Harry Kane

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Are you mental?

Why would he think there's realistically any chance of us winning either the Premier League or Champions Legaue anytime soon? Is it because we recently appointed Espirito Santo? Is it because we still have the likes of Sissoko, Dier, Sanchez and Winks? Our best chance was years ago when we had a peak Eriksen, Dembele, Vertonghen and Toby. As things stand now we're more on a par with the likes of Everton and Leeds. If Harry has a burning desire to win titles he's clearly at the wrong club.
They tell us this is our year every season. Then turn on the manager or players when as realistic people would expect, it isn’t our season. Imagine thinking Kane or anyone could lead this team to titles.
You can see what he’s saying though

That we won’t be giving in to threats and petulance
Gonna be interesting to see who blinks first. If Kane sits out until the window is closed, then I wonder if Nuno will be inclined to play Kane if he's still here. I don't think its about Money for Kane, but rather this blind desire to win a trophy no matter where it is.
But we've been told by members of this forum that his wanting to move is about trophies and has absolutely nothing to do with money.

No idea what the bonus is but he'd make it back in a year from his increased salary.
And does he really need it?
He’ll be on roughly £750k a week at City apparently

No I think him failing to get ‘loyalty’ payments if he put in a request played a part but he’s not showing much loyalty now imv
Gonna be interesting to see who blinks first. If Kane sits out until the window is closed, then I wonder if Nuno will be inclined to play Kane if he's still here. I don't think its about Money for Kane, but rather this blind desire to win a trophy no matter where it is.
As I said earlier if Kane comes back he’ll get a convenient injury

I feel sorry for Nuno
Not exactly a shining example in my view of how to run a club , or deal with players. Hence he is droning on alongside Jim White
He usually talks a lot of sense though and right at the beginning of our search for a new manager he came out and said that Nuno would be the best fit for us

Maybe he was right?
Gonna be interesting to see who blinks first. If Kane sits out until the window is closed, then I wonder if Nuno will be inclined to play Kane if he's still here. I don't think its about Money for Kane, but rather this blind desire to win a trophy no matter where it is.
I thought he was much smarter than this in all honesty, what he's doing now is dumb, if shitty don't pay the money he's staying. He needs to get real, probably Bale and the England boys getting in his ear suggesting he does this.
He is a lunatic, but he is a great at arguments, one of the best in sport at defending his position.
And he doesn’t like Fat Robbie from AFTV!

Quite funny when Robbie appeared on the show a while back
Are you mental?

Why would he think there's realistically any chance of us winning either the Premier League or Champions Legaue anytime soon? Is it because we recently appointed Espirito Santo? Is it because we still have the likes of Sissoko, Dier, Sanchez and Winks? Our best chance was years ago when we had a peak Eriksen, Dembele, Vertonghen and Toby. As things stand now we're more on a par with the likes of Everton and Leeds. If Harry has a burning desire to win titles he's clearly at the wrong club.

Wow, some of our fans seriously need to fuck off with this kind of shit.
I thought he was much smarter than this in all honesty, what he's doing now is dumb, if shitty don't pay the money he's staying. He needs to get real, probably Bale and the England boys getting in his ear suggesting he does this.
I just don't know if he can be trusted to put in a proper shift, if this is his attitude. I never expected him to behave this way. If he comes back, I feel like its going to be just like the Eriksen situation and Kane will be playing at 70%. We need to get a striker in soon.
When you are a toxic owner you create a toxic club environment. When you sack your best manager in decades and backstab and do things in sleazy ways you create disillusion. When you dont spend money to improve the squad that disillusion shows on the pitch ala the past 2 years. Half of these players have already checked out mentality and thats all down to one man. DANIEL LEVY. The guy had the world on a string with Pochettino and he fucked it up. Champions league fooking finals with zero investment. Criminal what levy done. Absolutely criminal. But Levy wanted more. The greed wasnt enough. Hes taking you all for a ride.

I dont take any offense to Kane getting his hands a little bit dirty in order to push a transfer through. I understand that it isnt personal against me or the club and back his character 100% when up against Daniel fucking Levy.

I love spurs. But this isnt about Tottenham. I hope this spells the end of ENIC at this club and they realise theyve squeezed every last penny out of us. And go. Kane leaving is the final nail in the coffin. Trying to save face and put on this ego act of “we’re a big club we dont sell” is just another one of Levys big circus shows look at me im the big shot routine acts. Doesnt wash with me. Been here plently of times its just tiring now. It stinks of desperation and one last shot at trying to be the big magic business man but Levy has already been found out.

sell the man. Pack your backs and give me my club back.
Brilliant 👏 Bravo 👏 Top post👏
Right now the way I see the situation, much as I love what Kane has done down the years. Best options for me are.

option 1: sell for 170-200m and buy 2 strikers, a CB and maybe another midfield. Improve the squad overall.

option 2: Keep Kane and his goals and assists, he will be moody but such is such.

option 3: sell for £100m and look like mugs to the whole football world and only buy 1-2 players.
Is your reaction because you don't want to hear it..?
It may be brutal but he has a point. Or do you fundamentally disagree with his point and think we are in with a solid shout of challenging for the PL/ CL, the latter which we haven't even qualified for this season?

No he doesn’t have a point. Too many supposed Spurs fans who are clearly Kane first, Tottenham second.

Worse than tourists who at least don’t pretend to be Spurs fans.

Fucking makes me sick. Fuck Kane. Tottenham first…all the time, every time.
Right now the way I see the situation, much as I love what Kane has done down the years. Best options for me are.

option 1: sell for 170-200m and buy 2 strikers, a CB and maybe another midfield. Improve the squad overall.

option 2: Keep Kane and his goals and assists, he will be moody but such is such.

option 3: sell for £100m and look like mugs to the whole football world and only buy 1-2 players.
Option 3 ain’t happening. This I back Levy and Paratici on. It’s annoying as it’ll likely cause problems causing a distraction to our efforts to bring players in.
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