The Trust have called for the board to resign.

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I think there's a few who would stop supporting Spurs if Levy left.
Their lives would become empty
He's like a father figure to them
He's an icon to them. They will defend him until their dying day.
If he left spurs I think they would end up moving on with him too. End of the Enic Era they adore so much.
So they called for the board's immediate resignation last Friday, how immediate is immediate exactly? I take it they need to give the board sufficient time to stop laughing their arses off before they really expect any form of response, so should we be expecting them to receive a swift fuck off some time next week?
Oh, look whose turned up.

One more of the anti Levy cult.
Only this fella is unable to debate things. When he's presented with actual facts and figures, he accuses the poster of being trolls and runs and hides behind John Thomas John Thomas skirts.

The only thing he's able to do is write billets doux to the other members of the cult in a desperate attempt for "likes" trying to be relevant
That's a very patronising, personal piece of venom coming from you, Stevee!

Has the recent surge in anti ENIC sentiment really got you that rattled? You seem to be taking the criticism aimed at them too personally, mate.
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He's an icon to them. They will defend him until their dying day.
If he left spurs I think they would end up moving on with him too. End of the Enic Era they adore so much.
It's reaching new levels of depravity in my opinion.

They turn on our players to defend him
They turn on our most over performing manager to defend him.
Thet turn on our own fans to defend him

And now they're even turning on the very embodiment of the fans in the Tottenham Hotspur supporters trust to defend him.

The epitome of cultism
It's reaching new levels of depravity in my opinion.

They turn on our players to defend him
They turn on our most over performing manager to defend him.
Thet turn on our own fans to defend him

And now they're even turning on the very embodiment of the fans in the Tottenham Hotspur supporters trust to defend him.

The epitome of cultism
You need to do some research on The Trust.
I've always had this half crazy theory that when Poch and even Mourinho had their dip in form it wasn't that the players weren't playing for the gaffers.

Personally, I think that they don't want to play for Daniel Levy anymore. From what the everyday spurs fan knows to reading between the lines in interviews from former employees and players that there is more going on behind closed doors than what appears to be going on at the highest levels.

I'm excited for Danny Rose to be released from his contract, mostly for the reason that I bet his first post-Spurs interview is going to blow the lid open on a ton of things.
That's a very patronising, personal piece of venom coming from you, Stevee!

Has the recent surge in anti ENIC sentiment really got you that rattled? You seem to be taking the criticism aimed at them too personally, mate.
I notice you don't comment on his patronising and personnel pieces of venom directed at other posters Joan.
I treat people the way they treat others.
I've always had this half crazy theory that when Poch and even Mourinho had their dip in form it wasn't that the players weren't playing for the gaffers.

Personally, I think that they don't want to play for Daniel Levy anymore. From what the everyday spurs fan knows to reading between the lines in interviews from former employees and players that there is more going on behind closed doors than what appears to be going on at the highest levels.

I'm excited for Danny Rose to be released from his contract, mostly for the reason that I bet his first post-Spurs interview is going to blow the lid open on a ton of things.

Daniel Levy is a megalomaniac, you can see this objectively just from the documentary.

How many other chairman do you think sit down in the fucking lunchroom and have their meals with tbe players and manager?

And it's really obvious why he does it as well, because he wants to be in control of every aspect of the club but the reality is he is just an interfering little weasel working on behalf of his investment company and couldn't give a fucking toss about the fans or seeing the club achieve success in the form of trophies.

All he wants, his ONLY objective, is to make his bosses lots and lots of money even at the expense of the people who make the game and the club what it is, the supporters.

That's why the supporters of this club need to reject these greedy fucking snakes and take control of the narrative.

Make every single moment uncomfortable for him and ENIC, boo him at every game, sing loud and proud about how much we love our club and how we refuse to accept mediocrity or shit decisions like the ESL behind our backs.

We genuinely need to make a stand as supporters.

ENIC are NOT THFC, they are a temporary part of our history and the people who support them more than they seemingly do the club also need to fucking remember that.
I've always had this half crazy theory that when Poch and even Mourinho had their dip in form it wasn't that the players weren't playing for the gaffers.
Personally, I think that they don't want to play for Daniel Levy anymore.
Absolutely fucking nailed it.

Explains so much of what's been unfolding in recent times.
Daniel Levy is a megalomaniac, you can see this objectively just from the documentary.

How many other chairman do you think sit down in the fucking lunchroom and have their meals with tbe players and manager?
Dude, that lunchroom is amazing though. Right? Fucking half a dozen chefs cooking whatever you want. I’d be there every breakfast having me poached salmon, sausage and eggs....

I actually had a totally different reaction when I saw the doc and Levy was in the lunchroom. I had pictured him as not even being anywhere near the players before then. To me, at that time, I saw it more as him being very invested in the club. In the ten plus years following Spurs I don’t think I’d ever heard him speak. All I knew of him was that he doesn’t get too excited at the games, and that his wife is easy to look at. Seeing him maintain a visible profile seemed to speak more of leadership than megalomania....I mean that’s how I saw it at least.

Anyway, just trying to show another side of the coin. I honestly don’t know what to think of him. I have certainly been proud of the fact the club hasn’t relied on oligarchs and sheiks to compete at the highest levels. I have no idea if he is holding us back or protecting us from economic ruin or plotting to dump the whole thing for mad cash in a sale or interfering with success on the field...I will say I think dumping Jose before the end of the season was stupid.
LoL - the players have won no trophies because they don't want to play for the owners? Just how screwed up are some posters on here ... blind hate knows no boundaries?

City win trophies because the players love their slave master owners?
Liverpool win trophies because the players love a money-ball american conglomerate?
PSG win trophies because they love the idea of an owner who oppresses women?

Think you will find players win trophies because they are the best players ... but nice try

All clubs have some clueless fans, but why do we have so many?
Dude, that lunchroom is amazing though. Right? Fucking half a dozen chefs cooking whatever you want. I’d be there every breakfast having me poached salmon, sausage and eggs....

I actually had a totally different reaction when I saw the doc and Levy was in the lunchroom. I had pictured him as not even being anywhere near the players before then. To me, at that time, I saw it more as him being very invested in the club. In the ten plus years following Spurs I don’t think I’d ever heard him speak. All I knew of him was that he doesn’t get too excited at the games, and that his wife is easy to look at. Seeing him maintain a visible profile seemed to speak more of leadership than megalomania....I mean that’s how I saw it at least.

Anyway, just trying to show another side of the coin. I honestly don’t know what to think of him. I have certainly been proud of the fact the club hasn’t relied on oligarchs and sheiks to compete at the highest levels. I have no idea if he is holding us back or protecting us from economic ruin or plotting to dump the whole thing for mad cash in a sale or interfering with success on the field...I will say I think dumping Jose before the end of the season was stupid.
I saw it another way to both of you, I thought he came across as a little dweeb using his position of power to hang around with the cool kids, even thought Mourinho's interaction with him over breakfast (or lunch) seemed forced, like he didn't really want to be talking to the guy but had to because he pays the wages.

He definitely seemed socially awkward, for example the scene early on commenting on Poch's cashmere sweater, Poch's face said 'wtf' but his words were more polite, or the Bergwijn signing, telling him not to let Mourinho down and then having to repeat himself when Bergwijn's response was 'huh??'.
The Trust made the correct and measured effort to let the board know that they have stepped over a line. But the ownership will not change unless an incentive is there, Corruption In football thrives on tribalism. The way forward is for the supporters trusts of the 6 effected clubs to meet and thrash out common objectives and then engage the other 14 supporters trusts and then make a statement of intent to the FA, Premier League and finally government. Only then the rules can be changed that govern football team ownership.
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