Levy / ENIC

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Who would people want instead of Levy/Lewis

Out of the other 19 chairman of the league?


Or one of the foreign contingent:
Sheiks. (City)
Chinese (wolves, Southampton,
Russians (Bournemouth, Chelsea, everyone)
Americans. (Liverpool, United)

Which of the current 19 owners/chairman would you think do a better job than the incumbent

None. Next question
Who would people want instead of Levy/Lewis

Out of the other 19 chairman of the league?


Or one of the foreign contingent:
Sheiks. (City)
Chinese (wolves, Southampton,
Russians (Bournemouth, Chelsea, everyone)
Americans. (Liverpool, United)

Which of the current 19 owners/chairman would you think do a better job than the incumbent
I’d like between a third to half of the shares sold to a supporters cooperative. ENIC are good drivers but we can be like a SatNav for them
John Thomas John Thomas

moved it to the right thread

I'll try and clarify my position for you then. As we're in the wrong thread, ill be brief.
I think ENIC are in it for their own long term profit. Thats why, IMO, they under invest in the team, but readily invest in the infrastructure such as the stadium etc..I dislike and don't trust the NFL connection, and im concerned that should a franchise be granted in London, its ENICs aim to place it in Tottenham, relegating THFC to secondary tennants of the stadium.

Or alternatively, they have been investing in vital infrastructure to enable us to remain competitive. Whilst taking us from the excitement of midtable finishes under the previous ownership.
As for the piece Ive put in bold..i have not seen any suggestion as yet that hey have, or intend to, keep ownership of the stadium seperate to ownership of the club. (unlike wet spam at the athletics track, or, more pertinenly, Milton Keynes. Where Winkleman owns the stadium and the club as seperate entities). Until such a time thats an unfounded fear.

and of course they want to put an NFL franchise in WHL. Lke or not (and I dont), in the modern game you have to maximise the commercial side of things. If the NFL franchise helps grow the clubs popularity in the USA that has to be a good thing

In the meantime it's their intention to keep us competitive, but actually winning silverware is of little relevence, and my tongue-in-cheek references to Joe's yacht is a simple reminder that we have a supra-billionaire owner, happy to invest in his own personal luxury, but unwilling , like other rich owners, to invest a single pound of his tax free wealth in to the football team I love and support. Had he and ENIC done so, I'm conviced we would not have gone through the most barren 2 decades in the clubs history. I am not the only one.

This is my view. I know many disagree, but a sizeable minority are also disillusioned with the lack of investment in the squad and worried about the Owners long term intentions.

Enic have made us competitive. Before they took over we were bouncing along midtable. and yet, sine they took over we have improved. there have been missteps, things like the handling of the Jol situation (which was disgracfully done). and yet the easy route, if they only wanted to keep us competitive would have been to leave Jol (or Redknapp) in charge. Hell, Redknapp would have fitted your suggestion perfectly. Not spending much cos he loved a veteran free transfer (does anyone really think he didnt want Nelsen and Saha?), Europa league every year and the occasional (or who knows, frequent) Champions League place.
BTW: Joe Lewis doesnt own us. ENIC own 85% of Spurs. Lewis owns approx 59% of spurs. Levy owns about 25% (this is according to the club website, btw).

I would not have supported moving the club to Stratford. But it was not going be the athletics stadium it is now. It would have been a football stadium for Tottenham Hotspur and I would still have supported my team had we moved there.I said at the time, and I was in a minority, that keeping Spurs in Tottenham was not as important to me as getting a new stadium a club as big as us deserved.
You go there, you support the move. the 30 or so Wimbledon supporters that went to MK supported the move.
The 4 1/2 thousand or so that didnt support the move never went there. Had we moved, we wouldnt have been Tottenham Hotspur, we would have been Stratford Hostspur in all but name. Even Picketts lock (and Ive said before, I think their original plan was to move us there) would have stank (and fitted neatly int the new ground by 2008 timeline btw if it had gone ahead, btw)

Much like Aston Villa would not limit themselves to the Aston area of Birmingham, or Everton are moving from the Everton district of Merseyside, unlike most, I did not see them necessity of Spurs remaining in the Tottenham area of North London. I know most on here slaughtered me for it, but I wanted to to see us get the stadium we deserved before falling too far behind our competitors, and at the time it looked like Tottenham (the area) was never going to happen.
These are my views, not popular I know, at least on here there not, but there you have it.

i reckon that most Villa supporters might disagree with that as an idea.

as for your other post, i dont think you go with the wind. I dont believe your a gooner. I think you worry too much about how other people percieve the club (hence the worry about the size of fee paid, and not if its the rght player or not), and the contant comments on how much you love the club.
I think your hearts in the right place, but I think you have this irriational thing about ENIC. probably because they took over at a similar time to Abramovich but went about things the opposite way. and its been intensified by Citeh. the stuff you dont like being mentioned from the stadium thread show how irrational you can get

The thing is, even Citeh and the chavs aint what it seems on the surface.

Every penny Abramovich has spent at chavski has been a loan. (and if Levy/ENIC had been loaning the club millions I suspect you would be moaning about that. but we'll never know, fortunately. Debt for Capital projects is one thing. Debt for buying players and paying wages is something completely different). Despite the gulf in commercial earnings, Chelsea made a profit once under abramovich before FFP (the year they won the chumpions league). Since FFP, their profits have come through player sales

Citeh, we all know iys a group of companies, and at the moment citeh are top of that pyramid. but the second that another of the leagues they have a club in (be it Girona in La liga, or New York City in MLS, or whoever) becomes the big money league in world footabll, citeh becomes the feeder, and their best players move on the cheap.

everyone else in the premiership either does what we do, and operate within their means, or are building up debt.
thats why Villa are in a state, and if they go down for a couple of years Palace will be too (they will be well and truly fucked)

as for the lack of trophies, first one is the hardest to win.
We've reached one cup final under pochettino, and lost.
we should have reached others, but have bottled semi's. that aint down to enic. Thats down to the players and pochettino.
its what for me is Pochettinos biggest flaw. Your first title aint the Champions league. Might be the league, if your lucky, but its more likely to be the two Pochettino has largely ignored: The FA Cup or the league cup. you need the first to understand how to win, and what it feels like

TLDR: Your wrong :allitongue:

and thats enough seriousness for one day. Im going to cock around and be a cunt for a while
Who would people want instead of Levy/Lewis

Out of the other 19 chairman of the league?


Or one of the foreign contingent:
Sheiks. (City)
Chinese (wolves, Southampton,
Russians (Bournemouth, Chelsea, everyone)
Americans. (Liverpool, United)

Which of the current 19 owners/chairman would you think do a better job than the incumbent
Obviously the sheiks would do a better job as we would be winning titles & trophies. It's just the moral side people don't like.
Obviously the sheiks would do a better job as we would be winning titles & trophies. It's just the moral side people don't like.
its not just that, although that is massively important.

City football group owns a network of clubs. Decent players at some of those clubs are, at the moment, being transferred to City for nothing, and loaned out. (Aaaron Mooy, Daniel Arzani). After a couple of years on loan, they get sold (Mooy).its a way of circumventing FFP

Just like buying Girona will, in the long run, be used to circumvent rules on hot housing. At some point they will set up a version of La Masia in Girona, and the most talented of the youth players will go there

secondly, if, say the MLS, beomes the prestige and big money league in world football, do you think they wont hesitate to transfer players like Ederson and De Bruyne off to New York City?
its not just that, although that is massively important.

City football group owns a network of clubs. Decent players at some of those clubs are, at the moment, being transferred to City for nothing, and loaned out. (Aaaron Mooy, Daniel Arzani). After a couple of years on loan, they get sold (Mooy).its a way of circumventing FFP

Just like buying Girona will, in the long run, be used to circumvent rules on hot housing. At some point they will set up a version of La Masia in Girona, and the most talented of the youth players will go there

secondly, if, say the MLS, beomes the prestige and big money league in world football, do you think they wont hesitate to transfer players like Ederson and De Bruyne off to New York City?
I am not a fan of FFP. If they want to put money in to football then great. I am not going to moan about the 50m we got from them. & I don't think the MLS will get anywhere as big as you suggest.
I am not a fan of FFP. If they want to put money in to football then great. I am not going to moan about the 50m we got from them. & I don't think the MLS will get anywhere as big as you suggest.
fair enough. If it were up to me, they shouldnt be owning city. Unelectic leaders for life, with a long list of alleged Human rights abuses, and at least one video alleging to be of one of those leaders torturing someone.
Personally i would want us to be owned by a representative of a government that outlaws homosexuality, where marital rape is legal, amputation is a legal puishment and where "chastisement by a husband to his wife" isd allowed as long as she isnt bruised

Premier league title aint worth it
fair enough. If it were up to me, they shouldnt be owning city. Unelectic leaders for life, with a long list of alleged Human rights abuses, and at least one video alleging to be of one of those leaders torturing someone.
Personally i would want us to be owned by a representative of a government that outlaws homosexuality, where marital rape is legal, amputation is a legal puishment and where "chastisement by a husband to his wife" isd allowed as long as she isnt bruised

Premier league title aint worth it
Yeah that's fair enough. I just wouldn't mix politics, morals & football that much. I am ok with taking their 50m blood money for walker. & I am ok with us using nike who are well known for there slave labour & child labour past. I am not going to make a stand or say its ok if someone is doing something worse.
Obviously the sheiks would do a better job as we would be winning titles & trophies. It's just the moral side people don't like.

And thats based on a 2 out of 5 success rate I guess (with one of the success stories being in a one team league no better than the Champo)

Top 5 Football Clubs owned by billionaire Arabs

Its always taken as a given that billionaire takeovers are quick way to success, yet the failures are never taken into account, and there's far more of them.

QPR done well with billionaire owners though I suppose
its not just that, although that is massively important.

City football group owns a network of clubs. Decent players at some of those clubs are, at the moment, being transferred to City for nothing, and loaned out. (Aaaron Mooy, Daniel Arzani). After a couple of years on loan, they get sold (Mooy).its a way of circumventing FFP

Just like buying Girona will, in the long run, be used to circumvent rules on hot housing. At some point they will set up a version of La Masia in Girona, and the most talented of the youth players will go there

secondly, if, say the MLS, beomes the prestige and big money league in world football, do you think they wont hesitate to transfer players like Ederson and De Bruyne off to New York City?
fair enough. If it were up to me, they shouldnt be owning city. Unelectic leaders for life, with a long list of alleged Human rights abuses, and at least one video alleging to be of one of those leaders torturing someone.
Personally i would want us to be owned by a representative of a government that outlaws homosexuality, where marital rape is legal, amputation is a legal puishment and where "chastisement by a husband to his wife" isd allowed as long as she isnt bruised

Premier league title aint worth it
You left off abduction and kidnapping and imprisonment of children.
fair enough. If it were up to me, they shouldnt be owning city. Unelectic leaders for life, with a long list of alleged Human rights abuses, and at least one video alleging to be of one of those leaders torturing someone.
Personally i would want us to be owned by a representative of a government that outlaws homosexuality, where marital rape is legal, amputation is a legal puishment and where "chastisement by a husband to his wife" isd allowed as long as she isnt bruised

Premier league title aint worth it
Well said.
Who would people want instead of Levy/Lewis

Out of the other 19 chairman of the league?


Or one of the foreign contingent:
Sheiks. (City)
Chinese (wolves, Southampton,
Russians (Bournemouth, Chelsea, everyone)
Americans. (Liverpool, United)

Which of the current 19 owners/chairman would you think do a better job than the incumbent
If you want continue silverware then it has to be a Sheik ,oligarch regime . We are surrounded by their bought bitter success .
The American system such as Scousers, Manure is mortgage to success. In some ways slightly fruitful, with a few odd cups for Utd. Maybe for the Scousers but to early to call.
The Ashly / Gold are the worse . Really to milk the tv money at any expense of the club.
The business model as in our case is unknown territory, as it has yielded top 4 but looks sadly impossible to actually win a title .
We will eventually loose some of our better players and always be short in quality signings for the last push. Tv money has reduced somewhat the effect and benefit of the stadium but certainly increased the value of the club.

We have an admiral model but the football world/media seems to deride this direction. Only trophys will result with respect as some in the press see us as the new Arse but without the occasional silverware. There is no perfect model , we are stuck with what we have got. While the ride has been good there never is enough in the tank to finally get there .
I’d like between a third to half of the shares sold to a supporters cooperative. ENIC are good drivers but we can be like a SatNav for them
So you want to startup an annual, and pointless, shareholders meeting like the circus Woolwich had? Minority investors have zero leverage to navigate a company with - ENIC could just as easily take the investment of share floating and fuel up the yacht with it, while you and the THST navigate yourselves in circles of outrage as Uncle Joe pulls one off on the sundeck outside in Antigua.

On second thought, IPO would be great just for the comedy value. Bunch of mugs buying up .001% of the company and then patting themselves on the back about charting a new direction for the club. Fucking SC would be a laugh riot.
So you want to startup an annual, and pointless, shareholders meeting like the circus Woolwich had? Minority investors have zero leverage to navigate a company with - ENIC could just as easily take the investment of share floating and fuel up the yacht with it, while you and the THST navigate yourselves in circles of outrage as Uncle Joe pulls one off on the sundeck outside in Antigua.

On second thought, IPO would be great just for the comedy value. Bunch of mugs buying up .001% of the company and then patting themselves on the back about charting a new direction for the club. Fucking SC would be a laugh riot.

Unless you are content with mid table obscurity fan ownership will never work - businesses that excel normally have a bit of a cunt in charge who is prepared to be publicly unpopular, a fan group would either elect someone without those qualities or try to make decisions by committee.
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