Levy / ENIC

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What the fuck Joan, me and John were just getting on. Tramp.

I'm a realist - whether or not Levy is the problem, Levy isn't going anywhere. So we have to find a manager/DoF/squad solution to win a trophy with Levy, or I'm just gonna pack it in and stop wasting time, money, and energy on Spurs.

I admire your commitment to your disdain of Levy. But you're shouting at the sea, mate.
OK. So Levy isn't going anywhere.

But even if that's the case, what's the point in sacking his manager #16 or whatever it is if things are not going well?

It's as clear as day that Levy is the problem. Just sacking the manager every time is merely kicking the can further and further down the road. Surely.

He's exhausted every manager type in the game and they all fall short.

May as well stick with Ange regardless how the season plays out.

If he exceeds expectations. Great. Were winning football matches.

If the season turns to mud. Let the man who appointed him take the well deserved bullets of abuse that hopefully hasten his long overdue departure.

Look at it that way and it's a win win situation. The proverbial can has been kicked far enough in my humble opinion
OK. So Levy isn't going anywhere.

But even if that's the case, what's the point in sacking his manager #16 or whatever it is if things are not going well?

It's as clear as day that Levy is the problem. Just sacking the manager every time is merely kicking the can further and further down the road. Surely.

He's exhausted every manager type in the game and they all fall short.

May as well stick with Ange regardless how the season plays out.

If he exceeds expectations. Great. Were winning football matches.

If the season turns to mud. Let the man who appointed him take the well deserved bullets of abuse that hopefully hasten his long overdue departure.

Look at it that way and it's a win win situation. The proverbial can has been kicked far enough in my humble opinion
The same way looking deeply in to who should be coach etc, seems like ‘shouting at the sea’ as it won’t make a significant difference whilst levy is still in charge.
OK. So Levy isn't going anywhere.

But even if that's the case, what's the point in sacking his manager #16 or whatever it is if things are not going well?

It's as clear as day that Levy is the problem. Just sacking the manager every time is merely kicking the can further and further down the road. Surely.

He's exhausted every manager type in the game and they all fall short.

May as well stick with Ange regardless how the season plays out.

If he exceeds expectations. Great. Were winning football matches.

If the season turns to mud. Let the man who appointed him take the well deserved bullets that hopefully hasten his long overdue departure.

Look at it that way and it's a win win situation. The proverbial can has been kicked far enough in my humble opinion
I find the idea that anything will "hasten his demise" to be delusion. Levy owns 1/3rd of the club, which makes him difficult to sack even if Lewis decided to. Couple that with the reality that Lewis very plainly doesn't care about anything but the balance sheet of the asset, and its unlikely that Levy will ever displease the only man who can sack him. The cherry on top is the likelihood that if Lewis ever does sour on the investment, it's most likely that Levy orchestrates a leveraged buyout to take a controlling interest in the club than it is Lewis sells out from under him.

This is why I don't waste energy on #LevyOUT. It's futile. I'd rather discuss realistic ways in which we succeed, perhaps in spite of Levy, than delusional fantasies involving the overthrowing of Levy.
Hence no more big name, big shot managers. They will never work well with levy.
I think anyone with a clear head realises that Mourinho was only employed to play a starring role in Daniels Amazon movie and Conte was only employed to get the fans off his back following the unprecedented abuse he was getting from the fans.

He obviously had no intention of backing either and making the relationships work.

It's why both have since called him out for the sneaky, profit oriented, unsporting fraud that he is.
I find the idea that anything will "hasten his demise" to be delusion. Levy owns 1/3rd of the club, which makes him difficult to sack even if Lewis decided to. Couple that with the reality that Lewis very plainly doesn't care about anything but the balance sheet of the asset, and its unlikely that Levy will ever displease the only man who can sack him. The cherry on top is the likelihood that if Lewis ever does sour on the investment, it's most likely that Levy orchestrates a leveraged buyout to take a controlling interest in the club than it is Lewis sells out from under him.

This is why I don't waste energy on #LevyOUT. It's futile. I'd rather discuss realistic ways in which we succeed, perhaps in spite of Levy, than delusional fantasies involving the overthrowing of Levy.
But, as I said.
What is the point of kicking the can further and further down the road with yet another managerial sacking.
Other top clubs, big 6 clubs, who regularly sack their managers reap some kind of benefit in that it brings regular silverware.
With us, it doesn't. Even when we employ serial silverware winning managers!

So. The point remains. Why call for yet another managerial sacking?

If, as you say, we're stuck with Levy, history shows we may as well stick with Postie, too. Because sacking managers doesn't bring success with us.
I find the idea that anything will "hasten his demise" to be delusion. Levy owns 1/3rd of the club, which makes him difficult to sack even if Lewis decided to. Couple that with the reality that Lewis very plainly doesn't care about anything but the balance sheet of the asset, and its unlikely that Levy will ever displease the only man who can sack him. The cherry on top is the likelihood that if Lewis ever does sour on the investment, it's most likely that Levy orchestrates a leveraged buyout to take a controlling interest in the club than it is Lewis sells out from under him.

This is why I don't waste energy on #LevyOUT. It's futile. I'd rather discuss realistic ways in which we succeed, perhaps in spite of Levy, than delusional fantasies involving the overthrowing of Levy.
I get your point but it’s all futile. Levy won’t read this. This forum is all pointless & futile. Like us speaking in length in which starting 11 to pick etc. The new guy doesn’t care what we think. Or who we should buy & sell. I do get not putting any emotional energy in to wanting Levy out though. He will be here for a long time.
& to piggyback on to Joan’s point, putting energy in to small gains when it’s ignoring the levy in the room who won’t allow for real success. It’s scraping top 4/5 trophy every now & then. Why pretend otherwise. A lot of time spent for very little.
Same with all the abuse posters give to players & managers non stop. Waste of energy too isn’t it, if you are honest. Dier’s here forever 😂
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But, as I said.
What is the point of kicking the can further and further down the road with yet another managerial sacking.
Other top clubs, big 6 clubs, who regularly sack their managers reap some kind of benefit in that it brings regular silverware.
With us, it doesn't. Even when we employ serial silverware winning managers!

So. The point remains. Why call for yet another managerial sacking?

If, as you say, we're stuck with Levy, history shows we may as well stick with Postie, too. Because sacking managers doesn't bring success with us.
There's a cut off point where it's unlikely a manager will succeed in the given environment. For me finishing 8th or lower is that litmus test in the next season. No point carrying on with a combination that hasn't given any reason to believe it can accomplish the task.

There is a way Spurs can win silverware with/in spite of Levy. Poch nearly did it, and I believe if we had focused on the right competitions at the right time we would have.

I'm not convinced that Postie is that manager, because I'm skeptical any manager with a "style" can succeed within the framework ENIC have established where player recruitment is heavily influenced by value and opportunity. We need a manager who is more comfortable in a head coach role, working with what he's given and tactically flexible to maximize the abilities of the squad he has and the opportunity to exploit the given opponents' weaknesses. We'll see if he's up to it.
Just received an email from the club with a survey about the atmosphere in the stadium.

We hope you’re enjoying the summer and looking forward to returning to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium to watch the team back in action soon.

We are currently planning for the new season and want to get your views on matchday atmosphere at the stadium.

We have been consulting with a number of fan groups, including Return of the Shelf, Spurs Song Sheet, THFC Flags, Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust, Proud Lilywhites, SpursAbility and Spurs REACH to develop a survey which you can complete by clicking the link below.

The estimated time for completion of the survey is 8-10 minutes and we would be grateful if you could share your views with us- so that your feedback can inform our new season planning.

All responses will be aggregated to ensure confidentiality. If you would like to enter a draw for a chance to win signed Spurs items and are happy to be contacted about the feedback you have provided, please write your email address and CRN at the end of the survey.

Presume it was sent to all members and STs... 🤔
I just think it is weird to look at football the way you do.

We took 37 out of the remaining 48 points that season including beating City, Woolwich and drawing with Liverpool. That form over the course of the whole season would amount to (if my math is correct) 87 points.

That is fantastic form and has nothing to do with any other team than ours.
It's the narrative of the Levy outers.

Every team that doesn't get top 4 bottled it.

We get top 4, it's because other teams bottled it.

Other teams get top 4, it's because we are shite.

They're too afraid to admit we played well, and won games, and got top 4 on merit because that would mean that Levy got it right.

The old adage of "the table doesn't lie" means nothing to these people.

We got top 4 in 21/22 because we deserved it and earned it.

We finished 8th last season because we were shite.
So you disagree with the fans supporting levy & enic? & levy getting a pay rise last season?

My thoughts on the matter are much more nuanced than what is being asked or assumed of me.

I don't believe anyone I speak to 'supports levy and enic' in the way you are making out.

I believe we all have a different way of looking at our situation and for many anger towards the board and owners is justified. To others, like myself, anger isn't a thing I put into sports. I both blame them for the mess we have been in the last 3 years but am also really happy with what they have done for the club over the last 20.

I don't begrudge any single person that wants ENIC to go or is happy for them to stay. Someone isn't a better fan because they want ENIC out and love calling Levy a bald whatever.... i think they are being childish and completely diminish their position on a very nuanced topic, but they are entitled to their opinion and I don't deny how much they love spurs.

I'd just appreciate not being put in a box and being asked to side with a camp when I think the whole thing is a big pantomime and I am generally put off football by people that call other individuals names and boo them because the football team I support is losing or going through a transitional bad patch.

If new owners that were not directly involved with oppressive murderous regimes were to buy the club then that would be hugely welcomed. If not, I will carry on supporting Spurs and talking about everything to do with the club without whining about 'Levy' every single chance I get.
My thoughts on the matter are much more nuanced than what is being asked or assumed of me.

I don't believe anyone I speak to 'supports levy and enic' in the way you are making out.

I believe we all have a different way of looking at our situation and for many anger towards the board and owners is justified. To others, like myself, anger isn't a thing I put into sports. I both blame them for the mess we have been in the last 3 years but am also really happy with what they have done for the club over the last 20.

I don't begrudge any single person that wants ENIC to go or is happy for them to stay. Someone isn't a better fan because they want ENIC out and love calling Levy a bald whatever.... i think they are being childish and completely diminish their position on a very nuanced topic, but they are entitled to their opinion and I don't deny how much they love spurs.

I'd just appreciate not being put in a box and being asked to side with a camp when I think the whole thing is a big pantomime and I am generally put off football by people that call other individuals names and boo them because the football team I support is losing or going through a transitional bad patch.

If new owners that were not directly involved with oppressive murderous regimes were to buy the club then that would be hugely welcomed. If not, I will carry on supporting Spurs and talking about everything to do with the club without whining about 'Levy' every single chance I get.
Your just too embarrassed to say you love the cunts
Same old bollocks from Levy cocksucking superfan
I was Levy out in May, now I'm Levy in because it looks like we're doing some good things this Summer, will probably go back to being Enic out if we don't address the CB situation though.

The good thing about being completely contrarian on the matter is that you can alter your stance based on the current circumstances, it's great.

Enic hokey cokey.
I was Levy out in May, now I'm Levy in because it looks like we're doing some good things this Summer, will probably go back to being Enic out if we don't address the CB situation though.

The good thing about being completely contrarian on the matter is that you can alter your stance based on the current circumstances, it's great.

Enic hokey cokey.
Surely you mean mutable or capricious here? To be contrarian on the issue suggests you're purposefully changing rhetoric for the personal enjoyment of disagreement?
I believe we all have a different way of looking at our situation and for many anger towards the board and owners is justified. To others, like myself, anger isn't a thing I put into sports. I both blame them for the mess we have been in the last 3 years but am also really happy with what they have done for the club over the last 20.
I know you speak for yourself, and that's fair enough.

However, spend an hour or two reading through this thread, or other threads where criticism of ENIC or Levy, even when related to the topic is screamed and howled at with viscous venom, and you'll soon realise that the anger some of us have towards the board is FAR outweighed by the unhinged rage of some aimed at anyone who is critical.

Some people spend days on end in this thread protecting a couple of supra rich businessman with little or no interest in football.

One guy was raging for days that we were critical of Levy once more being named as the highest paid Premier League CEO. Despite our shocking failure on the pitch.

Another has, on more than one occasion openly professed his love for ENIC

This is why I and others GENUINELY believe there is a hardcore of fanatics on here who's support and admiration for Levy outweighs there support for Spurs.

It's irrational and it's bizarre
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