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That's you saying that - that's your own bias

Everyone who replied outrage said

"she this"

"she that"

I didn't even mention her 'gender' when I said I found it annoying.

But if it makes you sleep better, I'd have found it just as annoying if

a) She was a 'bloke'


b) she was from fucking Mars

So sorry old chap, you're wrong on both counts trying to make it out as some anti American anti woman thing.

see post #8282 as to why I find it annoying - but if you can't be arsed to read it then the TLDR is that the technology isn't good enough to be able to make the 'offside by a toenail' decisions.

That's not emotion, that's just maths.

This is all just a big anti-VAR rant.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that ITV chose to have a ref in the studio; a fact that has a bunch of people rattled and intentionally mis-casting her as a "VAR specialist" (or some form of VAR advocate); in turn putting emphasis on her nationality (which saw someone else go on a "yanks on twitter dont' know ball" ramble!) and tenuously objecting to her on the basis that she's not perceived to have played the game at the highest level.....

Guess what.... Neither has Ange... Neither has Pougatch.... And time n' time again ex-players show they are about a decade out of touch with the rules.

So..... I ask again; who do you see as better qualified to speak upon the RULES of the game? ....The 'lads' in the studio or the person certified by the rule makers who is professionally obligated to KNOW this stuff to the letter?

Surely you don't prefer the ignorance of not knowing why a call was made?

.........If anything the fact that she is there is an indictment on the standard of punditry in this country that the hosts nor ex-players have suitably studied the rules.

IF they had there'd be no perceivable need for her.

- She explained why the pen was given.
- She explained the phases of play that went in to assessing the offside.

....What is there to be "annoyed"/irritated about?

As far as VAR goes..... It's still the 3rd shittiest element of the officiating process these days behind 1) the crap UK officials and 2) some of the shitty rules.
Especially at a relatively low 25 frames per second which the European Broadcasting Union use for their frame rate.
Frame rate for semi-automated offsides is 50fps...that said, ideally it would be higher but it's going to be more precise than a linesman looking 2 places at once.
swiss win
ac/dc concert in zürich

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This is all just a big anti-VAR rant.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that ITV chose to have a ref in the studio; a fact that has a bunch of people rattled and intentionally mis-casting her as a "VAR specialist" (or some form of VAR advocate); in turn putting emphasis on her nationality (which saw someone else go on a "yanks on twitter dont' know ball" ramble!) and tenuously objecting to her on the basis that she's not perceived to have played the game at the highest level.....

Guess what.... Neither has Ange... Neither has Pougatch.... And time n' time again ex-players show they are about a decade out of touch with the rules.

So..... I ask again; who do you see as better qualified to speak upon the RULES of the game? ....The 'lads' in the studio or the person certified by the rule makers who is professionally obligated to KNOW this stuff to the letter?

Surely you don't prefer the ignorance of not knowing why a call was made?

.........If anything the fact that she is there is an indictment on the standard of punditry in this country that the hosts nor ex-players have suitably studied the rules.

IF they had there'd be no perceivable need for her.

- She explained why the pen was given.
- She explained the phases of play that went in to assessing the offside.

....What is there to be "annoyed"/irritated about?

As far as VAR goes..... It's still the 3rd shittiest element of the officiating process these days behind 1) the crap UK officials and 2) some of the shitty rules.
So we agree - it has nothing to be with them being "a woman"

And nothing to do with them being "a yank"

As this is the post I was answering and you've just written about other stuff

Too blatant that some are still just choking on the fact:

1. She's a yank
2. She's a woman

Everything else is just whether you like the rules and the raw explanation of them or not and the assumption that just because someone explains the rule, everyone has to accept it without question even though as I explained in my post above, in the case of toenail offsides, the technology in place isn't good enough to be able to interpret those rules, it's just not - I don't and find it annoying and feel like we're moving towards an AI or automated ref - I'm allowed to get annoyed by that and the quoting the rules whether they're correct or not just as you're allowed to think I'm wrong for being annoyed by it.

We've already seen people failing to agree on the first German disallowed goal even though the ITV ref/VAR specialist explained exactly why it was disallowed so it's not even like it clears anything up for those people. Even though it's right by the letter of the law

I look forward to those jumping to the defense of the ITV ref never questioning or moaning about a ref or VAR decision ever again because all they're doing is interpreting the rules and they're much better qualified than anyone else to decide them right?

Next bad call we get - It'll be interesting to read in here.
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Can't we just keep the gender debate out.. Like someone said, she managed to explain it really well, concise, and in a very objective, partial manner. Props to her, it takes guts to say that live in front of 3 football professionals and millions of live viewers.

I didn't watch the entire post match, but just that clip above, I thought the discussion, without Gary Neville, thank goodness, was excellent and respectful.
They shouldn't have chosen an American woman to explain the rules to millions of British football fans.

Wouldn't have a female Scouser employed on Fox Sports to explain the rules of the NBA or NFL so why are we okay to be patronised? Just ticking some boxes, yo.

Offside was brought to stop people from trying to gain a clear and obvious advantage. Now it determines if someone's left pinky is millimetres ahead of play.

It's a fucking farce and shame on anyone that tries to defend it.
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They shouldn't have chosen an American woman to explain the rules to millions of British football fans.

Wouldn't have a female Scouser employed on Fox Sports to explain the rules of the NBA or NFL so why are we okay to be patronised? Just ticking some boxes, yo

Offside was brought to stop people from trying to gain a clear and obvious advantage. Now it determines if someone's left pinky is millimetres ahead of play.

It's a fucking farce and shame on anyone that gets to defend it.
But it's her skill as a ref that's crucial...regardless of gender or nationality no? I think she's been pretty good and knows her shit which is all I care about.

On the offside front: how does 1 or 2 cm give you an unfair advantage (am agreeing with you)'s ludicrously precise and doesn't need to be.
Someone in here said a while ago that they should be giving indirect free kicks for these type of handlls in the box because the punishment is too harsh and I agree.

Not a bad shout tbh.

If they're going to go off toenails for offsides, the slightest of fingertip touches when an arm isn't even in an unnatural position then they obviously need to change the rules.
Not a bad shout tbh.

If they're going to go off toenails for offsides, the slightest of fingertip touches when an arm isn't even in an unnatural position then they obviously need to change the rules.

Can't really do anything about offsides, you're never going to get a clear/correct decision with or without VAR, with semi auto offsides it does improve the consistency though at least.
That chip in the ball to tell you if a a player hanballed it really is something isn't it? Just goes to show that whoever is making these rules and bringing in tech like this just generally doesn't have a clue and is looking for things to justify the tech and the money spent on it opposed to referring the game properly.

The annoying thing about those decisions is that there is literally 0 context applied to the decision, yes it his his hand but the frustration is players literally cannot do anything else in that situation because they are so close to the ball.

I don't understand why we have stopped using any common sense in these situations?
Just cos we didn't win; doesn't mean to say they weren't an easier routes to the finals.

....How can it be "irrelevant" if playing perceived lesser teams allows us a better chance of doing further in spite of Gary's shitness?
Regarding "irrelevant" yes you are correct, sorry I probably worded that last part of my post poorly.
But it's her skill as a ref that's crucial...regardless of gender or nationality no? I think she's been pretty good and knows her shit which is all I care about.

On the offside front: how does 1 or 2 cm give you an unfair advantage (am agreeing with you)'s ludicrously precise and doesn't need to be.
What is Euro or WC without the English/British vs the rest of the world argument.
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