Érik Lamela

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He now has 38 PL appearances 2 goals that is all. If we are going to play with one striker and 3 attacking players behind that is not even close to a good enough return. It is quite terrible to be honest. Not to mention one of those goals shouldn't have counted as he used his fist. :lamelashock:
He now has 38 PL appearances 2 goals that is all. If we are going to play with one striker and 3 attacking players behind that is not even close to a good enough return. It is quite terrible to be honest. Not to mention one of those goals shouldn't have counted as he used his fist. :lamelashock:
I agree, but he isn't as useless as some make out.

He has more PL assists this season than David Silva, Juan Mata, Wayne Rooney, Coutinho, Herrera, Ozil, Chadli & Ramsey.

Not too shabby...
I think we all agree that we'd want more goals from Lamela. But as Millbanks Millbanks showed, it's just ridiculous to claim that he is useless. One more season, if he doesn't grab more goals and/or assists we can sell. I wouldn't be opposed to buying another winger as competition though. If we're offered £20m + though... :levystare:
I think we all agree that we'd want more goals from Lamela. But as Millbanks Millbanks showed, it's just ridiculous to claim that he is useless. One more season, if he doesn't grab more goals and/or assists we can sell. I wouldn't be opposed to buying another winger as competition though. If we're offered £20m + though... :levystare:
I agree he will be here another season but more so because we won't get close to what we want for him if we tried to sell. I am fine giving him another season but I have serious doubts if he is suited to this league and I would rather buy another wing/forward to peg as a new starter and then if Lamela finally comes good it's a great bonus. (Similar to buying Davies and then Rose has had a blinder of a season) However, I think it would be foolish to just stand pat and "hope" he magically finds it and comes good.
Millbanks Millbanks just shared two great posts showing just how useful Lamela has been in his first true full season and people are still harping on that he only has 2 goals.

Use whatever stats you like or don't like to try and paint a picture but I cannot see how anyone can look at his performances for us and say he is been anything but a major disappointment. If you still hold out that he can turn things around then good on you for being optimistic and backing our player.

I don't see how you can say he has been useful. I honestly believe he is was English and we got him on a free he would have been fucked off ages ago by every one of our supporters. For the good of our football club I hope he does break out and become a star next season but the excuses and rose tinted glasses for Lamela are like no other player I have seen in my 20+ years supporting Spurs.
Use whatever stats you like or don't like to try and paint a picture but I cannot see how anyone can look at his performances for us and say he is been anything but a major disappointment. If you still hold out that he can turn things around then good on you for being optimistic and backing our player.

I don't see how you can say he has been useful. I honestly believe he is was English and we got him on a free he would have been fucked off ages ago by every one of our supporters. For the good of our football club I hope he does break out and become a star next season but the excuses and rose tinted glasses for Lamela are like no other player I have seen in my 20+ years supporting Spurs.
I actually wish that we, as fans, supported everyone like Lamela and Soldado, with possibly unearned support. Surely that's what we're for? Certainly moaning and groaning won't help a player.

Regardless of your opinion on players' abilities, I'd like to see more support for our boys irrespective of performance, personally.
I actually wish that we, as fans, supported everyone like Lamela and Soldado, with possibly unearned support. Surely that's what we're for? Certainly moaning and groaning won't help a player.

Regardless of your opinion on players' abilities, I'd like to see more support for our boys irrespective of performance, personally.

I agree regarding support but a little different debating if a player is good enough to take our club forward on an internet forum. Clearly there seems to be more people on here that think he will come good than not. Again I hope he does prove to be good enough for us, just in my opinion I guess I have seen his performances for us far different than many others.
Some peoples expectations of a player are ridiculous.

It's his first real season, even then he got an injury when coming in to form
He's young
Best presser in the squad
Good number of assists, more than many world class players, despite being low on confidence

Not sure what people expect of him, really. Yes, he could have more goals, but that's the only major criticism; he's joint 4th top scorer in our team. He's hit the post several times and been unlucky, he could easily have 4-5 goals this season. Other than that, he's doing fine and will improve.

It's the same people that moan that Chadli 'only' scores goals...
Some peoples expectations of a player are ridiculous.

It's his first real season, even then he got an injury when coming in to form
He's young
Best presser in the squad
Good number of assists, more than many world class players, despite being low on confidence

Not sure what people expect of him, really. Yes, he could have more goals, but that's the only major criticism; he's joint 4th top scorer in our team. He's hit the post several times and been unlucky, he could easily have 4-5 goals this season. Other than that, he's doing fine and will improve.

It's the same people that moan that Chadli 'only' scores goals...
Chadli is what I expected from Lamela he is always dangerous. I would be perfectly happy if Lamela produced performances close to what Chadli has
This is an excellent piece on Lamela. The point about him trying to be fancy early on in games and that having a knock on effect on his confidence for the rest of the half is spot on. Think Newcastle performance 1st half vs 2nd (not that the second was amazing, before someone comes along piping up about that, but in comparison to the first; he got the assist after all).


It's by "the premier league owl or seb from rule the roost podcast.
Anybody got a stat on how many times he has given the ball away or been caught in possession? Not slaughtering him but that is the overall image when I think back this season. He needs to learn quickly that speed of thought is essential in PL and if he doesn't adapt to that he will not be the success we all want him to be.
This season:

42 apps / 5 goals / 7 assists / 90 tackles / 94 crosses / 1303 passes

41 apps / 12 goals / 5 assists / 30 tackles / 61 crosses / 1118 passes

I think Erik's all-round contribution is rather good, but his finishing product is lacking.

In fact, Lamela has more tackles than Rose (89), Vertonghen (74), Dier (57), Davies (48), Mason (87), Bentaleb (72), Eriksen (60), Kane (42), Dembele (53), Townsend (50).

Actually I can't find anyone in our squad this season with more. So those saying he is too slow and lightweight I'd suggest this stat goes some way to dispelling that myth.

The lad is clearly working his bollocks off when selected. I think with a little more variety in our play, he will find himself with a few more goals next season.

Definitely worth keeping, in my opinion. We have far more expendable players than young Erik. Who is still only 23, by the way. Has his whole career ahead of him.

Have you got the same comparison versus Townsend?.......may as well chuck in shots off target as well
Millbanks Millbanks just shared two great posts showing just how useful Lamela has been in his first true full season and people are still harping on that he only has 2 goals.

I think the harping is pretty straight forward and valid. While personally I do value Europa (unlike others), I still prioritize the Prem well ahead of that fixture. And those stats are weighted more towards his Europa productivity while his Prem contributions have been pretty poor overall. We have (3) attacking options behind (1) Striker who all need to produce goals and Lamela hasn't dropped an inkling that he can score goals on the reg in the Prem.
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