The Olympic Stadium thread

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I don't understand how they've got away with it. It's just wrong. I wouldn't want the place, but how is this fair on other clubs in the PL? Why do West Ham get a free ride? It's a scandal.
The thing is they might not have gotten away with anything yet. Now the details are public it will determine if they have been subsided by the state (to an untrained legal eye, it is clear they have). The fun is only just about to begin.
The thing is they might not have gotten away with anything yet. Now the details are public it will determine if they have been subsided by the state (to an untrained legal eye, it is clear they have). The fun is only just about to begin.

I really hope so. Who will adjudicate on these details?
Levy would have accepted the same deal.
So i guess we cant whinge too much.
On second thought, levy would have probably got the taxpayer to cover even more of the costs.
Levy would have accepted the same deal.
So i guess we cant whinge too much.
On second thought, levy would have probably got the taxpayer to cover even more of the costs.

No, Levy could see a converted stadium with running track wouldn't work.

He wanted to knock it down and start again.........West Ham have done what pikeys always do - moved into a new home on wheels because it's cheaper than the real thing
No, Levy could see a converted stadium with running track wouldn't work.

He wanted to knock it down and start again.........West Ham have done what pikeys always do - moved into a new home on wheels because it's cheaper than the real thing

Exactly. I was never for moving to Stratford, but people forget that what you're describing is the scenario that our bid entailed. We never bid to just take over the stadium and tweak it slightly, as the pikeys predictably are doing.
I really hope so. Who will adjudicate on these details?
Not to sure how that works.
Treat with a pinch of salt. My guess is the media will take the lead, scandal, shock, this is a joke kind of headlines. It will be debated for a week or two. Then there may be pressure put on governing bodies to comment on and probably the government too. All this will then no doubt draw out debate on what is and isn't state aid. Seeing that public finances are in such a mess it has the potential to bring down of few politicians involved (Boris etc).
From my limited understanding I think it is only down to other businesses (clubs) and individuals and fan groups to then can take them to a European Court if they feel they have a strong case of State Aid. The only downside to the State Aid case being bought by a club is every single club would look to help from a government in some shape or form (in the States for example all new stadia is built with state funds and why teams/franchises will actually re-locate to different state, different scenario I know but the point is rival franchises will not cry because they are looking for the same advantage).
No, Levy could see a converted stadium with running track wouldn't work.

He wanted to knock it down and start again.........West Ham have done what pikeys always do - moved into a new home on wheels because it's cheaper than the real thing
but my point is i dont think levy would turn down taxpayers covering costs.
He would do the same as west ham if he wanted to rent the stadium as it is.

& levy didnt care about moving us away from home to save money.
but my point is i dont think levy would turn down taxpayers covering costs.
He would do the same as west ham if he wanted to rent the stadium as it is.

& levy didnt care about moving us away from home to save money.

You are talking about a hypothetical situation because he clearly didn't want the OS in the form West Ham have it.
You are talking about a hypothetical situation because he clearly didn't want the OS in the form West Ham have it.
Indeed i am. i just dont think levy would have any more morals or be any less greedy.
Clubs are buisnesses who put themselves first.

But who cares?
feck em! It'll be a soulless void that even their bubbles won't fill. They'll get screwed over in the long run. 99 year lease.. probably bust them
I meant if levy done it.
I think some on here would suddenly feel a lot less strongly if it was us & not west ham who had done it.
Which is only natural i guess.
Well as I said earlier my support would have stopped. I felt very strongly about it. Obviously I can't speak for others, but I take your general point.
Well as I said earlier my support would have stopped. I felt very strongly about it. Obviously I can't speak for others, but I take your general point.
true. It is wrong taxpayers covering all those costs when premiership teams make so much anyway.

I am just being my usual annoying self by questioning the motives of some of the whingers.

I just feel a bit cheeky complaining when i know our club would have taken full advantange of the situation too.
But we didnt & west ham did. So people have the right to complain about the hammers.

I havent read back in this thread.
But what would be the alternative to west ham having it? I read it would have barely been used or made much ££ if they didnt rent it.
Dodgy deal but glad we ain't got the OS.

1 leaving their home, might only be close but Stratford ain't West Ham, for us this would have been even worst going from Tottenham to Stratford.

2 damaging local businesses by moving, WHL is the soul of Tottenham just as West Ham is the soul of that place. It will hurt West Ham as an area when they move.

3 stadium design, seats miles from the pitch in a bowl style stadium, you couldn't build a worse style for football. Upton Park is a proper football ground with a real atmosphere, that will go in the OS. We at least can build a proper football stadium.

4. Don't even own the stadium as West Ham are effectively renting it.

All in all I am looking forward to our new stadium, I certainly wouldn't look forward to moving into the OS.
feck em! It'll be a soulless void that even their bubbles won't fill. They'll get screwed over in the long run. 99 year lease.. probably bust them
i also think it will be a lot less intimidating place to go. Upton park is a horrible tight ground to go too.
That's funny, but there won't be any sitting that far back. :freund:

Think they'll be lucky to fill that lower tier. Seen some comedy about increasing the capacity to (19)66k, unless they are charging £1 for a bus fare + free seat from the journey of crossing the stadium, there is no way they will fill that place out.
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