Have Chelsea signed Willian yet?

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Their fans were under the impression that he was going there, and feel aggrieved at Spurs for hijacking the process.
Tell me how that differs, apart from detail. Essentially its the same story
because Liverpool's supporters were acting under the impression that no one had heard of him until they got interested. remember, they (are claiming they) never had a bid accepted, and yet we somehow stole him from them.
Its semantics, i know, but there is a difference
I know you are a fan - but you are also massively, massively over-rating him ahead of players like Hazard and Oscar

Nah. He's really that good.

In many ways he's the perfect foil for Hazard - he'll feed those balls from the left for Hazard to run onto from the right and finish. He's not the goalscorer Hazard is, but he's far more creative and uses the ball so much better.

I can see them playing Willian, Oscar and Hazard at the same time pretty much every big match.
I can see them playing Willian, Oscar and Hazard at the same time pretty much every big match.
It defies belief that at the same time they will have Mata on the bench. And Schurrle, and De Bruyne, and Moses, and...

Mata, for my money, was EASILY one of the top 3 PL players last year. Probably top 5 or 6 in all of europe. He is sensational IMHO and Id spontaneously combust if we ever managed to get him. I cannot fathom for a second why Chelsea are so set on marginalising him.
Mourinho has just descended into total cuntdom with those comments and Willian is fucking retarded. I'm not bitter at missing out on a player I'm just baffled at how he can allow either himself or his people make consistently shit career decisions for someone that is as highly regarded as he is. Donetsk was a dumb move, Anzhi even worse and this.....just why? Unless he has a touch of the "Bogarde" then it makes absolutely no sense

makes perfect sense, every move he's made has been to the highest bidder with the biggest payday for him and his greatest agent ever Kia

sucks for us but ah well there are other players we can attain just as good as him in the position

hate losing out to them bent chav cunts though
Nah. He's really that good.

In many ways he's the perfect foil for Hazard - he'll feed those balls from the left for Hazard to run onto from the right and finish. He's not the goalscorer Hazard is, but he's far more creative and uses the ball so much better.

I can see them playing Willian, Oscar and Hazard at the same time pretty much every big match.

You sound like his fucking agent.

We'll see how good he is, he's reached 25 without attracting any of the world's big clubs.
Willian wasn't even a target at the start of the window, we only had a chance to sign him when Anzhi imploded. So the way I look at it is that we've missed out on a player we never actually planned to buy and forced Chelsea to waste money on a player they don't really need and to pay him a wage to sit on his arse for a lot of the season. Now we can spend the money we've saved on players who want to play for Spurs, not cunts who are only in it for the dough.
this sort of comment fom a cuntski forum made me chuckle, they actually have a sense of humour

finally it looks like we will get our "Robinho" after all
Some of the people in this thread need to have a word with themselves.

Words like 'shameful', 'greedy', 'cannot be trusted' - are you having a laugh? Do you really think anyone else other that Spurs fans give a toss?

The fella has been offered more money to move 10 miles down the road where he has the chance of winning the CL and a better shot at the league than us - I don't like it either but they are the facts.

I ain't happy about it but at the same time the reaction of some of you is cringe worthy and making us sound just as bad as Liverpool fans who we all enjoy laughing at and mocking, it's embarrassing, lets be gracious and move on if he does in fact choose Chelsea.
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