Harry Kane

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Boo hoo.

A world class player sees the shit we see day in day out wants out.

Wish I could do the same.

Enic are cancer. Levy is a duplicitous cunt shock. I'd want out after 10 years of seeing his lies.

Go Harry. Go and win shit. You won't win it here.

Tottenham are a banter club.

We could have been something. Lol. But that's not how to make money. We are a property investment company with a football club on the side.
City have not made an offer. It looks unlikely that they will.
Apart from the fact that most Spurs supporters understood him wanting to leave and were even saying they don't blame him because our club isn't going to win silverware anytime soon.

Everyone was saying about how he has given us so much and how professional he has been and that he deserves to win trophies and our lack of ambition shouldn't stop that from happening.

Sort of disproves this theory that our fans are just upset because he wants to put his own desires first doesn't it? It also shows your bias towards him and how you clearly value HIM more than you do the club.

The way Kane has handled this has been the issue, THAT'S when people started turning on him and rightly fucking so, he has treated the club and supporters with a complete lack of respect by not turning up for training, even for doing that Neville interview before our season had finished was unprofessional imo.

You refuse to see it.

You made a post breaking his statement down but you hardly listed actual facts. It's just your opinion at the end of the day, because like myself or anyone else here, you have no idea whatsoever as to what has gone on behind the scenes and what has been said.

I've said all along that if Kane has purposely, by choice, not turned up for training then that's an extremely bad look for him and something he needs to consider when he looks in the mirror. But as of yet nobody knows the full story as neither Kane himself or the club have actually explained what's gone on and why. No doubt the actual facts of the situation will come out sooner or later.

There's clearly more going on here than anybody on this forum or any Tottenham fans are aware of. I'm also by no means biased towards Kane - I've already accepted that he wants out, understand why, and just want this circus to now come to an end so we can actually look to improve our squad, because we need far more than what we've brought into the club so far this summer.
Take the cunt out of your eyes and open them to the real world - nobody takes a week of reputation damaging abuse when this statement on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday would have stopped the media and the fans straight away.

Only when it became very clear he was going nowhere did Kane decide to "make things right"

If you still don't get it I've got a Nigerian prince who needs your help with a large cash transfer, just PM your bank details .....
So many Kane fanboys here. Now we know who they are
Boo hoo.

A world class player sees the shit we see day in day out wants out.

Wish I could do the same.

Enic are cancer. Levy is a duplicitous cunt shock. I'd want out after 10 years of seeing his lies.

Go Harry. Go and win shit. You won't win it here.

Tottenham are a banter club.

We could have been something. Lol. But that's not how to make money. We are a property investment company with a football club on the side.
I don’t think anyone has said that going to City makes Kane a bad person. I think the majority of supporters respect that he has been with the club for a long long time, has served the club well and if he wants to go and win stuff then City is a great place to do it. Although I did like Mrs Perryman’s comment much earlier in this thread “going to city to win trophies is like losing your virginity with a prostitute”. It will be pretty meaningless.

For Kane to go to City this requires City to make an offer that matches the clubs valuation of Kane. A club will say “he’s not for sale” to drive the price up. That doesn’t mean he’s not for sale.
Has been told City aren't going to pay the money and trying to back track

Whats his excuse for the Neville interview ,begging city to sign him before we had even finished last season
Seeing a lot of criticism about Harry for that interview, but it seems like some people want to keep their rose-tinted specs on. Harry was class in that interview and he lit a fire under levy. Levy is made of stone, so he ignored it, but maybe got us another 10m in the kitty. Glad he’s staying.
Boo hoo.

A world class player sees the shit we see day in day out wants out.

Wish I could do the same.

Enic are cancer. Levy is a duplicitous cunt shock. I'd want out after 10 years of seeing his lies.

Go Harry. Go and win shit. You won't win it here.

Tottenham are a banter club.

We could have been something. Lol. But that's not how to make money. We are a property investment company with a football club on the side.
I am not blaming him for wanting out, I also don't like Levy or ENIC, I think they have turned this club into a soulless entity, a corporate entertainment complex, a nice day out for the tourists and they have neglected the football side of operations in chase of their own financial pursuits, I expect that to remain the case despite our activity in the market so far but will be happy to be proven wrong.

However, if you are feeling sorry for someone who has shown complete and utter disrespect for this football club and the supporters by not turning up for training and then lying about it but then you sit and complain about how ENIC and Levy don't give a shit about the club it makes you a hypocrite.

Kane is no better than them right now in my eyes, the conversation is really no different, treating the fans with contempt in pursuit of his own goals and going the wrong way about it, just like ENIC are forgetting that this is a football club and the supporters of this club make it what it is, so is Harry.

You can hold the stance of blaming ENIC and Levy for our failings and pushing our best players away whilst also holding the stance that the way Kane has behaved is unprofessional and disrespectful towards the club and fans.

I don't begrudge him a move but I think he's shown himself up as a proper cunt the way he has gone about it.

The club always comes first for me, always.

Ok, for the fanboys, let's just break down what his tweet is actually saying shall we, cutting through the PR bullshit.

“It’s almost 10 years since I made my Spurs debut. For every one of those years, you – the fans – have shown me total love and support.

He's right there, we have, unconditional support!

Even when the rumours came around that he wanted to move, the majority of Spurs supporters understood him wanting to move and were supportive of that decision because it looks like we are not going to compete for trophies anytime soon realistically, so yes, this first paragraph is honest, we have treated him like a king.

“That’s why it hurts to read some of the comments this week, questioning my professionalism.

Here's where the disrespect starts, notice how he doesn't say "That's why it hurts to read comments from the media questioning my professionalism."

No no no, THIS is a direct shot at the supporters because we are daring to suggest he has been unprofessional for not turning up for training and trying to force a move in the the most disgusting way possible, a huge slap in the face for the very people who he admits himself have supported him and shown him "total love and support"

This is the worst part of this statement for me because it's basically him telling the supporters they have no right to have feelings and their voice means fuck all, he wants to behave like a cunt towards us and the club and be unchallenged on it, what a bellend.

“While I won’t go into the specifics of the situation, I want to clarify that I would never, and have never, refused to train. I will be returning to the club tomorrow, as planned.

Another slimy little paragraph trying to weasel out of it.

First of all he says "I don't want to go into the specifics of the situation" which highlights that a situation exists in the first place, which undermines his entire "nothing to see here" narrative.

He may have never said to Levy "I refuse to train" that much may be true but he didn't turn up for training and it wasn't agreed upon clearly or the club would have made that clear, therefore, by not turning up, he IS refusing to train but you know, because he never said it, it didn't happen, right?

Also, "returning to the club tomorrow, as planned" another way to weasel out of the truth.

As planned? From when? Before you were due back at the start of the week? Or do you mean, as planned after you realised this was a stupid fucking decision and you weren't going to get your way and called Levy and "planned" your return for weekend?

All bullshit PR, it was never the plan all along, if it was, the club would have put the rumours in the press to bed and cleared your name of wrongdoing, you liar. Just admit you have been a prick to your supporters, the club and your teammates, own up to it and be honest, say sorry and stop trying to be the victim.

“I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise the relationship with the fans who have given me such unwavering support during my time with the club. This has always been the case as it is today. Harry.”

Your actions say otherwise Harry, this entire paragraph is a lie and your ego has sadly consumed you, I will never view you the same way again.

You were "one of our own" now you're just "one of them" another out of touch pampered modern footballer with no respect for the people who helped get you were you are.

Shameful and indefensible, anybody defending Kane over the club should hang their fucking heads.

Everything you say can be interpreted the other way if one so desired. You've chosen to take the Harry's a snake and a scumbag route, others won't. I'm gonna take it at face value and see his actions and see what happens rather than over analyse and try to skew it to fit my negative narrative.
Everything you say can be interpreted the other way if one so desired. You've chosen to take the Harry's a snake and a scumbag route, others won't. I'm gonna take it at face value and see his actions and see what happens rather than over analyse and try to skew it to fit my negative narrative.
But it doesn't make sense at face value...
I don’t think anyone has said that going to City makes Kane a bad person. I think the majority of supporters respect that he has been with the club for a long long time, has served the club well and if he wants to go and win stuff then City is a great place to do it. Although I did like Mrs Perryman’s comment much earlier in this thread “going to city to win trophies is like losing your virginity with a prostitute”. It will be pretty meaningless.

For Kane to go to City this requires City to make an offer that matches the clubs valuation of Kane. A club will say “he’s not for sale” to drive the price up. That doesn’t mean he’s not for sale.

Mrs Perryman Mrs Perryman is the best poster on this forum and that analogy is all the proof you need LOL.
Calm down pal.

You are coming across a little bit foolish.
Just my opinion that any poster who just comes on to endlessness cunt-off the club is a waste of oxygen. Might make you feel like a big-man but we can all see who's looking like a foolish troll ....

Is it the posters who get behind the club? or the ones who just slag it off?
Everything you say can be interpreted the other way if one so desired. You've chosen to take the Harry's a snake and a scumbag route, others won't. I'm gonna take it at face value and see his actions and see what happens rather than over analyse and try to skew it to fit my negative narrative.

I have loved Harry from the moment he put that shirt on, it's pure delusion to see that as anything other than lies.

I am not coming from a place of bias with this, there is absolutely no way this was a planned vacation, everything in the press would have been put to bed and he would have addressed immediately as well as the club.

This is a man who is lying to the fans and now has his tail between his legs imo.
Take the cunt out of your eyes and open them to the real world - nobody takes a week of reputation damaging abuse when this statement on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday would have stopped the media and the fans straight away.

Only when it became very clear he was going nowhere did Kane decide to "make things right"

If you still don't get it I've got a Nigerian prince who needs your help with a large cash transfer, just PM your bank details .....
Dunno about you, but when I’m on holiday, the office can get fucked.

Only the Twitter-obsessed melts got angry, everyone else was laughing at them.
Everyone here other than yourself was a Kane fanboy not that long ago at all.
There’s a difference between being a supporter of Spurs because they’re a Kane fanboy and a Spurs supporter. There are more supporters that put the club before the player. Club should always comes before the player.

That said, Penis Snake is a two faced cowardly cunt.
Dunno about you, but when I’m on holiday, the office can get fucked.

Only the Twitter-obsessed melts got angry, everyone else was laughing at them.

I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing when you unexpectedly extend your holiday by a week the media and your 'fans' don't actually give a shit .... now I might be wrong but I think I nailed it.
I have loved Harry from the moment he put that shirt on, it's pure delusion to see that as anything other than lies.

I am not coming from a place of bias with this, there is absolutely no way this was a planned vacation, everything in the press would have been put to bed and he would have addresses it immediately.

This is a man who is lying to the fans and now has his tail between his legs imo.
Sorry, that’s an assumption. And a failure of imagination. You don’t know any more than I do and the best way to handle bullshit is to ignore it until you can’t ignore it anymore. I get we are upset at the thought, but it was mostly press and Twitter forcing the issue and we are better than that. Give him the benefit of the doubt. He deserves that.
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