Harry Kane

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It's almost like he's got some dickhead managing his affairs instead of somebody who actually has a clue about what their doing...

Need a caption with this picture.

" Would you like to see my Puppies" springs to mind.
No you don’t clearly

Sod giving Nuno and Paratici a chance as it will be same old so go and support someone else that is if you can call it support
No I do agree with him.

- Poch called for us to take a painful rebuild. We became the first club in a transfer window not to sign a player.

-We lost our most important player halfway through a season that was shaping up really well. We didn't replace him with anyone, our league form fell to an arse and although we somehow got to the CL final, we didn't show up.

-We signed players willy nilly and never addressed what we needed.

-We brought in a washed up chequebook manager to manage without his key need, an open chequebook.

-We went another transfer window signing players who didn't suit any real system and mostly because we could get them cheap.

So it could have been very different had Levy acted when first required to do so, but he tried to cheap it out and now look where we are.
I would not accept anything less than £200m. In a market where Ben White is worth £50m, Zaha £80m, Coutinho £146m....

Manchester City have all the money in the world. If they don't pay what we're asking for it's because they don't want to, not because they can't.
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I see the argument that Kane’s bad behaviour makes it more difficult for ENIC and that as valid reason to support. I do not believe this is the case at all. I am ENIC out, Stratford, ESL, the lack of backing for Poch and the general lack of ideas and vision beyond infrastructure which is now complete mean I think we need a fresh face.

Levy obvious has to act for ENIC first with his boss Joe Lewis. Sometime it may feel that the company is put ahead of the club. Kane however puts Levy in a position where he has to either keep one of the World best strikers or get the highest price to reinvest in the team. In this situation ENIC and Spurs have no clash of interest, the interest is the same for this one situation. Kane on the other hand seems to want to drive down the price to get out which is against the interests of the club.

Therefore I don’t see how this weakens ENIC’s hand. ESL, manager search and the rest have been a total shambles and Levy would have fired Levy for them but the Kane situation does not play against ENIC. It is simply the club looking after its own interests.

It pits Kane against the club and ENIC as defenders. Unless of course Levy sells cheap then he gets hung out to dry. Ironically this may never have happened if Poch was backed and we have moved forward instead of backward but that is now history.
What's the point in not going to training
It won't change anything and he'll just be unfit for the new season.
He's losing money everyday and its achieving nothing.

If he went down a more respectful route perhaps Spurs would actually listen to him
I feel like it be like a weight of your shoulders not having to turn up at such a toxic club. Stay away from that mess. Also I think levy wants the price he wants no matter how Kane behaves.
No I do agree with him.

- Poch called for us to take a painful rebuild. We became the first club in a transfer window not to sign a player.

-We lost our most important player halfway through a season that was shaping up really well. We didn't replace him with anyone, our league form fell to an arse and although we somehow got to the CL final, we didn't show up.

-We signed players willy nilly and never addressed what we needed.

-We brought in a washed up chequebook manager to manage without his key need, an open chequebook.

-We went another transfer window signing players who didn't suit any real system and mostly because we could get them cheap.

So it could have been very different had Levy acted when first required to do so, but he tried to cheap it out and now look where we are.
All of what you’ve just said maybe true but doesn’t excuse Kane’s current attitude
I wouldn't have an issue with this proposed package, but all indications are that City have come nowhere near offering such an attractive offer. It's been £100m or players + money = £100m.

So City would probably say Laporte + Silva = Kane based on their valuations, which isn't going to cut it. And that's assuming both players want to come.

The issue here is that City have no intention of paying £150m+ in money and/or players and Spurs aren't going to sell Kane at a lower fee with three years on his contract.
Yup. So if there isn't a deal to be done, jog on City.

I get the feeling the Kanes have put their heads together and looked at Bale's conduct when RM were in for him, emulating it.

What they've failed to take into account is that we got exactly what we asked for from RM. If I remember correctly, we also told Utd he'd cost a lot more if they wanted him.

I would be absolutely stunned if Levy budged one inch on our current valuation of Kane. Bale went for nigh on £90M after a breakout season, Kane is fully established as an elite striker in World Football, so a price set at £150M+, whilst a ridiculous amount, is in keeping with his market value, Covid or not.

City have made a rod for their own back by offering£100M for Grealish, they've set the market rate right there.

You make your bed, you lie in it.
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You really don’t know why ? I’m surprised , because it’ll cost him money . Him wanting to save himself some ££ doesn’t have much to do with how he came across before this apparent disaster.
I disagree and it’s nothing to do with the money as City would have recompensed him and he’s a multi millionaire anyway!

So probably he didn’t want to make himself look bad by coming out publicly with his desire to leave and thought City would pay whatever Levy was asking but they won’t so I would imagine City have advised Kane to take this stance in the hope that it would help in negotiations with Levy

Bad advice and Kane is now really looking like a spoilt brat as a result

I hope Levy stands firm and holds Kane to the rest of his 6 year contract unless City match his valuation

He should tell City to put up or shut up by this weekend or no chance of a deal

Last thing we want is a deal going through on the last day of the transfer window
Yup. So if there isn't a deal to be done, jog on City.

I get the feeling the Kanes have put their heads together and looked at Vale's conduct when RM were in for him, emulating it.

What they've failed to take into account is that we got exactly what we asked for from RM. If I remember correctly, we also told Utd he'd cost a lot more if they wanted him.

I would be absolutely stunned if Levy budged one inch on our current valuation of Kane. Bale went for nigh on £90M after a breakout season, Kane is fully established as an elite striker in World Football, so a price set at £150M+, whilst a ridiculous amount, is in keeping with his market value, Covid or not.

City have made a rod for their own back by offering£100M for Grealish, they've set the market rate right there.

You make your bed, you lie in it.
Spot on!
People sucked on Bale as soon as he came back. And he went on strike after just 2-3 good seasons. In a few years when an older Kane comes back,everyone will forget everything . Short memories.
Bale never portrayed himself as Spurs and a lifelong fan
The crowd never chanted at Bale “he’s one of our own “

Important differences
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