Danny Rose

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Joe clash constantly follows me around because he claimed I was wrong about Kane. He did the same with Lamela with using vile gay slurs.

You sound like him right now.

At the end of the day I backed Davies. He's doing us proud. Why are you melting? It's because you feel foolish for bad talking Davies before a historic win where he had amazing defensive stats.

Against City.

What do you think about Danny Rose having a higher pass accuracy than Davies?

How was Ben Davies directly involved in defending Man city's 9 corners?

What are your feelings in regards to Danny Rose having superior overall stats to Davies?
Joe clash constantly follows me around because he claimed I was wrong about Kane. He did the same with Lamela with using vile gay slurs.

Vile gay slurs? Find one you horrible cunt. I asked your opinion of a player 14 months ago. You couldn't - just like you can't answer wiki's question about passing accuracy - it's not because you won't (as you are pretending) but because you can't - you don't have the knowledge.

I've voted you into the bin because you make baseless accusations about me without having the balls to speak to me like any straight up bloke would.
Good -- he shows a modicum of intelligence and occasional sanity. Much rather that than sound like some sad little troll that's been kicked off every Spurs forum on the internet outside of TFC.

Yep. Proof:

Players - Harry Kane

I was being called an idiot troll then too.

Do you want to keep it football or associate yourself with someone who posts anti Anerican and Austrailian hate speech? You want to associate yourself with someone who gets binned from obsessively abusiing anyone that disagrees, then creates a multi that pretends to be a woman who knows Joe?

Keep it football. He's got serious mental problems and I have not responded to a post of his for months and the first thing he does coming back from yet another binning is jump up and down for my attention.

In between asking do I like to cum on Lamelas stomach, telling me Kane is too slow/stupid or telling me he's flying to Florida to kill me, or giving out his address to fight a forumite...or showing me pictures of himself...and showing me pictures of myself...I'm sure you are in good company.

Keep it football. Don't go down that shit stiring pile on road and beat me by discussing why you think I'm wrong about Roses shortcomings.
gibbs131 Interesting quote of mine. Between now and then it would appear that his footballing brain has improved - shock horror in a young player. If that's the worst you can do - and I do like that you've wasted an hour of your life frantically searching out that meek observation - I suggest you stick to slagging off most of our team and the manager on your website.

I remember when you said Dembele was not fit to wear Tottenham's shirt, and you thought Bale and Modric were shit - you keep on son - you might fool some people, but you'll never fool me.
You're the joke of TFC, you half-brained cunt. This is why no one takes you seriously. This is why everyone calls you out as a troll; because, put simply, you are one. You're an unstable, emotional buffoon. Your arguments are shit, your memory is shit and your opinion is shit.

I'm the troll? You may want to check your history. You were in the Kane thread too. I had to defend Kane just like I'm defending Davies now:

Wikipedia Brown:

"he looked like shit the other day and you can't deny that. On more than one occasion he took a poor touch that allowed Sunderland to regain possession. He'll be fine in spurts but he isn't going to carry us when we'll inevitably need him to."

That was in response to my post:

"Kane makes us better as a team. When he starts he puts in a good shift compared to the Lennons, Soldados, Defoes and others that can disappear or be overly greedy."

So are you 100% sure you want to keep calling me a troll? You got it wrong then. You are currently getting it wrong about Davies as he has been part of the best back line in the prem. You are currently using your troll horn to avoid the reality of Davies making us solid. Calling me names is not going to change the fact that WHL is a fortress with Davies in the team.

Keep it football.
Just like I praise Rose and don't pretend he has a footballing brain, I don't pretend Sherwood has a good footballing brain either. he is a great spotter of talent which is why I want him back. Unless you think playing Siggy and Dolphin as midfield destroyers is a good footballing brain, you can't find fault in my opinion.

Since when does him getting one thing wrong: The venue of where he first spotted Eriksen, automatically mean he was thinking of an alternate reality where he talked to Rose about moving him to left back? Pretty specific thing to remember eh? Getting one thing wrong does not mean he talks bollocks 100% of the time. Unless he's Arcspace.
It also doesn't mean everything he says should be taken as gospel truth, good spotter of talent maybe but I personally find it hard to believe arry would take advice from anyone apart from his lawyers
I'm the troll? You may want to check your history. You were in the Kane thread too. I had to defend Kane just like I'm defending Davies now:

Wikipedia Brown:

"he looked like shit the other day and you can't deny that. On more than one occasion he took a poor touch that allowed Sunderland to regain possession. He'll be fine in spurts but he isn't going to carry us when we'll inevitably need him to."

That was in response to my post:

"Kane makes us better as a team. When he starts he puts in a good shift compared to the Lennons, Soldados, Defoes and others that can disappear or be overly greedy."

So are you 100% sure you want to keep calling me a troll? You got it wrong then. You are currently getting it wrong about Davies as he has been part of the best back line in the prem. You are currently using your troll horn to avoid the reality of Davies making us solid. Calling me names is not going to change the fact that WHL is a fortress with Davies in the team.

Keep it football.

What does me being wrong about Kane two years ago have anything to do with Rose being a better footballer than Davies?

You're full of straw men and weird hyperboles, Gibbs. And when you're faced with something you can't answer, you just ignore it. How about you answer the two-three very simple questions I've asked in regards to the Rose-Davies debate? You can't and you won't, because if you were forced to respond they'd immediately expose the holes in your argument. You can ramble all you want.. but it's all fluff -- a whose who and what's what of fallacies.
Yep. Proof:

Players - Harry Kane

I was being called an idiot troll then too.

Keep it football. He's got serious mental problems and I have not responded to a post of his for months and the first thing he does coming back from yet another binning is jump up and down for my aor showing me pictures of himself...and showing me pictures of myself...I

I posted those pictures just to show you that I am a thousand times better looking than you, you stubby little fat barrel. Why the fuck do you rant on about athleticism when you look like a rotund tapir?

I remember your "hate speech" on SC. You were found out for the colour prejudice that comes naturally to you and your anti English player mentality at Tottenham. You even questioned Huddlestone's family background as an excuse to denigrate him for his weight at the time.
I'm the troll? You may want to check your history. You were in the Kane thread too. I had to defend Kane just like I'm defending Davies now:

Wikipedia Brown:

"he looked like shit the other day and you can't deny that. On more than one occasion he took a poor touch that allowed Sunderland to regain possession. He'll be fine in spurts but he isn't going to carry us when we'll inevitably need him to."

That was in response to my post:

"Kane makes us better as a team. When he starts he puts in a good shift compared to the Lennons, Soldados, Defoes and others that can disappear or be overly greedy."

So are you 100% sure you want to keep calling me a troll? You got it wrong then. You are currently getting it wrong about Davies as he has been part of the best back line in the prem. You are currently using your troll horn to avoid the reality of Davies making us solid. Calling me names is not going to change the fact that WHL is a fortress with Davies in the team.

Keep it football.

You come off as a very sad, creepy little man. Do you know that? I'm sure you don't -- you don't seem to know much outside of how to contradict yourself.
What do you think about Danny Rose having a higher pass accuracy than Davies?

How was Ben Davies directly involved in defending Man city's 9 corners?
Mate he doesn't know anything about football - he can't answer that question. I suggest you rephrase it, and put 'beasts' in the question - he'll go all super meerkat on you, and menace his offspring - his blog says what he is.
Personally I think he's sort of like the Prince Hamlet of TFC; halfway through one of his rambling wannabe-soliloquies you realize he's a middle-aged man and then feel.. icky.
Ha ha Wik, I see him more as the 3 legged mastiff begging for scraps and confused as to why he has to follow his owner into a foreign land and change allegiance. Oh..
Can't believe I read through all of that shit from the last few pages. You all could use a trip to the Sin Bin to reset...let the cuntiness in this thread air out a bit for a while.

Hope to see Danny come out and play a solid 90 against Monaco. I think Rose should be playing ahead of Davies in the league, but with Rose dealing with that niggling injury at the start of the season Ben took his opportunity to play and has turned in some good shifts so far.

It's nice that we have two LBs that seem capable to do a job.
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