Danny Rose

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Oh FFS Gibbsy you plank. As Bri said, this is the same Sherwood who claimed that he discovered Eriksen whilst he was playing at Wembley. He brought some youngsters into the team when he was manager. Credit where it's due & I will give him that. But to say that he was the one who moved Rose to LB because he claimed it in an interview is just nonsense. Harry was responsible for moving him to LB

Or is it;

You show him a lot of respect there.

Just like I praise Rose and don't pretend he has a footballing brain, I don't pretend Sherwood has a good footballing brain either. he is a great spotter of talent which is why I want him back. Unless you think playing Siggy and Dolphin as midfield destroyers is a good footballing brain, you can't find fault in my opinion.

Since when does him getting one thing wrong: The venue of where he first spotted Eriksen, automatically mean he was thinking of an alternate reality where he talked to Rose about moving him to left back? Pretty specific thing to remember eh? Getting one thing wrong does not mean he talks bollocks 100% of the time. Unless he's Arcspace.
You get too riled up, and when you do your posts and your thinking gets a bit mental.

I'm angry at the disrespect shown to Davies. I know Wiki is a pathetic melt who went into full on meltdown when we didn't sign a glut of marquee signings when the curtain closed. And since then, 100% wins in the prem with the best defense in the prem has me rolling my eyes that he's still poking fun at the back line and is still in "we are doomed" mode. Massive disrespect to our young team was a CONSTANT in the summer transfer thread. All masterbating over players Dembele, Mason and Bentaleb would fucking crush. It's more of the same for me. I get angry when people think that Jan should be sold because of attitude or Walker is a bad player. Watching big strong Kane up front with big strong DM's like Dier, another 6 footer like Alli didn't turn out to be like watching West Ham. Jan, Walker and Davies proved their haters wrong. So people hold on to these furious exchanges and won't drop it. Why do you think Joe Clash is always incandescent with rage when he talks about me? It's because he was telling me Kane was too slow and does not have enough intelligence. Just before his 30+ goal spree. He was claiming the same about the other players I was defending like Lamela and it ended up with the get along gang getting me sin binned CONSTANTLY defending Dembele, Kane, Lamela, Jan, Walker, Bentaleb, Mason etc etc. I am the troll? I'm angry because people like Balazi are calling Bentaleb a cunt etc etc. Romove the Soldado, Townsends, Lennons and Naughtons, add the big strong players like Dier, Kane etc and we look like a force in the prem. WHL is now a FORTRESS.

That's what people don't get. They hear me being called a troll often enough and they think it's the smart thing to join the pileon. Like a popularity contest. The players I did slate were Soldado, Townsend, Naughton, Lennon etc and now the dust has settled I was right.

I got some wrong, like Rose and Paulinho and admitted that. But lets not pretend my fan club are the super fans. I got laughed at before a ball was kicked this season for having Dier and Davies in my starting 11.

This back 4. To see them work so well together, it was worth all the shit I got defending Jan in the sulking thread against Beal, or Walker making a mistake and people flaying him, or Davies being solid for years and getting overwhelmed because Townsend, Lennon or Eriksen have gone missing in front of him because managers seem to think AM's can be DM's and wingers can be AM's.

Beal called me anti English for not wanting Townsend, Lennon, Naughton etc to start instead of Dembele, Bentaleb etc etc (while ignoring me constantly telling him Walker was my fav player). So he is also a pulsating anal gland of rage when he see's me post because half a season seemed to pass in between goals and assists in open play in the prem for these players he was mocking me for not rating. I seem to create these creepers every season. He saw Jan leaning against a wall and freaked the fuck out.

But you have to admit it: You did just lecture me when you didn't even know I was defending Davies against someone. You did what a lot of posters do. Saw which way the wind was blowing comments wise, saw gibbs131 and figured pilling on would be the popular choice.
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Would love to see Davies playing wing. The next Bale.

haha. Nah. He supplies the Bales from left back.

I love the closeup of that cross. His technique/body shape is flawless.
Just like I praise Rose and don't pretend he has a footballing brain, I don't pretend Sherwood has a good footballing brain either. he is a great spotter of talent which is why I want him back. Unless you think playing Siggy and Dolphin as midfield destroyers is a good footballing brain, you can't find fault in my opinion.

Since when does him getting one thing wrong: The venue of where he first spotted Eriksen, automatically mean he was thinking of an alternate reality where he talked to Rose about moving him to left back? Pretty specific thing to remember eh? Getting one thing wrong does not mean he talks bollocks 100% of the time. Unless he's Arcspace.
Sherwood is well known for talking bollocks. He does it every interview he has. He is another one who never knows when to shut up
I'm angry at the disrespect shown to Davies. I know Wiki is a pathetic melt who went into full on meltdown when we didn't sign a glut of marquee signings when the curtain closed

Lol, please quote me on this. All I want(ed) was what any reasonable, sane Spurs fan wanted: decent backup for Kane and Dier.

he's still poking fun at the back line and is still in "we are doomed" mode.

All I ever said was that Rose is better, though Davies is a fine player. Hey, btw:

What do you think about Danny Rose having a higher pass accuracy than Davies?

How was Ben Davies directly involved in defending Man city's 9 corners?

But you have to admit it: You did just lecture me when you didn't even know I was defending Davies against someone. You did what a lot of posters do. Saw which way the wind was blowing comments wise, saw gibbs131 and figured pilling on would be the popular choice.

The guy just more or less said he had your back and was trying to understand where you're coming from, and you still go on about how he's 'after you'? You're a fucking paranoid freak.

We're all laughing at you because you can't answer simple questions or respond to stats that disprove your arguments without looking like a high strung cunt with the emotional maturity of a thirteen-year-old. Though, I hear you're more on the side of being a 35+ yr old metalhead so good luck with that.
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Lol, please quote me on this. All I want(ed) was what any reasonable, sane Spurs fan wanted

At the transfer thread closing:

"what a fucking joke"

"We've seen this behavior from Levy for years. Even if Berahino somehow goes through, Levy should answer for how poorly he's run Spurs' transfers. He's been nothing short of a disaster."

Balotelli "fuck I'd take him at this point. Square peg round hole etc etc but at least he has experience playing premier league football as a CF."

"I think 4th should be the expectation -- we have the talent, and the money, to do so. Missing out because of dropped points due to A) not enough depth and B) not getting impact players in on time (think N'Jie, Son) is a shame."

"The better bet is not having to play either there. The better bet would've been to have gotten a deal done for a CF."

So you're not saying N'Jie is a striker, then? Okay, so what was the fucking point? Oh wait, there isn't one.. you're just another Levy apologist who sits, rolls over and speaks when commanded to do so. Good boy"

Actually...You know what. I don't have time. These are a small selection from ONE DAY in the transfer thread. There were so many posts of yours in the same vein I can't actually keep. Up. That is why in my season watch thread I did not quote you directly. I gave a "too may posts to sort through" joke because that is what you are. The biggest grass is greener fan on here. 100% prem wins since it closed. Perhaps you should have had more faith in our players?
At the transfer thread closing:

"what a fucking joke"

"We've seen this behavior from Levy for years. Even if Berahino somehow goes through, Levy should answer for how poorly he's run Spurs' transfers. He's been nothing short of a disaster."

Balotelli "fuck I'd take him at this point. Square peg round hole etc etc but at least he has experience playing premier league football as a CF."

"I think 4th should be the expectation -- we have the talent, and the money, to do so. Missing out because of dropped points due to A) not enough depth and B) not getting impact players in on time (think N'Jie, Son) is a shame."

"The better bet is not having to play either there. The better bet would've been to have gotten a deal done for a CF."

So you're not saying N'Jie is a striker, then? Okay, so what was the fucking point? Oh wait, there isn't one.. you're just another Levy apologist who sits, rolls over and speaks when commanded to do so. Good boy"

Actually...You know what. I don't have time. These are a small selection from ONE DAY in the transfer thread. There were so many posts of yours in the same vein I can't actually keep. Up. That is why in my season watch thread I did not quote you directly. I gave a "too may posts to sort through" joke because that is what you are. The biggest grass is greener fan on here. 100% prem wins since it closed. Perhaps you should have had more faith in our players?

These are all quotes about how I thought (think) we need another CF....

What do you think about Danny Rose having a higher pass accuracy than Davies?.

I think it's strange to bring up passing when talking about Danny Rose and Davies. It's such a strange angle to go for. Neither of these players are that bad at passing. Rose's passing is more risky because he tends to have a rush of blood and his passing out of defense or back to the keeper can be dangerous.

Your (constant) request for specific actions on every corner Davies defended is desperate trolling after another fantastic display.

Here you go: Davies amazing defensive stats vs City:

Blocks - 8
Clearances - 12

12 clearances speaks volumes about my claim of Davies defending corners. Esp at the end he was heading them out etc but you are freaking out because I can't remember specifics is trolling. 12 clearances is an amazing stat which backs up my claim that he was a force against City defending corners. And there were a lot of corners because he was BLOCKING crosses from our box over the goal line. You need to ask because you watch on a stream and can't make out shit.
These are all quotes about how I thought (think) we need another CF....


How is your point proven? We are 100% win in the prem without the striker and DM.

Hmmm...You need to work on this. The marquee signings didn't come: And somehow you are right to freak out?

"what a fucking joke"

Is you being right? After the fact? I stuck up for the players we had. Apart from Townsend who played against the scum in the cup. Rose played well but we still lost that game. More proof that all hell can break loose with positioning and team shape when they are in key positions. I said it before, whenever Rose plays, the center back next to him seems to play shit. The back line seems to to have a crisis with Rose gallivanting further up the pitch. He never has a calming influence on the back and Townsend just "Ole's" everyone past him. I can't believe Poch would put out that lineup against the scum. So happy to see the back line back in place against City.
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I'm angry at the disrespect shown to Davies. I know Wiki is a pathetic melt who went into full on meltdown when we didn't sign a glut of marquee signings when the curtain closed. And since then, 100% wins in the prem with the best defense in the prem has me rolling my eyes that he's still poking fun at the back line and is still in "we are doomed" mode. Massive disrespect to our young team was a CONSTANT in the summer transfer thread. All masterbating over players Dembele, Mason and Bentaleb would fucking crush. It's more of the same for me. I get angry when people think that Jan should be sold because of attitude or Walker is a bad player. Watching big strong Kane up front with big strong DM's like Dier, another 6 footer like Alli didn't turn out to be like watching West Ham. Jan, Walker and Davies proved their haters wrong. So people hold on to these furious exchanges and won't drop it. Why do you think Joe Clash is always incandescent with rage when he talks about me? It's because he was telling me Kane was too slow and does not have enough intelligence. Just before his 30+ goal spree. He was claiming the same about the other players I was defending like Lamela and it ended up with the get along gang getting me sin binned CONSTANTLY defending Dembele, Kane, Lamela, Jan, Walker, Bentaleb, Mason etc etc. I am the troll? I'm angry because people like Balazi are calling Bentaleb a cunt etc etc. Romove the Soldado, Townsends, Lennons and Naughtons, add the big strong players like Dier, Kane etc and we look like a force in the prem. WHL is now a FORTRESS.

That's what people don't get. They hear me being called a troll often enough and they think it's the smart thing to join the pileon. Like a popularity contest. The players I did slate were Soldado, Townsend, Naughton, Lennon etc and now the dust has settled I was right.

I got some wrong, like Rose and Paulinho and admitted that. But lets not pretend my fan club are the super fans. I got laughed at before a ball was kicked this season for having Dier and Davies in my starting 11.

This back 4. To see them work so well together, it was worth all the shit I got defending Jan in the sulking thread against Beal, or Walker making a mistake and people flaying him, or Davies being solid for years and getting overwhelmed because Townsend, Lennon or Eriksen have gone missing in front of him because managers seem to think AM's can be DM's and wingers can be AM's.

So yeah I am angry. Because Beal called me anti English for not wanting Townsend, Lennon, Naughton etc to start instead of Dembele, Bentaleb etc etc (while ignoring me constantly telling him Walker was my fav player). So he is also a pulsating anal gland of rage when he see's me post because half a season seemed to pass in between goals and assists in open play in the prem for these players he was mocking me for not rating. I seem to create these creepers every season. He saw Jan leaning against a wall and freaked the fuck out.

But you have to admit it: You did just lecture me when you didn't even know I was defending Davies against someone. You did what a lot of posters do. Saw which way the wind was blowing comments wise, saw gibbs131 and figured pilling on would be the popular choice.

No, I didn't lecture you while not knowing you were defending Davies. What I said was I don't know who was attacking him, as I thought I read you saying that I defended the guy you were arguing against. I know you were trying to defend Davies.

But, as has been pointed out before, I don't think people here says he's shit, we don't disrespect him, we don't tell him to fuck off. What most of us are saying is either that he is ok, or that he's good, but Rose is better.

My main point though is that you, for your own good, for your peace of mind, should try to chill a bit and not take things so personal. You think I go at you because you are Gibbs. From how some people here 'attack you' I can understand that you can think like that, but fuck those assholes.

I don't disagree, or pile on, because you are gibbs. If you're go through your post history (Please don't, people should definately spend less time doing that) I'm sure you'll find me agreeing with you several times. We agree on Dembele, if you were pro Paulinho we agreed on him, I think we both rate Chadli (?), we both like Walker and Jan, and I liked Ade untill the first few games of last season.

Ignore the cunts, don't melt and think people disagree just because you are you. When you keep calm you write some good posts and say a lot of agreeable stuff.
I think it's strange to bring up passing when talking about Danny Rose and Davies.

Oh, is it now... Gibbs131, circa his introduction into the Rose v. Davies debate:

Are you high? Rose is the embodiment of limited. He is ALL pace and athleticism and his actual footballing ability is his weakest aspect. He puts the ball into touch for no reason every game because of his control. His crossing, shooting and passing out of defense is shocking.

Davies is a better crosser, has a better strike and his passing out of defense is sane

You're the joke of TFC, you half-brained cunt. This is why no one takes you seriously. This is why everyone calls you out as a troll; because, put simply, you are one. You're an unstable, emotional buffoon. Your arguments are shit, your memory is shit and your opinion is shit.
Oh, is it now... Gibbs131, circa his introduction into the Rose v. Davies debate:

You're the joke of TFC, you half-brained cunt. This is why no one takes you seriously. This is why everyone calls you out as a troll; because, put simply, you are one. You're an unstable, emotional buffoon. Your arguments are shit, your memory is shit and your opinion is shit.

Yeah, Rose is not a well rounded player. I'm not going to pretend he can cross and shoot. He's terrible at both. I said playing Rose is a numbers game. He's so dynamic it's the sheer number of Crosses and final balls he puts in are a positive.

If you think Rose is good at shooting and crossing, then you have no business commenting on Spurs. His goal vs the scum in the prem: How long was it since he scored again in open play for us in the prem?

His best ever season he only got a handful of goals for us. How often did he get forward? 100's of galavanting runs and crosses and almost nothing to show for it.

On average the total prem goals he has scored and created for us can probably be canceled out by his red cards and goals given away from rash free kicks, penalties, standing on the ball, sleeping on set prices or passing to the opposition. He's played people inside, ball watched, pushed players and always plays on the edge.

We have seen what calm and collected can do in the prem this season. Rose is more talented than Davies but not when it comes to the basics of defending.

A problem we have had is we have been too calm and collected going forward.

Chadli, Eriksen and Dembele can be too passive.

I want Rose further forwatd in the team because we need pace and width. He is strong, amazing balance, speed, determination, character, passion, tempo and non stop aggression.

Just like I am not going to pretend Eriksen who I love can head, tackle and win 50/50's, I'm also not going to pretend that Danny Rose is a great crosser and has a great shot. He's a wrecking ball. We need more needle in the final third.

I'm a realist. I don't happy clap the holes in Roses game. To get the best out of him you keep him away from our penalty area. We have looked way more cerebral at the back without Rose there. Chaos and passion is his game.
This is why everyone calls you out as a troll; because, put simply, you are one. You're an unstable, emotional buffoon. Your arguments are shit, your memory is shit and your opinion is shit.

Joe clash constantly follows me around because he claimed I was wrong about Kane. He did the same with Lamela with using vile gay slurs.

You sound like him right now.

At the end of the day I backed Davies. He's doing us proud. Why are you melting? It's because you feel foolish for bad talking Davies before a historic win where he had amazing defensive stats.

Against City.
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