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No, I talk about SPURS. Our players...You talked about Spurs, made a pigs ear out of it, and now all you do is talk about footballing philosophy because the meat of the argument scuffed one prem goal all season.

You use long words, make examples from other teams and wax lyrical to avoid a very very sore subject. TALKING ABOUT SPURS PLAYERS AND WHAT THEY DO AND DONT DO.

Dust has settled. Be a man...

:roflmao: I haven't sidestepped or manipulated a single one of your points. "Dust has settled?" Lol get a clue guy, you don't even know how to read critically much less get a leg up in any argument.
Lol I make blanket statements?! Your whole thread was about being rid of wing play, while if anyone rates any of your "tiny dancers" or "wingdyngz" you assume that individual rates all of them. You are incredible, guy.

You can't answer a single question about legitimate tactical football analysis, have no idea what different positions are, have expressed zero understanding of what modern football is, and refuse to even so much as express an intent to learn a thing about any of it. Nah man, you've made it abundantly clear across his board that you know fuck all about anything, I suggest you enjoy that hammock while people with half a neuron discuss football with the given assumptions of how the world works that you seem to have missed out on in your walk of life.

And dust has settled. Wingplay ruined our season.

After the fact.

What happened last game of season? No Lennon, no Townsend derping it up and we scored 3 in one half.

Don't tell me. Villa are shit?

So are west ham fellah.
Lol I make blanket statements?! Your whole thread was about being rid of wing play, while if anyone rates any of your "tiny dancers" or "wingdyngz" you assume that individual rates all of them. You are incredible, guy.

You can't answer a single question about legitimate tactical football analysis, have no idea what different positions are, have expressed zero understanding of what modern football is, and refuse to even so much as express an intent to learn a thing about any of it. Nah man, you've made it abundantly clear across his board that you know fuck all about anything, I suggest you enjoy that hammock while people with half a neuron discuss football with the given assumptions of how the world works that you seem to have missed out on in your walk of life.

Fuck me. If I were a troll, this would be gold. It's just sad. Meltdown aside, I assumed players would play bad. They play bad. I don't understand football?
And dust has settled. Wingplay ruined our season.

After the fact.

What happened last game of season? No Lennon, no Townsend derping it up and we scored 3 in one half.

Don't tell me. Villa are shit?

So are west ham fellah.

Fuck me. If I were a troll, this would be gold. It's just sad. Meltdown aside, I assumed players would play bad. They play bad. I don't understand football?

Lol oh Christ, you just haven't an ounce of sense do you. Can't even postulate as to why our wingers failed this season, as well as a variety of midfielders. But it's all pickings to you in your abstractions, without any reasoning ability to find your faults. Unbelievable.

Seriously, I envy you on that hammock. Enjoy it, but I need to run along as I have big boy things to do.
Fuck me. If I were a troll, this would be gold. It's just sad. Meltdown aside, I assumed players would play bad. They play bad. I don't understand football?
You seem hellbent on challenging everyone here and otherwise rubbing them up the wrong way. I think that's why people see you as a troll. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But your approach isn't doing you any favours and we already have sammyspurs as an example - an example you come across as much worse than.
Lol oh Christ, you just haven't an ounce of sense do you. Can't even postulate as to why our wingers failed this season, as well as a variety of midfielders. But it's all pickings to you in your abstractions, without any reasoning ability to find your faults. Unbelievable.

Seriously, I envy you on that hammock. Enjoy it, but I need to run along as I have big boy things to do.

Sounds like your country let him in.

I'm not sure what that says about border controls in the USA...
You seem hellbent on challenging everyone here and otherwise rubbing them up the wrong way. I think that's why people see you as a troll. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But your approach isn't doing you any favours and we already have sammyspurs as an example - an example you come across as much worse than.

That's a major contributor to what fucks me off about him. Having strong opinions are one thing, but being incapable of backing them up with anything other than repeated few stat categories irrespective of context, refusing to appropriately interact with people who question them by answering questions or even implying sufficient understanding of the challenging posts, and then insist that he's simply being deeper and more realistic is just an incredulous manner of behaving on a forum.
Sounds like your country let him in.

I'm not sure what that says about border controls in the USA...

We put up a wall on the border with Mexico with the intent of "keeping out terrorism," what does that say about the validity of our targeted border policies? :roflmao:
That's a major contributor to what fucks me off about him. Having strong opinions are one thing, but being incapable of backing them up with anything other than repeated few stat categories irrespective of context, refusing to appropriately interact with people who question them by answering questions or even adequately reading the challenging posts, and then insist that he's simply being deeper and more realistic is just an incredulous manner of behaving on a forum.
Yep. I, of most people here, am really defensive of people who just want to stick by their opinions. I am like this because I think people should stick by their views even if they are minority opinions. But the catch is reasoned argument and a willingness to entertain the other point of view. He does neither, that's why I am thinking troll, and that's why I think he has seemingly been banned from every other forum so far, even the moderate ones.

Maybe he is genuine, but he comes across as a cross between ArcspaZ and sammy with 20% cockmunch added for good value.

EDIT: Oh, and why are these arses always faceless people who never got to matches? Cunty in the extreme..
Can't even postulate as to why our wingers failed this season

I postulated a few responses ago.

Lying again. And using long words to convince yourself about your mental agility. You may be smart, but I know spurs. The players you defend and want in your team next season are the rotten entertaining core of this club.
Look at all of that effort above. You can't even mention spurs players or talk about my opinion.

I'm not interested in sideways nonsense. Blah blah blah.
Yep. I, of most people here, am really defensive of people who just want to stick by their opinions. I am like this because I think people should stick by their views even if they are minority opinions. But the catch is reasoned argument and a willingness to entertain the other point of view. He does neither, that's why I am thinking troll, and that's why I think he has seemingly been banned from every other forum so far, even the moderate ones.

Maybe he is genuine, but he comes across as a cross between ArcspaZ and sammy with 20% cockmunch added for good value.

I agree, were it not for minority opinions we'd still likely believe today that the earth were flat, because we wouldn't have even been able to come to the equations that allowed us to travel to space to discover our falsity. But had Pythagorus (most believed individual to originally declare it) acted in the manner Gibbsy has, we would also likely still believe the earth were flat. Disagreements are the very foundations of learning indeed, but he is just simply very poor at conducting himself in any manner that would suggest he intends to learn or interact.
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I postulated a few responses ago.

Lying again. And using long words to convince yourself about your mental agility. You may be smart, but I know spurs. The players you defend and want in your team next season are the rotten entertaining core of this club.

No you didn't, you just made yet another abstraction without regard for cause.
I postulated a few responses ago.

Lying again. And using long words to convince yourself about your mental agility. You may be smart, but I know spurs. The players you defend and want in your team next season are the rotten entertaining core of this club.

So you know Spurs, well done. Kindly stop filling up threads on here with endless spam about how much more knowledgeable you are than other Spurs fans. Coming across like a right cunt.

"gotta trust ole gibbsy" do me a favour
So you know Spurs, well done. Kindly stop filling up threads on here with endless spam about how much more knowledgeable you are than other Spurs fans. Coming across like a right cunt.

"gotta trust ole gibbsy" do me a favour

I can quite confidently assure you that he doesn't necessarily know more than you do.
You seem hellbent on challenging everyone here and otherwise rubbing them up the wrong way.

I am not rubbing people up the wrong way. Ade's goals and assists are. It makes people feel stupid when they hold vendettas.

Me claiming wingplay = the soft heart of this club and being proven right after a season rubs people up the wrong way because people were giving me shit about that opinion.

Cause and effect is what is making people like Cahspur froth. Imagine how much of a laughing stock I would be if Lennon, Townsend etc played a blinding season?

All you have now are a bunch of piss moaning people talking about what? According to Cahspur I'm making an "abstraction without regard or cause"?

??? haha

I think you just described Townsends crossing. Don't overthink it fellahs. They just don't have good technique and a patchy history of goals and assists compared to teams in the top 4 that we have to compete and better.
Ade has been scoring against top 4 teams all his career.
You seem hellbent on challenging everyone here and otherwise rubbing them up the wrong way. I think that's why people see you as a troll. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But your approach isn't doing you any favours and we already have sammyspurs as an example - an example you come across as much worse than.

You are right actually. Spot on. I am hellbent to show up people like Cahspur and co who back stylish little players with little substance that have kept us out of the title race for over half a century.

It's why I back up people like Ade: He brings a lot to the team in most aspects of the game. He has a LOOOONG history of scoring. He's not a 1000 drops of the shoulder with a farting sound at the end of it.

And people like CJJ who thinks Jan will never be a top defender?

I can't, keep, my mouth, closed with this shower of uninformed shit following me around. I mean he was an AVB fan. After the fact he magically knew all along his weaknesses etc...



Don't think I'll every be 100% Ok with him playing for us and don't think that will ever change personally?
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