The Trust have called for the board to resign.

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One thing to note re ENIC and Levy selling Spurs.....don't count on it.

You can own all sorts of organisations, many which will offer less risk and more profit than a top football club. Build a company, or just buy one.

What you get with a football club like Spurs though, it to have a semblance of Roman emperor style power in your colosseum with 60,000 plebs cheering for you(ish). You can imagine the Mr Burns feels you get sitting in that prime owners box, must be quite the power rush. Even though nobody ever really loves the owners, it's as close as you can get to power and adulation.

If it were me I think I'd actually wear a toga and olive branch crown. One squad member executed at half-time, just to keep them on their toes 👎
One thing to note re ENIC and Levy selling Spurs.....don't count on it.

You can own all sorts of organisations, many which will offer less risk and more profit than a top football club. Build a company, or just buy one.

What you get with a football club like Spurs though, it to have a semblance of Roman emperor style power in your colosseum with 60,000 plebs cheering for you(ish). You can imagine the Mr Burns feels you get sitting in that prime owners box, must be quite the power rush. Even though nobody ever really loves the owners, it's as close as you can get to power and adulation.

If it were me I think I'd actually wear a toga and olive branch crown. One squad member executed at half-time, just to keep them on their toes 👎
One thing to note re ENIC and Levy selling Spurs.....don't count on it.

You can own all sorts of organisations, many which will offer less risk and more profit than a top football club. Build a company, or just buy one.

What you get with a football club like Spurs though, it to have a semblance of Roman emperor style power in your colosseum with 60,000 plebs cheering for you(ish). You can imagine the Mr Burns feels you get sitting in that prime owners box, must be quite the power rush. Even though nobody ever really loves the owners, it's as close as you can get to power and adulation.

If it were me I think I'd actually wear a toga and olive branch crown. One squad member executed at half-time, just to keep them on their toes 👎
Maximus Profitus
Is this down to ENIC/Levy, the managers or a combination of the 2?

Since last Cup victory
• 2021: League Cup final
• 2019: CL final
• 2019: League Cup semi final
• 2018: FA Cup semi final
• 2017: FA Cup semi final
• 2015: League cup final
• 2012: FA Cup semi final
• 2010: FA Cup semi final
• 2009: League Cup final
Combo of the two
Wait, people are saying ENIC owns the stadium as an asset separate from the football club?
That seems incorrect. If true, provide proof. That would be a very strange ownership arrangement.

My understanding is it is a group of companies.

They have registered the stadium separate from the football club.

Sure that helps with the accounting for ENIC as they can look to manipulate profits where they see fit.
For instance the football club could potentially make a loss and the stadium make a profit, or vice versa if we sold Harry Kane this summer for instance.
The debt is on the stadium rather than the football club.
I think the power may have gone to your head.
One thing to note re ENIC and Levy selling Spurs.....don't count on it.

You can own all sorts of organisations, many which will offer less risk and more profit than a top football club. Build a company, or just buy one.

What you get with a football club like Spurs though, it to have a semblance of Roman emperor style power in your colosseum with 60,000 plebs cheering for you(ish). You can imagine the Mr Burns feels you get sitting in that prime owners box, must be quite the power rush. Even though nobody ever really loves the owners, it's as close as you can get to power and adulation.

If it were me I think I'd actually wear a toga and olive branch crown. One squad member executed at half-time, just to keep them on their toes 👎

Funny. But still true.

No chance on them selling it for fun.

Firstly they have rode the TV money train for a decade. Now they boarded the infrastructure one, and instantly changed the strategy towards full spectrum entertainment experiences, a massive growth sector. Finallly they were fortunate enough to hit a flatlining interests market.

If anything it's going too well - There are very, very few buyers for assets this size.

Which is why I personally consider a break-up or slow asset strip perfectly realistic.
I think Jose was more than just a 'he'll win trophies' signing, it was a 'he'll keep our name in the papers' signing, which is exactly what we need. More exposure, more interest. The fact his methods failed so quickly was *somewhat* predictable (esp. in hindsight), but if our form in early Dec had continued for even another 2 months, we wouldn't be having this conversation and we'd be calling Levy a genius.

All that said, it's hard not to notice that we're still in the running despite an absolute shitshow run of form for 4 months! It's painful, I hate it, but it seems we're not the only ones. The ones who aren't are, not coincidentally, the richest clubs in world football.
So many teams seem to be in a right mess these days. Even abroad like Barcelona & Madrid. Jose was always going to be a bad move I'm afraid.
One thing to note re ENIC and Levy selling Spurs.....don't count on it.

You can own all sorts of organisations, many which will offer less risk and more profit than a top football club. Build a company, or just buy one.

What you get with a football club like Spurs though, it to have a semblance of Roman emperor style power in your colosseum with 60,000 plebs cheering for you(ish). You can imagine the Mr Burns feels you get sitting in that prime owners box, must be quite the power rush. Even though nobody ever really loves the owners, it's as close as you can get to power and adulation.

If it were me I think I'd actually wear a toga and olive branch crown. One squad member executed at half-time, just to keep them on their toes 👎
I'm not sure how much I buy into that theory given Joe has been to Tottenham about 3 times since buying the club. I think he's in it because football was a huge growth market that was practically guaranteed as the game globalized...I think that growth is tapering off, and any reluctance he has with selling now is just that he's too old to be as hungry for growth as he used to be.

Levy's balls might jump a bit at the roar of the crowd below him, but at the end of the day he's a minority owner and if Lewis decided to sell up he'd be out of luck. Unless he cobbled together some investors to buy up Lewis' shares and maintain Levy as the majority owner....which may be the most likely, and disappointing for us all, outcome.
We made 113m profit in 2018 .... the highest we made before ENIC was 11m ... the only money anyone is 'burning' is the money they have made for our club ...

I would agree wholeheartedly that we haven't spent well, but you can't fault the cash generation.
How much of that was due to poch getting us in top 4s & CL runs? Then how much of it is fantastic buisness from enic that you wouldn't expect a big buisness to be able to do. I think they are sitting on a goldmine. If new owners come in they too will make a lot of profit.
I wonder if anyone would have supported Levy if he had told the Super League to piss off and it went ahead without us. That was the danger a few years ago as we were no where near good enough to be accepted.
Plenty will support levy no matter what
Anti Levy Cult!

Like we're now The Cult


It's amazing, isn't it.

Critisising the serial bottlers, who make money on our failures. How dare we. The owners who charge league high gates yet consistently underdeliver.
The people standing to get very, very wealthy by keeping FC operations on a short leash while pouring FC turnover into servicing infrastructure debts.

How dare we talk of it.
The Levy defenders can at least admit the things that he's failed on.

The anti Levy boys are shit scared of admitting the slightest thing he's done well,in case they get thrown out.

The very definition of a cult
I think a closer definition would be a group of people who show a unhealthy, undying infatuation with an individual, group, or entity.
Any citicism of such entity, however deserved, must be fought with fire.
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Oh, look whose turned up.

One more of the anti Levy cult.
Only this fella is unable to debate things. When he's presented with actual facts and figures, he accuses the poster of being trolls and runs and hides behind John Thomas John Thomas skirts.

The only thing he's able to do is write billets doux to the other members of the cult in a desperate attempt for "likes" trying to be relevant
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