Come here to laugh at the Fascist, Failing Chavs

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i would guess that there is not a single chelsea supporter who would touch main kampf .lets talk football instead of politics?

Sorry, i forgot there's another stereotyped chelsea fan.

If you arent from the old school, racist group, you must be from the "Ooh this Chelsea team keep winning, i'll support them" group.

I wanna talk football, in all seriousness, how come you lot never seem to have a problem with Abramovich? When he's having like, 2 managers per season. I'd honestly hate that shit if it started going on here.
i would guess that there is not a single chelsea supporter who would touch main kampf .lets talk football instead of politics?
I'd almost forgotten about this gem:
Frankly, there's quite a bit to laugh about with Chelsea, regardless of where they finish, or how much silverware they pull in.

Starting with Abramovich... :adelol:
no... I'm a football supporter and i go on different forums to get a sense of perspective from different supporters, and unsurprisingly a lot of your mob read and comment on our forums. i didn't come on here to wind u lot up i came to talk football but your supporters for some reason don't want to talk about football they want to talk about 'come here to laugh at chavs'. don't get me wrong - i don't dislike spurs but I've come to a forum to talk football and a lot of u can't look beyond the fact i support chelsea. a prominent member of your forum openly posts on our forum and we respect everything he says despite the fact he supports Spurs yet i can't have a conversation on here
Your first 3 posts were begging for tickets and all the rest are pitiful attempts at winding up after tonight's glorious 2-2 draw. Don't you have better things to be doing with your time?
no... I'm a football supporter and i go on different forums to get a sense of perspective from different supporters, and unsurprisingly a lot of your mob read and comment on our forums. i didn't come on here to wind u lot up i came to talk football but your supporters for some reason don't want to talk about football they want to talk about 'come here to laugh at chavs'. don't get me wrong - i don't dislike spurs but I've come to a forum to talk football and a lot of u can't look beyond the fact i support chelsea. a prominent member of your forum openly posts on our forum and we respect everything he says despite the fact he supports Spurs yet i can't have a conversation on here
Does that surprise you? Your club captain is John Terry, the National Front used to recruit outside the Shed, you sing songs about Auschwitz and hiss like a gas chamber.

Why the fuck are you on a Spurs forum? I couldn't think of anything worse than signing up to SSbluesforum and talking about football with you lot.

Fuck off
Can't understand why a Chelsea fan would get so uppity about us laughing about their "club" (if you can call it that.) It's what all football fans do, they take the mick and talk shit about other clubs. I try to give credit where it is due. Unfortunately I don't see that Chelsea have earned any credit. They are just a whore being pumped full of Roman's juicy juicy fluids. Without him they would be in League 2 by now with Portsmouth.

Chelsea have their sugar daddy though, and they looked bloody good going forward last night, think they will look good for the title next season, them and City will be fighting over the title like two hookers fighting over "daddy's" new diamond necklace.
no... I'm a football supporter and i go on different forums to get a sense of perspective from different supporters, and unsurprisingly a lot of your mob read and comment on our forums. i didn't come on here to wind u lot up i came to talk football but your supporters for some reason don't want to talk about football they want to talk about 'come here to laugh at chavs'. don't get me wrong - i don't dislike spurs but I've come to a forum to talk football and a lot of u can't look beyond the fact i support chelsea. a prominent member of your forum openly posts on our forum and we respect everything he says despite the fact he supports Spurs yet i can't have a conversation on here

londonblue said:
  1. +3 / -4
    i hope your enjoying your europa league place.. this is as good as it gets for you

    tonights result confirmed bales departure from spurs.. you simply had to win

    Reply & quote
  2. Reputation:
    +3 / -4
    i get so much satisfaction knowing that a couple of weeks ago you guys thought you would be in the champions league next season
    even Woolwich have had a disappointing season and they will finish above you - i can't imagine the pain you must be feeling

    are any of you travelling to amsterdam next weeK? or did a swiss team knock you out over two legs?
Hang on there... that's not talking football, that's not a 'conversation'... that's not even 'banter'... that's gloating like a smug cunty little prick!

If you wanna talk football, let's talk; let's talk about how your Russian Billionaire owner has systematically ripped the heart and soul out of football, and, though he's not alone, pretty much set the ball rolling with the THROW MONEY AT THE PROBLEM, AND JUST KEEP THROWING IT UNTIL IT GOES RIGHT theory of running a football club!

Your fellow dipshit thick fans (when they're not Zeig-Heiling and hissing the fuck out of Spurs fans) are either too stupid to realise what your club now represents, or are so new to the game, that you didn't realise 'it wasn't always like this' were 48 hours from going out of business, when Ken Bates sold you for £1... at least show SOME humility at your rather fortunate position now, rather than gloating smugly with your purchased trophies as if you've never known dark days!
And another thing... (as the great Columbo would say) The fact that so many of your own fans choose to air their anti-semitic, hate-filled bile at EVERY Spurs-Chelsea game I've ever been to, whilst conveniently choosing to ignore the ironic fact that you'll forever be indebtied to THE JEW WHO BAILED YOU OUT speaks volumes about your hypocritical stupidity!
...and whilst I'm sure you, like many other Chelsea fans DON'T own a copy of Mein Kampf, you know as well as I do, that there are plenty in your number who regularly subscribe to the notion that hissing and Zeig Heiling at Spurs fans is a perfectly acceptable way to support your club... that's right, the SAME CLUB YOU SUPPORT!

You can judge a man by the level of company he keeps, and as much as you bleat and protest your innocence that "it wasn't me, mate, it was all them uvver Nazis" it's almost guilt by association!

Still who gives a flying fuck about ethics when you've got as many trophies as you have in SUCH A SHORT SPACE OF TIME!
Gloating about it is pretty much the default mechanism for most of your fans... as they say; one thing worse than a bad loser, is a bad winner! You my friend have falen perfectly into that category!

Jeez I envy your success, and what a perfect life you MODERN FOOTBALL FANS must have supporting that wonderful bastion of a football club with it's filthy use of money, not to mention its' racist underbelly! No wonder you've got lots to gloat about...

(incidentally, the ONLY one of your points I vaguely agree on, is the title of this thread; "Come here to laugh at Chavs" but ONLY 'cos it makes us sound as smug as you lot!)
You make sounding like a prick so effortless and easy... it must come naturally.

jog on cunt... oh, he's gone hasn't he? Shit, I bit!

What a ville little qunt - fuck right off back to your hovel, worthless maggot - bet you couldn't even spell 'Chelsea' 10 years ago when Vialli was player manager and you were a nothing club with fuck all history and heritage

Gloating piece of shit
He is one of those people that likes pain. Mentally as well as physically it seems.

We tore them a new one last night yet he has the need to come on here and receive the lashings.

I think he wants to be recruited. He is to be pitied rather than pilloried IMO.
Hang on there... that's not talking football, that's not a 'conversation'... that's not even 'banter'... that's gloating like a smug cunty little prick!

If you wanna talk football, let's talk; let's talk about how your Russian Billionaire owner has systematically ripped the heart and soul out of football, and, though he's not alone, pretty much set the ball rolling with the THROW MONEY AT THE PROBLEM, AND JUST KEEP THROWING IT UNTIL IT GOES RIGHT theory of running a football club!

Your fellow dipshit thick fans (when they're not Zeig-Heiling and hissing the fuck out of Spurs fans) are either too stupid to realise what your club now represents, or are so new to the game, that you didn't realise 'it wasn't always like this' were 48 hours from going out of business, when Ken Bates sold you for £1... at least show SOME humility at your rather fortunate position now, rather than gloating smugly with your purchased trophies as if you've never known dark days!
And another thing... (as the great Columbo would say) The fact that so many of your own fans choose to air their anti-semitic, hate-filled bile at EVERY Spurs-Chelsea game I've ever been to, whilst conveniently choosing to ignore the ironic fact that you'll forever be indebtied to THE JEW WHO BAILED YOU OUT speaks volumes about your hypocritical stupidity!
...and whilst I'm sure you, like many other Chelsea fans DON'T own a copy of Mein Kampf, you know as well as I do, that there are plenty in your number who regularly subscribe to the notion that hissing and Zeig Heiling at Spurs fans is a perfectly acceptable way to support your club... that's right, the SAME CLUB YOU SUPPORT!

You can judge a man by the level of company he keeps, and as much as you bleat and protest your innocence that "it wasn't me, mate, it was all them uvver Nazis" it's almost guilt by association!

Still who gives a flying fuck about ethics when you've got as many trophies as you have in SUCH A SHORT SPACE OF TIME!
Gloating about it is pretty much the default mechanism for most of your fans... as they say; one thing worse than a bad loser, is a bad winner! You my friend have falen perfectly into that category!

Jeez I envy your success, and what a perfect life you MODERN FOOTBALL FANS must have supporting that wonderful bastion of a football club with it's filthy use of money, not to mention its' racist underbelly! No wonder you've got lots to gloat about...

(incidentally, the ONLY one of your points I vaguely agree on, is the title of this thread; "Come here to laugh at Chavs" but ONLY 'cos it makes us sound as smug as you lot!)
You make sounding like a prick so effortless and easy... it must come naturally.

jog on cunt... oh, he's gone hasn't he? Shit, I bit!


If only there was a way to put this succinctly into a chant
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