.
Fucking unbelievable, and I hope that heads will roll.

west ham will sell out the first season give or take. its the 2ND season they have to worry about.

from a footballing perspective, the pitch layout will be a great leveller for the away sides
from a fan perspective the newness will soon give way to how crap it is.
Of course. Difficult to flog tickets for Championship games.
It's difficult to stomach this deal as it benefits a football club that most of us would naturally detest and at the same time it screws the tax payers. The fact is a Tory gave a great deal to a Tory crony, they took on a shit Stadium and a rancid old bag got a seat in the House of Lords as a thank you.

It's a joke and someone needs to legally challenge them. Let's see what happens.

However 340 days a year they can't use it.

They can't realistically call it "home" it's rented

They have a running track all around the pitch.

The views we all know are atrocious.

They have to give away 10% of tickets each and every home game to Newham council Free.

The remaining ickets are being sold below market value and they have not sold out ! They are hardly going to be Real Madrid Mark 2 even if this is a good deal.

Fuck em.
Not to sure how that works.
Treat with a pinch of salt. My guess is the media will take the lead, scandal, shock, this is a joke kind of headlines. It will be debated for a week or two. Then there may be pressure put on governing bodies to comment on and probably the government too. All this will then no doubt draw out debate on what is and isn't state aid. Seeing that public finances are in such a mess it has the potential to bring down of few politicians involved (Boris etc).
From my limited understanding I think it is only down to other businesses (clubs) and individuals and fan groups to then can take them to a European Court if they feel they have a strong case of State Aid. The only downside to the State Aid case being bought by a club is every single club would look to help from a government in some shape or form (in the States for example all new stadia is built with state funds and why teams/franchises will actually re-locate to different state, different scenario I know but the point is rival franchises will not cry because they are looking for the same advantage).
Joe Clash Joe Clash Here you are Joe, the first "group", The Tax Payers Alliance, first to throw their hat in the ring:
They have to give away 10% of tickets each and every home game to Newham council Free.

not sure thats true, they have to give 100,000 tickets out a year.
what form that takes could be
30,000 for crewe at home in the league cup or 20,000 for a PSF or a dozen for man u at home...

that's my understanding anyway.

your 'fuck em' is spot on however.

edit to add its up to 100,000 for sport and music events
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The LLDC are making sure that West ham's involvement is minimal.. They are not paying for anything so they won't have a say in what goes on for the rest of the year.. There will be Cricket, athletics, Concerts and many many more and they won't be able to do a thing about it.

There's one thing people seem to be forgetting.... It's not a football stadium and they will soon get pissed off watching a game from so far back.. The rake of the seats nearer the front is so low they won't be able to see past the person in front.
The LLDC are making sure that West ham's involvement is minimal.. They are not paying for anything so they won't have a say in what goes on for the rest of the year.. There will be Cricket, athletics, Concerts and many many more and they won't be able to do a thing about it.

There's one thing people seem to be forgetting.... It's not a football stadium and they will soon get pissed off watching a game from so far back.. The rake of the seats nearer the front is so low they won't be able to see past the person in front.
Didn't they already play a game there? I thought the verdict was that the view was fine.

**edit - it was the rugby world cup. The stadium got the thumbs up.**
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