Érik Lamela

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About that Vine; people do realize Lamela first had run into position to receive the ball before going on that long run with the ball? We still expect him to blast through the defense and either score or serve Harry. Apparently, "any capable winger" would. No, it wasn't a brilliant play by Lamela and no, he isn't as fast as Lennon but this was just ridiculous. Blatant bias.
It does make me worry about his suitability for the league that he almost never beats his man. He has skill on the ball but for whatever reason can't get around opposing players. You can only be so creative with a defender always standing in front of you.
About that Vine; people do realize Lamela first had run into position to receive the ball before going on that long run with the ball? We still expect him to blast through the defense and either score or serve Harry. Apparently, "any capable winger" would. No, it wasn't a brilliant play by Lamela and no, he isn't as fast as Lennon but this was just ridiculous. Blatant bias.

To me it shows him getting away from a player into space where dmittedly options in front of him may be limited but, then he's caught by original player and snuffed out by another as he has to try to go backwards to get away from him again.

It's only one snapshot but i feel it sums him up. It's by no means his worst effort but, his better moments are few and far between so it's not that biased either way.
To me it shows him getting away from a player into space where dmittedly options in front of him may be limited but, then he's caught by original player and snuffed out by another as he has to try to go backwards to get away from him again.

It's only one snapshot but i feel it sums him up. It's by no means his worst effort but, his better moments are few and far between so it's not that biased either way.

And if you pay £30m for an attacking, flair player then you might expect him to blast through the defence now and again!?
I'm sure you can find plenty of similar videos even for the top 20 world players - sounds more like scapegoating to me.

Make no mistake - I really want him to succeed

Of course you can track down a video of this type of play and a world class player fumbling the situation. The difference of course , Lamela isn't close to a world class player and you have 5-6 of these situations a game where Lamela fails miserably. You what him to succeed and I'm fine with being proven wrong. I just don't see it and id rather bring in a player who will actually be productive on the right wing. Or to what a few others folks mentioned, move him to a central postion where his slow agonizing pace isn't such a liability.
About that Vine; people do realize Lamela first had run into position to receive the ball before going on that long run with the ball? We still expect him to blast through the defense and either score or serve Harry. Apparently, "any capable winger" would. No, it wasn't a brilliant play by Lamela and no, he isn't as fast as Lennon but this was just ridiculous. Blatant bias.
Lamela has 2 PL goals in 38 appearances thru 2 Prem seasons. One of the goals involves a goal boucing off his arms. That isn't a blatant bias. That's a fact.
Lamela has 2 PL goals in 38 appearances thru 2 Prem seasons. One of the goals involves a goal boucing off his arms. That isn't a blatant bias. That's a fact.

Is it really correct to speak of "two PL seasons" as if Lamela had a meaningful first "season"?I thought it was commonly agreed that since he missed most of the first year with a long-term injury this season would essentially be his first. Yet some fans now act otherwise. Seems to me more spin than "fact."
Lamela has 2 PL goals in 38 appearances thru 2 Prem seasons. One of the goals involves a goal boucing off his arms. That isn't a blatant bias. That's a fact.

Not arguing that he hasn't done enough to validate his "price tag", I was reacting to your usage of a Vine to brand him less than capable as a player. He may not be a world beater or the player he seemed to be in Roma but he's still our best option. If that is good enough or not is whole other discussion.

Edit: saw you explain the Vine in a later post. I agree he would be better centrally or higher up the pitch and I also agree we should look at options for RW - just not having that Lamela is shit because he isn't. He has been okay this season and that's that. Many have been worse and people are letting his price tag affect their judgment of his actual performances. Rarely have I seen a player get nitpicked like Lamela.
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Is it really correct to speak of "two PL seasons" as if Lamela had a meaningful first "season"?I thought it was commonly agreed that since he missed most of the first year with a long-term injury this season would essentially be his first. Yet some fans now act otherwise. Seems to me more spin than "fact."

If we're dealing with facts then it is his second season. I would argue that if he'd shown more promise or ability on arrival then he would've featured more last season. Yes he got injured but he wasn't always featuring when he was fit, still doesn't.

The consensus to treat this as his first season was an excuse for him in itself, a concession taking into account some difficult circumstances.

We can't ignore his price tag, whether it's his fault or not, it's his price tag. But ok, let's ignore his price tag as well, let's pretend he's £15m, somebody comes along and offers you £15m for him...would you be gutted if we took it? Hardly anybody would because if he'd cost £15m then was sold for the same two years later having produced close to fuck all, showing glimpses of potential but ultimately not commanding a place in the first XI for any other reason than just giving-him-a-go, nobody would care that much!!
This season:

42 apps / 5 goals / 7 assists / 90 tackles / 94 crosses / 1303 passes

41 apps / 12 goals / 5 assists / 30 tackles / 61 crosses / 1118 passes

I think Erik's all-round contribution is rather good, but his finishing product is lacking.

In fact, Lamela has more tackles than Rose (89), Vertonghen (74), Dier (57), Davies (48), Mason (87), Bentaleb (72), Eriksen (60), Kane (42), Dembele (53), Townsend (50).

Actually I can't find anyone in our squad this season with more. So those saying he is too slow and lightweight I'd suggest this stat goes some way to dispelling that myth.

The lad is clearly working his bollocks off when selected. I think with a little more variety in our play, he will find himself with a few more goals next season.

Definitely worth keeping, in my opinion. We have far more expendable players than young Erik. Who is still only 23, by the way. Has his whole career ahead of him.
This season:

42 apps / 5 goals / 7 assists / 90 tackles / 94 crosses / 1303 passes

41 apps / 12 goals / 5 assists / 30 tackles / 61 crosses / 1118 passes

I think Erik's all-round contribution is rather good, but his finishing product is lacking.

In fact, Lamela has more tackles than Rose (89), Vertonghen (74), Dier (57), Davies (48), Mason (87), Bentaleb (72), Eriksen (60), Kane (42), Dembele (53), Townsend (50).

Actually I can't find anyone in our squad this season with more. So those saying he is too slow and lightweight I'd suggest this stat goes some way to dispelling that myth.

The lad is clearly working his bollocks off when selected. I think with a little more variety in our play, he will find himself with a few more goals next season.

Definitely worth keeping, in my opinion. We have far more expendable players than young Erik. Who is still only 23, by the way. Has his whole career ahead of him.
And people laughed at me when I said he was doing well in the pressing game early this season. Long legged terrier.
This season:

42 apps / 5 goals / 7 assists / 90 tackles / 94 crosses / 1303 passes

41 apps / 12 goals / 5 assists / 30 tackles / 61 crosses / 1118 passes

I think Erik's all-round contribution is rather good, but his finishing product is lacking.

In fact, Lamela has more tackles than Rose (89), Vertonghen (74), Dier (57), Davies (48), Mason (87), Bentaleb (72), Eriksen (60), Kane (42), Dembele (53), Townsend (50).

Actually I can't find anyone in our squad this season with more. So those saying he is too slow and lightweight I'd suggest this stat goes some way to dispelling that myth.

The lad is clearly working his bollocks off when selected. I think with a little more variety in our play, he will find himself with a few more goals next season.

Definitely worth keeping, in my opinion. We have far more expendable players than young Erik. Who is still only 23, by the way. Has his whole career ahead of him.
He's our Willian.
This is a side point but I did not realize Lamela had played the eighth most PL minutes for us this season with 1956 minutes played. For comparison, Chadli (2092), Kane (2227), Mason (1997), Bentaleb (1835).
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