Danny Rose

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Can't believe I read through all of that shit from the last few pages. You all could use a trip to the Sin Bin to reset...let the cuntiness in this thread air out a bit for a while.

Hope to see Danny come out and play a solid 90 against Monaco. I think Rose should be playing ahead of Davies in the league, but with Rose dealing with that niggling injury at the start of the season Ben took his opportunity to play and has turned in some good shifts so far.

It's nice that we have two LBs that seem capable to do a job.
But you read it all didn't you? Yes we all hope to see Rose do that - thanks for the sanctimonious insight. Sin bin vote cast.
Can't believe I read through all of that shit from the last few pages. You all could use a trip to the Sin Bin to reset...let the cuntiness in this thread air out a bit for a while.

Hope to see Danny come out and play a solid 90 against Monaco. I think Rose should be playing ahead of Davies in the league, but with Rose dealing with that niggling injury at the start of the season Ben took his opportunity to play and has turned in some good shifts so far.

It's nice that we have two LBs that seem capable to do a job.

Oh, go Sin Bin yourself. You managed to read all of it and still somehow came out of it with the most pointless post of the lot.
Rose is good and Davies is nearly as good. All the shit that went before is really jolly rotten. I don't know how people are meant to read it quite honestly. Poor show. Can l have a like please?.
His last ditch tackle after the horrible Lloris error was great. Good performance again from him, much better than the one against Qarabag that's for sure.
I stuck up for the players we had.

Did you fuck. You have been slaughtering every player (especially the English ones) under 6 ft we've had since you jumped from Swansea's sinking ship. Your footballing education - such as it is, is founded on massive unskilled lumps, wrestling and kicking each other into submission in the mud. I don't blame you for this, I just wish you wouldn't try to pass it off as magical insight.

And you're a cunt.
Did his usual. Last ditch sliding chaotic tackles. Terrible crossing. Terrible positioning. Pushed someone in the box, then went into his sleepwalking mode and didn't press and the assist came from his side. Him not pressing for the goal meant that Jan had to sprint out of position. You found Jan at left back when he should have been in the middle. Jan out of position meant Toby was isolated.

It's just the usual you get from Rose. Chaos, central defenders get rattled by his terrible positioning, risky passing out the back that breaks down and he had the usual effect on Eriksen.

We could hold on with the chaos but as as soon as Townsend came on...He started doing rolly polly's in the box, Rose pushed someone in the box, we broke, offside, Rose asleep and Jan was forced out of position.

Just another day where Rose caused chaos and instability flapping around like a headless chicken. He has an amazing tackle but the rest is just a spinning top of uncertainty at the back. Was it the ball that broke the keepers face, or the massive mound of earth that shot in the air when Rose tried that cross? The only thing worse than Roses crossing was Townsends cross from the left. Into touch the opposite side.

You overload the team with derp and that what you get. Rose needs to calm the fuck down. Poch needs to realize introducing Townsend last season did for all of our trophy and 4th hopes last season.

People in here are praising one or two crazy tackles. Not his defending. With Rose it's always about his crazy antics and fight this season. Perhaps if he wasnt flapping around screaming at the ref and was more composed he would not have got stamped on?

Get him out of defense. For Jan and Eriksens sake. I didn't think it would take this soon to Jan be back into face like a smacked arse mode. We need his passion and width in the final third, not causing mushroom clouds at the back. This Frank Bruno affable loser thing is getting tired. Lost us points with the goal, and didn't even look like creating anything going forward. Perhaps I was wrong about Rose. Perhaps he can't even make it as a winger, his original position.
Did his usual. Last ditch sliding chaotic tackles. Terrible crossing. Terrible positioning. Pushed someone in the box, then went into his sleepwalking mode and didn't press and the assist came from his side. Him not pressing for the goal meant that Jan had to sprint out of position. You found Jan at left back when he should have been in the middle. Jan out of position meant Toby was isolated.

It's just the usual you get from Rose. Chaos, central defenders get rattled by his terrible positioning, risky passing out the back that breaks down and he had the usual effect on Eriksen.

We could hold on with the chaos but as as soon as Townsend came on...He started doing rolly polly's in the box, Rose pushed someone in the box, we broke, offside, Rose asleep and Jan was forced out of position.

Just another day where Rose caused chaos and instability flapping around like a headless chicken. He has an amazing tackle but the rest is just a spinning top of uncertainty at the back. Was it the ball that broke the keepers face, or the massive mound of earth that shot in the air when Rose tried that cross? The only thing worse than Roses crossing was Townsends cross from the left. Into touch the opposite side.

You overload the team with derp and that what you get. Rose needs to calm the fuck down. Poch needs to realize introducing Townsend last season did for all of our trophy and 4th hopes last season.

People in here are praising one or two crazy tackles. Not his defending. With Rose it's always about his crazy antics and fight this season. Perhaps if he wasnt flapping around screaming at the ref and was more composed he would not have got stamped on?

Get him out of defense. For Jan and Eriksens sake. I didn't think it would take this soon to Jan be back into face like a smacked arse mode. We need his passion and width in the final third, not causing mushroom clouds at the back. This Frank Bruno affable loser thing is getting tired. Lost us points with the goal, and didn't even look like creating anything going forward. Perhaps I was wrong about Rose. Perhaps he can't even make it as a winger, his original position.
Just fuck off, you prick
Did his usual. Last ditch sliding chaotic tackles. Terrible crossing. Terrible positioning. Pushed someone in the box, then went into his sleepwalking mode and didn't press and the assist came from his side. Him not pressing for the goal meant that Jan had to sprint out of position. You found Jan at left back when he should have been in the middle. Jan out of position meant Toby was isolated.

It's just the usual you get from Rose. Chaos, central defenders get rattled by his terrible positioning, risky passing out the back that breaks down and he had the usual effect on Eriksen.

We could hold on with the chaos but as as soon as Townsend came on...He started doing rolly polly's in the box, Rose pushed someone in the box, we broke, offside, Rose asleep and Jan was forced out of position.

Just another day where Rose caused chaos and instability flapping around like a headless chicken. He has an amazing tackle but the rest is just a spinning top of uncertainty at the back. Was it the ball that broke the keepers face, or the massive mound of earth that shot in the air when Rose tried that cross? The only thing worse than Roses crossing was Townsends cross from the left. Into touch the opposite side.

You overload the team with derp and that what you get. Rose needs to calm the fuck down. Poch needs to realize introducing Townsend last season did for all of our trophy and 4th hopes last season.

People in here are praising one or two crazy tackles. Not his defending. With Rose it's always about his crazy antics and fight this season. Perhaps if he wasnt flapping around screaming at the ref and was more composed he would not have got stamped on?

Get him out of defense. For Jan and Eriksens sake. I didn't think it would take this soon to Jan be back into face like a smacked arse mode. We need his passion and width in the final third, not causing mushroom clouds at the back. This Frank Bruno affable loser thing is getting tired. Lost us points with the goal, and didn't even look like creating anything going forward. Perhaps I was wrong about Rose. Perhaps he can't even make it as a winger, his original position.
Your anti rose agenda is getting tiresome. The if I can prove rose is not better than Davies then I win the Internet rambles are fucking tedious. If I say your right will you stop posting in the rose thread.

Do you actually like football never mind spurs.
Your anti rose agenda is getting tiresome. The if I can prove rose is not better than Davies then I win the Internet rambles are fucking tedious. If I say your right will you stop posting in the rose thread.

Do you actually like football never mind spurs.

He didn't close down leaving Jan exposed. We drop 2 points. Fact.

Look. I claim he's chaotic and effects Jans game. I specifically said he pulls Jan out of position multiple times. It happened.

I claim he is chaotic. He came off the pitch looking like the curse of the mummy. Lamela closed them down on the opposite side and it ended up in a goal for us. Keep zooming in on the sexy sliding tackles while ignoring his fault for the goal if you like. We need calm and collected.
The if I can prove rose is not better than Davies then I win the Internet rambles are fucking tedious. If

It is tedious only if you are in the Rose is a defender camp and watch him jogging around while they work the ball past him that led to Jan getting pulled out of position to lose 2 points. Nobody even mentioned the goal in the Rose thread and it came through his side? If that was Davies derpring around there would be a witch hunt. Our wings were a mess. Especially when they brought on Townsend. Who did a rolly polly in our own box just before Rose inexplicably pushed someone in the box seconds later.

Rose is so mental he injured himself. Screaming at the ref flapping around. You want that maniac in defense? He needs to be creating chaos in their box, not ours.

What is tedious is people IGNORING THAT ROSE DID NOTHING TO DEFEND HIS PATCH FOR THE GOAL. His style of play had us on the back foot. Crossing to them, passing was beyond predicatble and risky.

We are much MUCH more solid at the back without Rose there. It's obvious. Monaco are not Man City and we made them look like they were. If you are sliding in for a last ditch tackle: That makes you a good defender? Nope. If you find yourself one on one, it means your shape is fucked.
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He didn't close down leaving Jan exposed. We drop 2 points. Fact.

Look. I claim he's chaotic and effects Jans game. I specifically said he pulls Jan out of position multiple times. It happened.

I claim he is chaotic. He came off the pitch looking like the curse of the mummy. Lamela closed them down on the opposite side and it ended up in a goal for us. Keep zooming in on the sexy sliding tackles while ignoring his fault for the goal if you like. We need calm and collected.
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