Jose Mourinho

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The biggest fuck up of all was leading a 10 man Woolwich 2-1 at home which would have put us top (at least for a few hours) in the month of March for the first time since 1963 and not seeing it out. That was the Saturday after loss at West Ham so we had two chances to go top and put some real pressure on Leicester and flunked both. Leicester were held by West Brom in that round of midweek fixtures where we lost at West Ham. When we couldn’t beat 10 man Woolwich, Leicester knew we hadn’t the bottle for it and they went and ground out a 0-1 win at Watford in the late kick off in what looked an awkward assignment for them.

We obviously didn’t appreciate the significance of it at the time but we played at Leicester in the 3rd game of that season in mid August. Dele broke the deadlock around the 80 minute mark. Mahrez equalized within a minute and it finished 1-1. Tone was set for the season. If we’d won there, could have killed the early season momentum Leicester built up.
Great post and you are right. Those games I’d not even considered.
Do you ever stop talking about Poch?

I've made no other statements other than to correct the poster that Inter Milan had spunked a fortune on that team.
But you’re being deceitful.
You have the knives out for Jose, just like you would ANY manager we hired for the simple reason we sacked Pochettino.

That’s your reasoning for all the hostility and you are sitting here rubbing your hands with utter delight at the prospect of him failing.
It’s beyond obvious, and it’s fucking pathetic.
Wasn't that you with Poch?

No what I wanted was Pochettino to stop playing a system the players couldn’t and go back to what they were good at.

I wanted him to drop Eriksen and Dele and rest Kane more. I wanted him to use Moura and Lamela more.

I wanted him to integrate Llorente and Janssen two years ago, I wanted him to use a DM.

I wanted him fired, because he was failing, had taken the squad as far as he could, had lost finals and semis that were winnable, said he was leaving if we won the CL, kept talking in riddles and contradicting himself, lost the dressing room and had us 14th.

After 5 years, 27 players and 450M spent, we were where we were when HarryRedknapp left.

4th and trophyless.

If Jose fails, I’ll want him gone too, but 12 weeks isn’t time to judge. I’ll judge him after at least one full season with his own team.

Some people need to get over it. The last manager was fired, because he wasn’t good enough. That’s all there is to it.
Time to stop arguing about 2016 and 2018. In November 2019 Poch had clearly lost it and needed replacing. Who was available? we did not have a deputy as Jesus went as well. All the other Managers that have been appointed since November were available but I would not choose any of them above Jose. Now it is all about the future and what we do in January window and the rest of the season. Gedson looked promising. We no longer play the Poch way which seemed to allow us to get wins when Kane was missing. We need a striker but who is available that would be any good. Llorente is a backward move any did not always play when Kane was missing anyway. We will struggle if we do not get anyone and we can debate whether that will be Levy or Jose are at fault or just no one good enough about. Jose is going nowhere this season and if he did it would not help. Lets get behind him and start debating the way forward.
But you’re being deceitful.
You have the knives out for Jose, just like you would ANY manager we hired for the simple reason we sacked Pochettino.

That’s your reasoning for all the hostility and you are sitting here rubbing your hands with utter delight at the prospect of him failing.
It’s beyond obvious, and it’s fucking pathetic.
What in my post was deceitful?

I think Jose is a "has been". I don't think he's as good as he once was. I don't think he's as good as other managers available. I don't think he's right for us. I don't think he will have us challenging for a League or CL title. Am I supposed to post that as a disclaimer at the foot of every single one of my posts (even if that's not what was being discussed)?

That opinion wasn't even mentioned in my post, it's been in many others when debating it as part of the topic. The fact it's been in many others means I'm not being deceitful. In fact the total opposite, my opinion is out there and has been debated, nothing deceitful about it, you can either agree or disagree with the opinion. What is totally insane is the suggestion that it's agenda-driven, that it's hostile and that I'm delighted at the thought of him failing. These are all your words, your assumptions, all because I think the guy is "past it" and will not have us challenging for a title and CL again, fucking hell, reign yourself in you crank.

I'm not trying to cover anything up, I'm not trying to mislead or hide the truth (that was why I posted a factual piece of information about the Inter squad), there is no sleight of hand. I've been forthright and upfront on what my opinion is.

I am desperate for Jose to prove me wrong. I will wait and keep waiting because as a fan there is nothing else that I can do. But I will share my opinion on the matter, I will be as balanced as it allows me to be, hence after yesterdays game I asked the question if it was good to keep a clean sheet and draw against an inform team (to which you also reacted in some crazed frenzy).
Not your post but your entire stance.
No manager was ever going to get a fair crack from certain posters because sacking Poch was so evil to you.

It’s childish bollocks mate, we owe him nothing but a thank you
I’ve just posted what my stance is, I’m upfront about it, not hiding it, no deceit. People are allowed to have opinions, I’ve not hidden from mine ever.

You are talking about Poch again!
I’ve just posted what my stance is, I’m upfront about it, not hiding it, no deceit. People are allowed to have opinions, I’ve not hidden from mine ever.

You are talking about Poch again!
I’m taking about Poch because there is a group of posters on here (and you’re one of them) who’s entire stance on the new manager is based on the fact that you are fucked off yhat Poch was sacked.

Its not about Jose, it would be the same if it was Howe, or Nuno or Ancelotti, or whoever.
It’s muddying your views, they aren’t impartial, or fair and your credibility is taking a fucking hammering over it.

That’s the deceit. Because you won’t own it.
How the fuck can you not accept a 22 trophy manager, and judge him after 12 weeks as PROOF he isn’t a step up or won’t ever be?

If you genuinely believe that, you’re a moron. And I know you’re not, therefore your a liar.
Yeah Guido’s not being deceitful.

Of course Mourinho’s Inter side was a hugely expensive one:

Julio Cesar £2 million
Lucio. £6.3 million
Maicon. £4.5 million
Samuel. £14 million
Chivu. £14 million
Zanetti. £5.85 million
Cambiasso. £0
Sneidjer. £13.5 million
Eto £18 million
Milito. £22 million
Pandev. £0.

Even at the time that is an extremely low outlay for such a squad.
Completely agree it was not a bottle job. But we did have massive missed opportunities, which might have changed the outcome.

Leicester @ home, West Ham away, West Brom home & Chelsea away scream from the memory as the missed opportunities to at least add the pressure. Leicester were gifted the title by others and there was little pressure from a challenger.

West Ham

3pts from 18 and the three games we drew, we led. Two of them with 15 minutes to go, and the other we was 2-0 up in.

How many games and points do we have to bottle for it to be a bottle job?
But you’re being deceitful.
You have the knives out for Jose, just like you would ANY manager we hired for the simple reason we sacked Pochettino.

That’s your reasoning for all the hostility and you are sitting here rubbing your hands with utter delight at the prospect of him failing.
It’s beyond obvious, and it’s fucking pathetic.
How the tables have turned. Now who is the one “showing more love to a manager than caring about the long term health of a club”?

Nobody wants Jose to fail. We just have ZERO faith that he can be successful here based on his past history, the fact that he’s declined in the past decade, the face that his tactics are regressive, the fact that he bounces after 2-3 years and hasn’t left a proper legacy at a club since Chelsea 13 years ago, the fact he needs a blank chequebook to be successful, the fact that he’s divisive to a playing squad and the fanbase.

You’re the one still banging on about Pochettino, he’s long gone, I’ve made my peace with the decision and I’m sure that he will go on and be a huge success in his future endeavours.

We needed a modern coach not a has-been. Spurs better periods under ENIC (Jol, Redknapp, AVB) have been with young players and attacking football. This guy is the antithesis of all things Spurs. hiring him has just put the the delay on our rebuild.
I’m taking about Poch because there is a group of posters on here (and you’re one of them) who’s entire stance on the new manager is based on the fact that you are fucked off yhat Poch was sacked.

Its not about Jose, it would be the same if it was Howe, or Nuno or Ancelotti, or whoever.
It’s muddying your views, they aren’t impartial, or fair and your credibility is taking a fucking hammering over it.

That’s the deceit. Because you won’t own it.
How the fuck can you not accept a 22 trophy manager, and judge him after 12 weeks as PROOF he isn’t a step up or won’t ever be?

If you genuinely believe that, you’re a moron. And I know you’re not, therefore your a liar.

I've posted on several occasions now that I think there are many other Managers that could have replaced Poch! I've created a list of them at least twice now. Had we appointed any of them I would feel that we would have made a better appointment than Jose (for the reason I gave, in brief, a few posts ago + far more detail explanations in previous posts since Jose was appointed). In fact, Nuno was on my list and I would have more enthusiasm for his appointment that Joses's.

So as per usual with you, you are making up stuff about other posters. Please stop doing this, I'm not accusing you of anything, so please stop doing this with me.

I'm not judging Jose! It's too early to judge him, he should be judged at the end of this season though. And as a football and Tottenham fan I will comment on what he is doing or not doing at Spurs. I will do this constantly, this isn't a judgement, it's a comment. It's completely fucking normal for any football fan to do so, YOU do it!! You did it after yesterdays game!! It's a completely normal thing to do, did he get his selections right, did he get his tactics right, what were his subs like....THIS IS NORMAL!!

I have an opinion on him that he's done, that he's no longer at the zenith (he absolutely WAS) of football coaching, just as it past Wenger, Van Gaal & Capello and many more by. IMO there are other managers available that are CURRENTLY better, more cutting edge and play a brand of football that the elite teams play and compete for League Titles and CL Titles.

Now, seeing that you will not stop talking about Poch - I see Poch as one of the managers that is at the zenith of the game. This team were done with him (we do not know the extent of this or who/how it was made up) but he could no longer get them to perform. So, something needed to be done to address it. The same thing happened with Klopp's Dortmund team. My view is that Dortmund made a mistake for letting Klopp go, it would have meant Dortmund would have needed to completely rebuild but the mistake was that they have never been as good after Klopp left, and they have still needed to rebuild, they would have him back as their manager in a heartbeat. I think our mistake was identical to that made by Dortmund.

The TWO unknown's to this are that how much would it have cost to rebuild and how long it would have taken to rebuild, not just for Dortmund but us too? So maybe in both cases, it's simply impossible that Dortmund or us could have afforded time/money to rebuild, we will never know. What we do know is Dortmund have gone backwards and at the moment that trajectory is also with us.

But I would have been more than happy to see any number of approx 10 other mangers other than Jose to be appointed as Spurs manager. But he's our manager, Poch isn't, Nuno isn't Jose is. This means what he does, what he doesn't do will be discussed by me constantly, just if Poch was still manager or if we appointed Nuno, there is no difference as to what gets looked at and assessed (not Judged, assessed).
Nobody wants Jose to fail. We just have ZERO faith that he can be successful here based on his past history

Jose will fail because of his past history

Jose’s past history:



Inter Milan[238]

Real Madrid[238]

Manchester United


Jose will fail because of his past history

Jose’s past history:



Inter Milan[238]

Real Madrid[238]

Manchester United


Jose's recent history

Watford : Drew
Middlesbrough: Won
Liverpool: Lost
Middlesbrough: Drew
Southampton: Lost
Norwich: Drew

With the same team you say Pochettino should have won the Champions league with just 7 months ago

Jose's recent history

Watford : Drew
Middlesbrough: Won
Liverpool: Lost
Middlesbrough: Drew
Southampton: Lost
Norwich: Drew

With the same team you say Pochettino should have won the Champions league with just 7 months ago

Ahhhhh it works like that.
Ok let’s look at Pochs history since his massive achievement of losing the CL final shall we.

We lost to Colchester far more recently John
That you genuinely just posted that shows the depths of insanity this love affair with Pochettino some of you have sunk to.

You actually think Poch achieved more than Jose and are using a lost cup final during a period in time Jose was working as a pundit to compare.
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