Harry Kane

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One of the dumbest posts you've ever made. As if Maddison didn't have any idea whatsoever that Kane might be off.

If you're going to make things up, fuck off and write a fiction book or something.
Or become an English sports journalist!

chuck norris approved GIF
I am strangely cool with this. New era.

I agree with this bit. We need to draw a line under everything since 2019. Start again. The only thing that shouldn’t happen is letting to owners off the hook. Back Ange. Back the players. We are all facing an uphill battle but let’s try and enjoy ourselves. I want the fanbase united behind the manager. We almost had it with Conte until he turned into a dick but now we have Ange and need to support him all the way.
If losing him on a free to another Premier League club next summer was the most likely alternative, selling him now to Bayern for £100+ million is the only right move!

At least I'm more excited for this season with Ange at the helm without Kane, than I would have been with Conte as manager with Kane. We will probably not win anything but that's nothing new. Hopefully we'll play good, entertaining football while we're not winning silverware. I'll take that at the moment.

We had our shot at both the Premier League and the Champions League during the 2010s, we're unlikely to get back in that position anytime soon with the current economic inflation. My expectations are about the same as back when we lost Bale. If Ange's results surprise me it's going to be in a positive way.

And I do like Ange's demeanor. Hope he has some success here. He looks like just the thing we need right now. We sold arguably the best striker in the world. It's bound to hurt, it's going to be hard on the pitch. But this is where we are. Yelling at Levy/ENIC on a webforum is unlikely to help. Let's get behind the team and move on.
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The denouement of this saga seems to be dividing both pro and anti Levy camps.

I very strongly feel that this is as well as Levy could reasonably have done within the terrible crisis of his own making.
I do not have an issue with the sale, when viewed in isolation. The timing stings, but it was always likely. We were obviously hoping he might consider a new contract but that was clearly and categorically rejected in the last few weeks.

It still fucking stings and I hate the fact that, once again, our best player has to leave to even contemplate the possibility of winning something.

I like Ange but I have no idea how this season plays out. The club feels very different today.
Good money for a 30-year old with a year left on his contract. Onwards and upwards.

Just as well we didn't unveil a huge mural with Kane's face on it just outside the stadium, or we would look really silly.
Like if he and his kids put their hand prints on it - did think it was only a matter of time before it got defaced by some bitter gooner or chav but I don’t suppose they will bother now - apart from changing the he’s to he was
Ok so it's Kane's fault it's two days before the season then.

Whenever it happened people would have been up in arms:

Early August: 'Just took the first bid!'
Now: 'Its two days before the season!'
End of TW: 'Not got time to get replacements!'

Kane wants to go. He gets to go. We get money. We move on.

Looking forward to Ange's press conference so we can all calm down and get excited about the season again.
I for one won't calm down and get excited before we fix that defence!!

YES we have looked fantastic going forward
YES we have looked fantastic in possession
BUT we still look shit in defence

And until we fix that it won't matter how good we look going forward/in possession. At the moment our opponents doesn't even need to have two chances to score 1 goal, it's ridiculously bad.

And we should have learned by now(not Levy tho) that we can't learn players not good enough to be good all of a sudden!

Fix the defence and this could be a good season, it certainly will be entertaining.
Its a bit of a misnomer that seems to be freely banded about everywhere at the moment, its not necessarily true. He scored 5 in that CL campaign and 4 of those 5 goals were key to winning 4 game points , 2 in the group stage and 1 in the last 16... no one else scored in those games for us, his goals won us those points in order to advance within the competition. We wouldnt have got through to the quarter finals without his goals, we were not particular good in the earlier rounds of the competition and his class and clinical finishing / positions got us to that stage.
I'll say it now, the winner against PSV in the last minute was the most important goal.

We'd have played Europa League had he not scored at Wembley that day.

Literally the whole stadium was thinking it's just one of those days where we batter the other team but don't score. Then Kane popped up with a finish.
I for one won't calm down and get excited before we fix that defence!!

YES we have looked fantastic going forward
YES we have looked fantastic in possession
BUT we still look shit in defence

And until we fix that it won't matter how good we look going forward/in possession. At the moment our opponents doesn't even need to have two chances to score 1 goal, it's ridiculously bad.

And we should have learned by now(not Levy tho) that we can't learn players not good enough to be good all of a sudden!

Fix the defence and this could be a good season, it certainly will be entertaining.
Could be argued that it's more entertaining with a shit defence!
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