Danny Rose

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I already made fun of you for taking stats based off one game. Here are the passing stats from a whole season.


You've mugged yourself off a little bit there, seeing as Rose appears better in 7/8 stats you posted.
Seeing the goal again maybe I was a bit harsh on Trippier. The positioning was good from everyone. Rose is nearest the ball, its played in behind him so the CB covers. Before the cross is made Toby and Trippier are both in good positions. (Pause it at 5 seconds, you wouldn't imagine a goal is coming).

Its a belting early cross combined with good movement from El Shaarawry. I guess as someone said in the match thread Lloris is a bit suspect for falling backwards.
jesus christ how many more pages of arguing are you going for here!? Fuck me like:-/

For me Rose is the better footballer tbh, there are times when Davies plays and we are attacking you see Eriksen or any other midfielder looking out wide to 40 yards of space on the left flank and nobody arrives-Rose is a far better outlet for Poch style and system, to say otherwise is totally redundant imo.
Yes Davies has done fine the last couple of games but I think hes a pretty limited player tbh-a pass completion rate of 65-70% for a defender is pretty shocking and this business of being in a 'record breaking' defensive line up as gibbs puts it doesn't mean hes a better option than Rose.
DIER toby and jan are the main reasons we have conceded far less of late, Walker gives away a scoring opportunity in every game and Davies is a decent player-neither are world beaters but the other three I've mentioned are and/or will be.
You've mugged yourself off a little bit there, seeing as Rose appears better in 7/8 stats you posted.

Why the change of subject? He specifically went into lolcat mode with the passing stat from one game. Here was Davies vs City:

Blocks - 8
Clearances - 12
Interceptions - 1
Crosses - 3
Chances created - 2
Passing % - 65%

He INSTANTLY zoomed on one aspect, the passing. Then compared Rose from one game.

And yes Rose had a great half a season last year. It's not typical of him as he was often mentioned in the worst player on this board before that.

You know what is not a stat? Moving backwards away from an attacker like Rose did that led to the goal. You don't get a stat for not pressing.
Well done gibbs131 for finding the stats that end the argument. So going on those stats who would you pick

It depends how you read stats. If you look at it from one angle: Danny Rose seems to be doing a HELL OF A LOT OF DEFENDING then you need to ask the question: Why? You can understand why Davies had to do it because that was against Man City.

Why was Rose getting into so many battles against mid table teams and minnows? We made Monaco look like Real with Rose and Townsend rolling around.

It's because we are a CLUSTERFUCK with Danny Rose in the back line. Our distribution is so chaotic he creates issues for himself and others. He's so far down the pitch he's playing catch up and sliding into tackles...Zipping from one battle to another. Think about it: All these battles are in and around our box.

Davies has a much more calming influence on us. We are not overrun like we were last night. Last night was a CLASSIC Rose performance. So many tackles, challenges and duels. Because our shape and distribution was TRAGIC. Even then 4 assists is bang average considering how often he goes glory hunting at the cost of the back 4 behind him. Rose glory hunted so often last season, so many crosses and final balls and for him to get so few assists in so many games when he had that many opportunities?

After watching another scuffathon last night I really am questioning is he even worth having in the starting 11 as a winger. I mean...His through balls and crossing are so bad. At first I thought it would be a numbers game...So many one has to get on the target but after seeing the size of the divot he kicked up trying to cross. Perhaps there is no hope? Do we want to lower the IQ of the buildup with Rose like Townsend did last season? Kane is having a mini drought. Do we really want a Rose scuffathon derping up our attack when we saw what Lamela and Chadli did on the other side. Closed down, beautiful heads up running and perfect weighted balls?

Yeah looking at those stats..So much defending. We boss possession: How on earth is Danny Rose getting in so many tussles? I actually know why: Managers know he is a weak link and they attack him. They know it's the easiest thing in the world to get him to give away free kicks, penalties, fuck up the offside or go wandering.

Townsend and Rose were key to us being a mess. Eriksen, Jan were all having a torrid time with give an go's, back passes and watching more crosses to the keeper. Eriksen just plays better with Davies behind him. He needs a solid platform. Not a spinning top of chaos popping up everywhere and nowhere.

I'm not questioning his tackling prowess. He is one of the best in the team. I just wish he had Davies positioning and preemptive game. Rose plays like a winger at the back. Because that is what he is. Only his distribution is looking so bad, he's looking like a failed winger right now. Perhaps Sunderland is his level. His presence unsettled everyone around him apart from fans who crave action and drama. You get that in spades.
Yes Davies has done fine the last couple of games but I think hes a pretty limited player tbh-a pass completion rate of 65-70% for a defender is pretty shocking and this business of being in a 'record breaking' defensive line up as gibbs puts it doesn't mean hes a better option than Rose.
DIER toby and jan are the main reasons we have conceded far less of late, Walker gives away a scoring opportunity in every game and Davies is a decent player-neither are world beaters but the other three I've mentioned are and/or will be.

His passing is more like 80%. People jumped on the stats from one game.

Here is Rose heatmap. This is why Jan has to constantly cover for him and it cost him/us two points.


When you spend most of your time camped out near the halfway line, you step on the DM's and Eriksens toes and leave your centerbacks out to dry.

Watching Rose try and get on Eriksens wavelength is painful. Rose isolated Eriksen and Njie. It's ironic the best chance Njie has was seconds after Rose pushed someone in the box. Do you get a stat for that?
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lol @ that heatmap, Eriksen is always looking down the wings for our full backs you head case-Davies offers nothing in the attacking part of the pitch.
I already made fun of you for taking stats based off one game. Here are the passing stats from a whole season.


Why the change of subject? He specifically went into lolcat mode with the passing stat from one game. Here was Davies vs City:

Blocks - 8
Clearances - 12
Interceptions - 1
Crosses - 3
Chances created - 2
Passing % - 65%

He INSTANTLY zoomed on one aspect, the passing. Then compared Rose from one game.

And yes Rose had a great half a season last year. It's not typical of him as he was often mentioned in the worst player on this board before that.

You know what is not a stat? Moving backwards away from an attacker like Rose did that led to the goal. You don't get a stat for not pressing.

You brought up Davies' passing first.

It was then revealed that Davies had a worse pass accuracy than Rose overall, nothing to do with the City game. Nothing at all.

In revealing Davies' stats from god knows when, you've effectively killed your own argument as Rose is better in 7/8 categories and only behind Davies by 1% in his passing.

Rose also has more key passes, so good job on that one.

Bonus points for ignoring your quote praising Davies for "shepherding" (jockeying) players but criticizing Rose for doing the same and not pressing, btw. Your football knowledge really shines through with that one.

You're criticizing Rose on a motm performance. You're an idiot. Everyone in this thread can see that. Everyone on this forum can see that. I'll say it again -- you're the joke of TFC. Good day.
To everyone, just because Gibbsy backing Davies dont make this an anti Davies thread

We have two good left backs, end of - pointless debating, nothing to debate
You brought up Davies' passing first.

It was then revealed that Davies had a worse pass accuracy than Rose overall, nothing to do with the City game. Nothing at all.

Erm no. I just proved that they are similar like I claimed. Thats why I was confused why you brought it up. Both are unspectacular at it. Davies is just more cultured and less...You know. Mental. Davies is marginally better at passing overall. So what else are you wrong about? You and other melters were wrong about Kane...You were wrong about the transfer window being a disaster. We are so hard to beat. We can even play Townsend and Rose together, opening our wings up to the French with a kiss and we still can't be beat.

Nice backfire on the passing. Seems like your stream isn't HD after all?

You seem to be clapping regarding individual performances like Rose. Why are you ignoring the anti effect it had on Jan and Eriksen? Rose's partners? More like bit part players, because when Rose plays, it's all about him. Just like Huddlestone, all he had to do was one amazing pass a game and the fans swoon. With Rose he just needs to leave us wide open, then make up for it with a sliding challenge for you to coo over. I think if it's repeated 4 times by replay, you can pick it up from the stream.
You're criticizing Rose on a motm performance. You're an idiot. Everyone in this thread can see that. Everyone on this forum can see that. I'll say it again -- you're the joke of TFC. Good day.

Lamela was the official man of the match.

He closed down. Unlike Rose. He closed down in our own box, picked up the ball, distributed it, ran the length of the pitch and scored.

Rose walked backwards, they pounced, they scored. He cancelled out one of the best team goals we have scored this season.

Man of the match Lamela finally proving his worth?

BBC Sport - Monaco 1-1 Tottenham Hotspur

I'm sure you were calling me the joke of TFC when you were telling me Kane cant be our striker. Just before he scored 30 plus. Time will tell. Rose drags everyone out of their zone when he plays in our back line.
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I'll let the video do the talking. Rose jogging. Half heated cock of the leg like a dog taking a piss on a Sunday afternoon. Now perhaps Davies blocks are coming into focus and how important it is to press?

Poor Jan...Forced to cover so wide because Rose was side to side crabbing not defending.

He's practically standing still!!!!!! PRESS!!! POCH TEAMS PRESS!!! Lamela did it..Rose can't? All he can do it fucking sliding tackles.

Which may be a blessing since the last thing he did was push someone in the box.

I don't think you understand what Pochettino's press actually means, nor where he wants the pressing to happen. At the time of the video, the team isn't supposed to be pressing so much as cutting out all the passing lanes and cutting out the cross. It was a very good run and cross. Talented people are professional footballers because they can do that, even when talented people are defending them. Really, I can't see what Rose does wrong here. He forced a pass out wide to a lousy location. The cross was very good, but Trippier should never have allowed El Sharaway to beat him to the ball and get that header off. And Lloris shouldn't have let that go in, arguably as well, but you can't save them all.

Really not sure what exactly you're faulting Rose for.
Interesting debate...I know that Verts plays better when he has Davies outside him, even to the extent that he (Verts) will push forward with ball if there is space in front to do so.
I agree that the head to head stats (above) favour Rose, but from an attacking perspective. What they don't record is what the video (above) shows which is Rose clearly caught out of position!
As has been mentioned on the blog b4, a coach will look at the source of the problem and not apportion blame, in this instance on Lloris, for failing to make the save.
Wing backs are an important part of the 4-2-3-1 set-up but they have to know when and how far to advance and I feel that Rose and Walker have not yet learned that lesson...many a time it's only
their speed which get's them out of trouble.
Another issue is when the wing back advances over the halfway line it pushes the wide ATM further upfield leaving a huge gap behind both players which in turn drags the DMF to the flank leaving
space in the middle through which the opposition can counter-attack.
Defenders defend, that's their primary task, anything else is a bonus.
Interesting debate...I know that Verts plays better when he has Davies outside him, even to the extent that he (Verts) will push forward with ball if there is space in front to do so.
I agree that the head to head stats (above) favour Rose, but from an attacking perspective. What they don't record is what the video (above) shows which is Rose clearly caught out of position!
As has been mentioned on the blog b4, a coach will look at the source of the problem and not apportion blame, in this instance on Lloris, for failing to make the save.
Wing backs are an important part of the 4-2-3-1 set-up but they have to know when and how far to advance and I feel that Rose and Walker have not yet learned that lesson...many a time it's only
their speed which get's them out of trouble.
Another issue is when the wing back advances over the halfway line it pushes the wide ATM further upfield leaving a huge gap behind both players which in turn drags the DMF to the flank leaving
space in the middle through which the opposition can counter-attack.
Defenders defend, that's their primary task, anything else is a bonus.

No he doesn't - jan was brilliant against everton when rose played and was also probably our man of the match. Every time he has played this year bar one europa game he ha so retry much been MOTM. This is him playing at 75% - let me say that rose has been talked about at the club as being one who will be under th attention of bigger clubs
Lamela was the official man of the match.

He closed down. Unlike Rose. He closed down in our own box, picked up the ball, distributed it, ran the length of the pitch and scored.

Rose walked backwards, they pounced, they scored. He cancelled out one of the best team goals we have scored this

I'm sure you were calling me the joke of TFC when you were telling me Kane cant be our striker. Just before he scored 30 plus. Time will tell. Rose drags everyone out of their zone when he plays in our back line.

Honestly mate, I've stumbled across this forum and will resist from being too harsh, however your views are fucking ridiculous and how you can attack rose yet defend a player like davies has aggravated me to the point of signing up.

We have two good left backs but one of them is turning into a top level full back in the prem, that ain't davies mate.your points about heat maps are stupid, as a defender you spend half a game tucked up against the half way line so you make NO SENSE - compare those heat maps to the rest of the back 4.

You ridicule rose yet seem to forget how good and consistent he was ALL season and in the second half of it he was exceptional. Davies on the other hand was dross for most of last year.

Bar having a more conservative starting position, davies is not a better defender. Rose is stronger, doesn't get beaten half as much, covers the back post better, is more agressive and is a warrior. Our full backs play a vital role in adding width to our attacks - rose is brilliant at it and davies not so much. Many Spurs fans hated rose even in 2013 when he was good apart from his return from injury and it took him performing as the best full back in the Country for opinions to change.

I like davies and I am glad he is here but rose is superior in nearly every department - he will be first choice as he returns from injury and your straw man arguments are detestable and made from a point of bias. Fucking moron
I don't think you understand what Pochettino's press actually means, nor where he wants the pressing to happen. At the time of the video, the team isn't supposed to be pressing so much as cutting out all the passing lanes and cutting out the cross. It was a very good run and cross. Talented people are professional footballers because they can do that, even when talented people are defending them. Really, I can't see what Rose does wrong here. He forced a pass out wide to a lousy location. The cross was very good, but Trippier should never have allowed El Sharaway to beat him to the ball and get that header off. And Lloris shouldn't have let that go in, arguably as well, but you can't save them all.

Really not sure what exactly you're faulting Rose for.

I don't think it means walking backwards like rose did.

Honestly mate, I've stumbled across this forum and will resist from being too harsh, however your views are fucking ridiculous and how you can attack rose yet defend a player like davies has aggravated me to the point of signing up.

Welcome to TFC. Don't worry -- most of us hate Gibbs, as do most Spurs fans across the internet (he's been banned from pretty much every other Spurs forum). There's no such thing as too harsh when it comes to confronting that dimwit.
Welcome to TFC. Don't worry -- most of us hate Gibbs, as do most Spurs fans across the internet (he's been banned from pretty much every other Spurs forum). There's no such thing as too harsh when it comes to confronting that dimwit.

The last place I was banned from was due to a thread similar to this thread.

It was regarding Townsend, Rose, Naughton, Defoe, Lennon and Soldado.

Apparently I was too repetitive in my insistence that they should be nowhere near the first team. I said overloading the team with tiny dancers like Townsend and Lennon would get AVB sacked.

I also rubbed people up the wrong way suggesting Lennon and Livermore were drunks and a bad influence.

I was proved wrong about Rose. But I still maintain he is the last fig leaf of derp we need to remove from our back line. He is a freak athlete who needs to be played further up the pitch because he is more of a maverick than a cultured defender.

You are overstating everything because I made you look foolish.

You picked a terrible time to point out how limited Davies was. A classic win against the best team in the league. So after that you were stung into lala land.

Davies is an integral part of that back line because he has an understanding with everyone around him. Its just pretty telling that you were saying the same shit a year ago about Kane.
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