The Trust have called for the board to resign.

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Today from The Trust.

THST Statement: How we change our Club for the better


Events of the last week have demonstrated beyond doubt that there must be change at Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. The actions of the current Executive Board have inflicted substantial reputational damage on our Club as a result of their involvement in the discredited European Super League, risking damaging consequences. And despite the many achievements off the pitch, the failings on it are all too clear.

We know there is growing supporter anger with the current Club Board and Owners. We understand that. We need to focus that anger.

Supporters showed what can be achieved when we stopped the European Super League plans in their tracks. And we thank everyone who has spoken up. This was a victory achieved by fans showing they were not prepared to let our game be further ruined by greed. Now we need to put forward positive solutions that deliver real change. We have an opportunity to reshape our Club and place fans, and football, front and centre.

We can achieve change if we put forward positive solutions that can gain the backing of the largest number of supporters.

Last Friday, our biggest-ever members' meeting called for the Executive Board of THFC to resign and for the Club’s owners to work with us to create a new board structure that better connects to our principles and priorities, better reflects the diversity of our fan base, and that would prevent a repeat of the ESL debacle from ever shaming our Club again.

We understand the calls for “ENIC Out”. But simply calling for the Board and Owners to resign or sell without influencing what comes next achieves very little in the long term. THST has said for many years that the law must be changed to give fans more power in how our clubs are run. Now the UK government has launched a review to do just that. We are working closely with them to develop a model that will deliver this across the game, and we are drawing up practical measures that can be implemented at our Club.

Our offer to the current THFC owners to work together on this remains open. We know there are many good people within the Club who would welcome the chance to work on solutions. And we know a Club such as ours will be an attractive proposition for prospective owners who recognise the benefits of working with and harnessing the power of our supporters.

The anticipated return of up to 10,000 fans to our stadium in May for the last Premier League home game of the campaign against Aston Villa gives us an opportunity to make our feelings clear. We need to do so in a positive and unified way that gets us the greatest possible support, and stays within COVID regulations under Step 3 of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown. We will announce further plans via this website and on our social media channels.

Change is coming and collectively we can positively influence that change. The last week has shown how much power fans coming together with one voice can have. We intend to use that voice to affect lasting change at THFC.

THST Board
27 April 2021
I'll be there.
Spare a thought for Levy in all this debacle, I mean he’s the one who has to tell the new stadium sponsor that he's being wooing for the past few years that the ESL is off, and must now go back to the other companies and tell them he “was only joking” and we are really interested in their offers.....
Levy just got fucking Levied......
Are you a bit confused? the infrastructure all belongs to the FC (EIL) ... it's not that hard a premise to understand, the FC uses the stadium 25% of the time so build a stadium you can utilise the other 75% to add revenue to the FC.

Concerts, NFL, Boxing, whatever all helps pay the debt FOR the FC ... :wall: :wall: :wall:

I am not confused. I just understand how asset managment works in the corporate world.

You seem utterly seduced by ENICs bullshit. Which, as it happens, may as well be Glazer or FSG bullshit.

ENIC owns the asset. The company, which in turn runs the FC.

Not the other way around.

Until you understand that very simple premise, further debate is futile.
I am not confused. I just understand how asset managment works in the corporate world.

You seem utterly seduced by ENICs bullshit. Which, as it happens, may as well be Glazer or FSG bullshit.

ENIC owns the asset. The company, which in turn runs the FC.

Not the other way around.

Until you understand that very simple premise, further debate is futile.
Am I missing something, or have I misunderstanding your point?

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - or New White Hart Lane as it is called by some - is 100% owned by Spurs. In turn, Spurs are 85% owned by billionaire Joe Lewis’ holding firm ENIC International. The remaining 15% of Spurs’ shares are owned by over 30,000 individuals.
Am I missing something, or have I misunderstanding your point?

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - or New White Hart Lane as it is called by some - is 100% owned by Spurs. In turn, Spurs are 85% owned by billionaire Joe Lewis’ holding firm ENIC International. The remaining 15% of Spurs’ shares are owned by over 30,000 individuals.


Spurs are owned by ENIC.

Spurs generates money. The stadium costs money (for a long long time yet).

Do the rest of the match.

Spurs are owned by ENIC.

Spurs generates money. The stadium costs money (for a long long time yet).

Do the rest of the match.
You implied, that Enic own the stadium directly.

THFC own the stadium.
Revenue generated by THFC go to THFC.
Which is then used to pay off the debt for the stadium that they own.

I still don't get your point?
Unless you're suggesting that Enic are taking money out of the club (for which there's zero evidence).
You implied, that Enic own the stadium directly.

THFC own the stadium.
Revenue generated by THFC go to THFC.
Which is then used to pay off the debt for the stadium that they own.

I still don't get your point?
Unless you're suggesting that Enic are taking money out of the club (for which there's zero evidence).

I didn't.

I said - repeatedly - that ENIC owns the company, which runs the FC. And that ENIC are directing turnover and credit capacity into improving their asset through infrastructure instead of into the FC.

In other, even yet simpler words:

For ENIC, the FC exists to feed their asset company. They use the FC to drive the asset investment. Not the other way around.

If you don't believe me, google Swiss Ramble yourself.
I didn't.

I said - repeatedly - that ENIC owns the company, which runs the FC. And that ENIC are directing turnover and credit capacity into improving their asset through infrastructure instead of into the FC.

In other, even yet simpler words:

For ENIC, the FC exists to feed their asset company. They use the FC to drive the asset investment. Not the other way around.

If you don't believe me, google Swiss Ramble yourself.
What you're saying is that the reason that Enic built the stadium, just one example, is to increase the overall value of their investment, whilst using THFC money to do it.
The more valuable THFC is, the more profit they will get when sell.
Fair point and can't be disputed.

What also can't be disputed is that the new stadium will leave THFC in a far better position than it was in previously, both now, and when Enic do sell.

Also, as Enic do not take money from THFC, when we can use the stadium again it will improve our capacity to spend in the transfer market
I am not confused. I just understand how asset managment works in the corporate world.

You seem utterly seduced by ENICs bullshit. Which, as it happens, may as well be Glazer or FSG bullshit.

ENIC owns the asset. The company, which in turn runs the FC.

Not the other way around.

Until you understand that very simple premise, further debate is futile.

You are clueless - you clearly don't even know the Spurs structure - sadly your post just makes you look like a ill-informed gobshite who thinks he knows more than he does.

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium - or New White Hart Lane as it is called by some - is 100% owned by Spurs. In turn, Spurs are 85% owned by billionaire Joe Lewis’ holding firm ENIC International

Whilst clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City have very wealthy owners they have next to no assets outside of the sport with Man City not even the owner of their own ground and Chelsea's stadium being the major asset which is effectively mortgaged to the owner. If either owner walks away it will spell the end for that club.

Spurs on the other hand are an integrated whole and so the owners can only sell everything thus keeping the club, assets and business as one entity. This model was created way back in 1898 when we became one of the first football clubs to become a limited company.

Know your history or better yet be prepared to learn ... you clearly don't fully "understand how asset managment (sic) works in the corporate world" very much doubt anyone on the planet knows that entire subject, there are always new things to learn.
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I think when the time is right, and conditions allow, ENIC would have no hesitation in selling the football club while keeping hold of all the associated infrastructure and assets. Including the stadium.
It would effectively leave THFC as merely tennants. Or Anchor Tennants as we're already referred to.
At risk of the same fate that befell Coventry.

Perhaps I'm just being cynical. But everything ENIC have ever done, or tried to do, suggests that the interests of the football team fall along way behind their interest in making money.

Daniel Levy himself said he isn't interested in football but saw it as a opportunity to milk it's massive popularity
The notion that we change the board and it brings or guarantees success.

Fcuk me the naivety or the presumption of some people is as frightening as it is stupid..

We need better decisions and to solidify when able but wholesale change from what to what exactly.
I think when the time is right, and conditions allow, ENIC would have no hesitation in selling the football club while keeping hold of all the associated infrastructure and assets. Including the stadium.
It would effectively leave THFC as merely tennants. Or Anchor Tennants as we're already referred to.
At risk of the same fate that befell Coventry.

Perhaps I'm just being cynical. But everything ENIC have ever done, or tried to do, suggests that the interests of the football team fall along way behind their interest in making money.

Daniel Levy himself said he isn't interested in football but saw it as a opportunity to milk it's massive popularity
It'd take a particularly stupid kind of buyer to agree to that deal.
Wait, people are saying ENIC owns the stadium as an asset separate from the football club?
That seems incorrect. If true, provide proof. That would be a very strange ownership arrangement.
I'm 99.9% sure that isn't true.

However, as sellers you could probably insist on Enic keeping the stadium and renting it to Spurs, as long as you found a buyer stupid enough to agree to those terms.
The Trust's grand plan seems to be banking on government intervention to hand over a controlling share of football clubs to fan groups. Good luck with that.....

As for sacking the board, we all know (and they effectively say in that statement) they mean Levy/Lewis/ENIC but won't put it on record. But lets take this proposal at face value, I doubt this is any better. 99.9999999999% of football fans bend with the wind, are emotionally compromised and would make wild reactionary short term decisions, and would almost certainly know far less and be as bad if not worse than those they were replacing, even if it was the devil incarnate himself. Sorry, but true. I've got a gigantic ego and can give chapter and verse about any number of issues at the club, I very much doubt I should be on the board though. And fucking hell most of the loons I know, in real life and on forums/social media, definitely shouldn't.

Take for instance a/the decision to appoint a new manager...... I remember quite a lot of wailing when Poch was given the job. That he wasn't a big enough name, that he wasn't proven, that the star players wouldn't respect him, we needed more ambition, etc etc etc. Would that have got the thumbs up from the supporter base? I'm not so sure. Then take the next one, "Jose is the winner we need" seemed to be the consensus, that went well didn't it.

Then you have the obvious problems.... Power corrupts and you'd have individuals building their own fiefdoms and shoring up their own positions, and/or inevitably supporter groups splintering and fighting their own wars when decisions happened they didn't like. And then there is the scenario where you'll have one group making decisions (fans), whilst expecting another group (owners) to pick up the tab. That wouldn't have potential for problems would it....

It sounds a nice idea but I just don't see it as workable.
The Trust's grand plan seems to be banking on government intervention to hand over a controlling share of football clubs to fan groups. Good luck with that.....

As for sacking the board, we all know (and they effectively say in that statement) they mean Levy/Lewis/ENIC but won't put it on record. But lets take this proposal at face value, I doubt this is any better. 99.9999999999% of football fans bend with the wind, are emotionally compromised and would make wild reactionary short term decisions, and would almost certainly know far less and be as bad if not worse than those they were replacing, even if it was the devil incarnate himself. Sorry, but true. I've got a gigantic ego and can give chapter and verse about any number of issues at the club, I very much doubt I should be on the board though. And fucking hell most of the loons I know, in real life and on forums/social media, definitely shouldn't.

Take for instance a/the decision to appoint a new manager...... I remember quite a lot of wailing when Poch was given the job. That he wasn't a big enough name, that he wasn't proven, that the star players wouldn't respect him, we needed more ambition, etc etc etc. Would that have got the thumbs up from the supporter base? I'm not so sure.

Then you have the obvious problems.... Power corrupts and you'd have individuals building their own fiefdoms and shoring up their own positions, and/or inevitably supporter groups splintering and fighting their own wars when decisions happened they didn't like. And then there is the scenario where you'll have one group making decisions (fans), whilst expecting another group (owners) to pick up the tab. That wouldn't have potential for problems would it....

It sounds a nice idea but I just don't see it as workable.

it doesn’t need a fan running the club. It needs a chairman who is willing to rest his ego and let the football side go and hand it to someone who is qualified to make football decisions like a proper DoF. Levy can run the business side but he shouldn’t be appointing managers or getting involved in transfers minus setting the budget.

You’ll never get a Rangnick to come in and set the future of the club with someone like Levy who won’t let go.
it doesn’t need a fan running the club. It needs a chairman who is willing to rest his ego and let the football side go and hand it to someone who is qualified to make football decisions like a proper DoF. Levy can run the business side but he shouldn’t be appointing managers or getting involved in transfers minus setting the budget.

You’ll never get a Rangnick to come in and set the future of the club with someone like Levy who won’t let go.
Is this down to ENIC/Levy, the managers or a combination of the 2?

Since last Cup victory
• 2021: League Cup final
• 2019: CL final
• 2019: League Cup semi final
• 2018: FA Cup semi final
• 2017: FA Cup semi final
• 2015: League cup final
• 2012: FA Cup semi final
• 2010: FA Cup semi final
• 2009: League Cup final
it doesn’t need a fan running the club. It needs a chairman who is willing to rest his ego and let the football side go and hand it to someone who is qualified to make football decisions like a proper DoF. Levy can run the business side but he shouldn’t be appointing managers or getting involved in transfers minus setting the budget.

You’ll never get a Rangnick to come in and set the future of the club with someone like Levy who won’t let go.
I don't disagree with that at all, I've long advocated Levy focuses on the business and someone else on the football side of it.

I was commenting on the Trust and their statements, to me at least seems they're angling for fans being in control of the board and so ultimately making decisions (such as who runs the football side of things). Nice idea but one I'm not sure would be any improvement in reality, or how practical it is to achieve it.
I think when the time is right, and conditions allow, ENIC would have no hesitation in selling the football club while keeping hold of all the associated infrastructure and assets. Including the stadium.
It would effectively leave THFC as merely tennants. Or Anchor Tennants as we're already referred to.
At risk of the same fate that befell Coventry.

Perhaps I'm just being cynical. But everything ENIC have ever done, or tried to do, suggests that the interests of the football team fall along way behind their interest in making money.

Daniel Levy himself said he isn't interested in football but saw it as a opportunity to milk it's massive popularity
You're right.

You are being cynical.
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