Giovani Lo Celso

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I'm not saying he hasn't been shit in the past for us.

I'm just not ignoring the fact that we had three managers in Mourinho, Nuno and Conte and all three played negative defence football and never used our squad to their full advantage.

Now we have a manager that is playing aggressive attacking football it seems to suit players like Lo Celso, I have also been impressed with Solomon, Bissouma, Richy, Destiny etc. It's only pre-season but they have impressed me too.

I'm sure there are players that have impressed you during pre-season and why not? If a player impresses, then a player impresses, even if he had a torrid time before. I'm not gonna lie about it, jsut gonna say it as it.

Of course, you need to wait till the season gets into full swing to make a full judgement, but things are looking promising, and I like what I have seen of Lo Celso under Ange.
Fair enough....GLC is one of those that have impressed but I'm mindful of the level and lack of importance other than fitness/bonding of these fixtures in comparison to the intensity of PL games.

Hope you're right about him it can only benefit the team, I'm a results person first and style of football second. The one thing I won't accept is losing. Playing attacking football over the turgid stuff produced by the 3 amigos above is of course the preferred option. However there is no question that fans would not accept playing nice football for long if results weren't going our way. Using the equation of "2 points from 8 games" there would likely be calls for the manager's head advocating a replacement with a more pragmatic approach no doubt.

Fingers (and Legs) crossed Ange gets in the nucleus of the squad he needs to start off with and the fans are patient with him.
Fair enough....GLC is one of those that have impressed but I'm mindful of the level and lack of importance other than fitness/bonding of these fixtures in comparison to the intensity of PL games.

Hope you're right about him it can only benefit the team, I'm a results person first and style of football second. The one thing I won't accept is losing. Playing attacking football over the turgid stuff produced by the 3 amigos above is of course the preferred option. However there is no question that fans would not accept playing nice football for long if results weren't going our way. Using the equation of "2 points from 8 games" there would likely be calls for the manager's head advocating a replacement with a more pragmatic approach no doubt.

Fingers (and Legs) crossed Ange gets in the nucleus of the squad he needs to start off with and the fans are patient with him.
2 points from 8 games, I remember that. Ramos, I think,

Levy sold Berbatov and Keane two of the best strikers in the country and left him Bent, and got Pav and Fraser Camble.

Yet another manager sacrificed to Levy's mismanagement.



The level of graft has impressed me the most......

He obviously prepared to work for a future here; otherwise he could just doss around all summer (like Tanguy evidently has) and force another loan to Betis or VillaReal.
He'll just immediately forget how to play football next week.

Probably. Just like Martial, Sancho, Nunez and all of the other pre season wonders who fans all thought would rip it up because they did well in some glorified training matches.

Jesus scored 2-3 a game last pre season too.

Competitive matches are just different. And he will get injured after 2-3 high intensity games anyway, he always does. I am not getting my hopes up with this player having already been proven right about Tanguy.
Probably. Just like Martial, Sancho, Nunez and all of the other pre season wonders who fans all thought would rip it up because they did well in some glorified training matches.

Jesus scored 2-3 a game last pre season too.

Competitive matches are just different. And he will get injured after 2-3 high intensity games anyway, he always does. I am not getting my hopes up with this player having already been proven right about Tanguy.
Lo Celso is great in competitive matches as well, you just refuse to acknowledge that football exists outside of the Premier League.
The level of graft has impressed me the most......

He obviously prepared to work for a future here; otherwise he could just doss around all summer (like Tanguy evidently has) and force another loan to Betis or VillaReal.

Probably. I don’t expect it to last with him though.

As always - hope I’m wrong but never expect it. I don’t trust him much more than Tanguy to do it over a period of more than 6 months in this league.
Lo Celso is great in competitive matches as well, you just refuse to acknowledge that football exists outside of the Premier League.

I refuse to care what he does for mid table Spanish teams because we know he was good there pre signing.

He’s playing in England. Can he do well over the course of a season here? History says no. Head says no. We’ll see who is right. (me)
I refuse to care what he does for mid table Spanish teams because we know he was good there pre signing.

He’s playing in England. Can he do well over the course of a season here? History says no. Head says no. We’ll see who is right. (me)
History = playing in dead teams under dead managers.
Probably. I don’t expect it to last with him though.

As always - hope I’m wrong but never expect it. I don’t trust him much more than Tanguy to do it over a period of more than 6 months in this league.

I hear you... Trust comes later..... We've generally held a similar opinion of them both up until now.

The hope would be that the diff. is style is what keeps him engaged.
The system is so different this year that players that underperformed poorly in the past could turn it around.

I feel like the skill set requires to flourish under Ange is very different from the skill set required to flourish under Conte / Jose.

Ange’s system requires players that have a great touch, make good decisions quickly, pass well, and move well without the ball. There are some players that are just not suited to this type of system - they could hold on to the ball too long, they’re slow thinkers, etc.

I feel like Gio had the tools to do well in Ange’s system.
I hear you... Trust comes later..... We've generally held a similar opinion of them both up until now.

The hope would be that the diff. is style is what keeps him engaged.

I expect him to do well for the first handful of games, everyone to lose their shit and then he gets an injury or is replaced by someone more productive after a few months.

He’s a decent to watch player. I get why people like him and why Poch did. I just doubt his long term physical fitness mainly.
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