The Trust have called for the board to resign.

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I'm 99.9% sure that isn't true.

However, as sellers you could probably insist on Enic keeping the stadium and renting it to Spurs, as long as you found a buyer stupid enough to agree to those terms.
You can't do that as a seller if the football club owns the stadium. You don't have that power.

The football club would have to sell the stadium to ENIC. In theory, it can be done. It would have to be at FMV, otherwise raising a while bunch of investigations. And I don't see ENIC wanting to deal with that while putting down a billion dollars just to own the stadium.
I think when the time is right, and conditions allow, ENIC would have no hesitation in selling the football club while keeping hold of all the associated infrastructure and assets. Including the stadium.
It would effectively leave THFC as merely tennants. Or Anchor Tennants as we're already referred to.
At risk of the same fate that befell Coventry.

Perhaps I'm just being cynical. But everything ENIC have ever done, or tried to do, suggests that the interests of the football team fall along way behind their interest in making money.

Daniel Levy himself said he isn't interested in football but saw it as a opportunity to milk it's massive popularity
The post just one above yours tells you why this can't be done .... guess you can't read.
Is this down to ENIC/Levy, the managers or a combination of the 2?

Since last Cup victory
• 2021: League Cup final
• 2019: CL final
• 2019: League Cup semi final
• 2018: FA Cup semi final
• 2017: FA Cup semi final
• 2015: League cup final
• 2012: FA Cup semi final
• 2010: FA Cup semi final
• 2009: League Cup final

Probably both plus being unlucky IMO.

Where Levy comes in is the way we only invest on the way down, during Redknapp and Poch’s reign we had a chance to invest and push on to win things but we didn’t and that crippled us. That to me suggests long as we get top 4 the club is happy and that sets the tone for our lack of success. My dad always said to me aim for an A and even if you fail you get a B or C don’t aim for a C and end up with a D or E. we aim to low.

Some managerial mistakes like the FA cup semi
Final in 2012 do linger though.
You can't do that as a seller if the football club owns the stadium. You don't have that power.

The football club would have to sell the stadium to ENIC. In theory, it can be done. It would have to be at FMV, otherwise raising a while bunch of investigations. And I don't see ENIC wanting to deal with that while putting down a billion dollars just to own the stadium.
However you want to structure/word it, it can be agreed in a deal between 2 parties.

All I'm saying is, literally it can happen, I just don't think it has before or would here, and if it did, it would be stupid on the part of the buyers.
However you want to structure/word it, it can be agreed in a deal between 2 parties.

All I'm saying is, literally it can happen, I just don't think it has before or would here, and if it did, it would be stupid on the part of the buyers.
No it can't ... there is a covenant in place which prevents it ... when ENIC bought the club they had to agree to that covenant ... even though they own the company the still have to abide by the terms of purchase. All owners have since we were incorporated.

Spurs are an integrated whole and so the owners can only sell everything thus keeping the club, assets and business as one entity. This model was created way back in 1898 when we became one of the first football clubs to become a limited company.

It's why all the rest of the NLD is split off into seperate companies .. the FC remains untouchable.
No it can't ... there is a covenant in place which prevents it ... when ENIC bought the club they had to agree to that covenant ... even though they own the company the still have to abide by the terms of purchase. All owners have since we were incorporated.

Spurs are an integrated whole and so the owners can only sell everything thus keeping the club, assets and business as one entity. This model was created way back in 1898 when we became one of the first football clubs to become a limited company.

It's why all the rest of the NLD is split off into seperate companies .. the FC remains untouchable.
Thanks for this. Very cool and nice to see.
You are clueless - you clearly don't even know the Spurs structure - sadly your post just makes you look like a ill-informed gobshite who thinks he knows more than he does.

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - or New White Hart Lane as it is called by some - is 100% owned by Spurs. In turn, Spurs are 85% owned by billionaire Joe Lewis’ holding firm ENIC International

Whilst clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City have very wealthy owners they have next to no assets outside of the sport with Man City not even the owner of their own ground and Chelsea's stadium being the major asset which is effectively mortgaged to the owner. If either owner walks away it will spell the end for that club.

Spurs on the other hand are an integrated whole and so the owners can only sell everything thus keeping the club, assets and business as one entity. This model was created way back in 1898 when we became one of the first football clubs to become a limited company.

Know your history or better yet be prepared to learn ... you clearly don't fully "understand how asset managment (sic) works in the corporate world" very much doubt anyone on the planet knows that entire subject, there are always new things to learn.

That's a long and dodgy way to squirm about - only to grudgingly confirm what I wrote:

ENIC owns the company. The company runs the FC.

End of story.

ENIC can't asset strip the football club.

Because, like reasons and feelings and ... stuff
I'll be honest to say I'm not sure if an owner has the right to remove a preexisting covenant they signed onto. I may just do some research on the side and get back to you.

But that user seems pretty sure so I'll take their word in good faith for now.
That's a long and dodgy way to squirm about - only to grudgingly confirm what I wrote:

ENIC owns the company. The company runs the FC.

End of story.
Shut up twerp ... either you can't read or you can't comprehend ... you clearly don't understand how asset management works in the corporate world, you've just proved that.
I'll be honest to say I'm not sure if an owner has the right to remove a preexisting covenant they signed onto. I may just do some research on the side and get back to you.

But that user seems pretty sure so I'll take their word in good faith for now.
It's not impossible but very hard, you have to convince a judge that a covenant is egregiously damaging to the future of the business. Don't see how ENIC could make that case.

Would be an interesting stance to take - selling the billion pound asset we built to protect the clubs future revenue is now a good idea - if you find anything please share, thanks.
We are officially at war as far as I'm concerned
keegan-michael key nerf guns GIF by NETFLIX
Boy Meets World Gun GIF
It's crazy to me how these magnates of football don't realise how loose their grip on the casual overseas fan is, and how sanding off the local and the traditional elements and aesthetics of the game appeals to them LESS, not more.

This is the NASCAR craze in the US all over again. Sterilise the sport in pursuit of a casual audience while alienating the hardcore, and when the casual national audience gets bored with it you're left with nothing.

The difference is that US sport is almost uniquely watched by a US audience, there are fans around the world but they make up a mere fraction of the fan base.

Football is very different the EPL is watched by 3.6 billion fans, only a fraction of whom are the local and traditional elements. Almost the exact opposite of US sports.

There is nothing to indicate that football's casual fan base will go away, in fact it's expected to grow as more and more people gain internet access, as that happens so TV revenue and Sponsorship deals based on viewing numbers will only go up ...

The owners have had a wake up call on fan power, however they know where the big money comes from, gaining control of the TV rights was and remains their goal ... they will be back.
Can you blame him ?

The actions of our owners in recent times lends itself to cynicism
Is this case, yes I can.

As has been explained previously its impossible for this to happen.

It's the usual stuff from the anti Levy cult. Hyperbole and exaggeration based on little or no knowledge of the facts.
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