Levy / ENIC

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I really feel it's time the fans got together and showed Levy what we think of the way he is ruining our great club.Selling our best players year after year . To make a profit charging us one of the most expensive season tickets in Europe . Turning a world class team 1 player short of a title challenge back into a team that will struggle for 6th place ! Hiring and firing managers to try and cover his own misgivings . He has no interest in winning things or ambition of great football , only money LEVY OUT
You are a deluded fool but no helping soppy cunts like yourself if you can't see what's happening to the club , whilst the top 5 pull further and further away , not knee jerk this has been happening for a while you thick bastard
Go have a drink and settle the fuck down.
I really feel it's time the fans got together and showed Levy what we think of the way he is ruining our great club.Selling our best players year after year . To make a profit charging us one of the most expensive season tickets in Europe . Turning a world class team 1 player short of a title challenge back into a team that will struggle for 6th place ! Hiring and firing managers to try and cover his own misgivings . He has no interest in winning things or ambition of great football , only money LEVY OUT
You're a fucking idiot. I dont have time to truly explain why BUT

One: Modric, Bale.. these best players we're selling. Do you not remember the protracted bullshit? The agents? the comments in the papers from Madrid representatives? They WANTED to leave, and they went about it as best they could.
Two: Yes we sell players to make a profit. The alternative is to make a loss... Don't think i need to explain why thats a stupid thing to say.
Three: When we qualified for the champions league it was in fourth place, behind Woolwich chelsea and united. Since then City have spent a billion, chelsea buy whoever they want and united have just hired van gaal and bought some of the best players in the world in, and the gooners have had champions league money for however long, a stadium nearly twice the size of us and nearly 20 years of stability. We can't compete with any of that. Not a fucking chance. Throw liverpool into the mix as well, who've spent shit loads to get where they are and again, we can't compete. We can't spend money if it just isn't there.
four: Levy's responsibility is to make sure the club is run well. You're right he does care more about money, because thats his fucking job. Anyone that replaces him will be the FUCKING SAME. Baldini, pochettino these are the football people at the club.

right I'm leaving it there. Don't have time for your shit.

So if Levy is useless at running a football club, which club is being ran in the ideal way that we should be aiming at?
I do find it hilarious the Levy bashing that goes on, that people say he is ruining the club. Ruining it? Do people honestly think that?
I get that people are frustrated but honestly, take a step back. Look at the bigger picture think about what you are saying when you say Levy is ruining the club.
I do find it hilarious the Levy bashing that goes on, that people say he is ruining the club. Ruining it? Do people honestly think that?
I get that people are frustrated but honestly, take a step back. Look at the bigger picture think about what you are saying when you say Levy is ruining the club.
We almost went bust and spent like ten years being absolutely wank, but ignoring that, LEVY IS RUINING THIS CLUB SINGLE HANDEDLY. CANT YOU SEE IT.
You're a fucking idiot. I dont have time to truly explain why BUT

One: Modric, Bale.. these best players we're selling. Do you not remember the protracted bullshit? The agents? the comments in the papers from Madrid representatives? They WANTED to leave, and they went about it as best they could.
Two: Yes we sell players to make a profit. The alternative is to make a loss... Don't think i need to explain why thats a stupid thing to say.
Three: When we qualified for the champions league it was in fourth place, behind Woolwich chelsea and united. Since then City have spent a billion, chelsea buy whoever they want and united have just hired van gaal and bought some of the best players in the world in, and the gooners have had champions league money for however long, a stadium nearly twice the size of us and nearly 20 years of stability. We can't compete with any of that. Not a fucking chance. Throw liverpool into the mix as well, who've spent shit loads to get where they are and again, we can't compete. We can't spend money if it just isn't there.
four: Levy's responsibility is to make sure the club is run well. You're right he does care more about money, because thats his fucking job. Anyone that replaces him will be the FUCKING SAME. Baldini, pochettino these are the football people at the club.

right I'm leaving it there. Don't have time for your shit.

I would leave it there as your clearly another levy bootlicker , some points you make are correct but you are missing so many at why your wrong . I stated all levy cares about is money not the club . Yes we were held to ransom for Modric / Bale but if Levy had invested in the squad when he had the chance we would have had champs
We almost went bust and spent like ten years being absolutely wank, but ignoring that, LEVY IS RUINING THIS CLUB SINGLE HANDEDLY. CANT YOU SEE IT.
Fuck me its all so clear now, thanks for pointing it out. I can't believe we aren't spending 350k a week on players or blowing £17mil on Danny Wellbeck and close to 100k a week, what the fuck? Lewis is worth like 4billion win he? Well shit, why don't he just give us a billion and we will be alright, must be sitting in a current account somewhere right?
I would leave it there as your clearly another levy bootlicker , some points you make are correct but you are missing so many at why your wrong . I stated all levy cares about is money not the club . Yes we were held to ransom for Modric / Bale but if Levy had invested in the squad when he had the chance we would have had champs
I'm not a levy bootlicker, I'm just not a moron. Have you ever spoke to Levy? Have you said to him "do you care about the club or your wage?"

Your point doesn't even make sense. The better the club does the more money there is for all involved? If he cares about money surely he'd want us to be a better, well rounded, well run club? Run that through your brain cell and really think about it.

Levy has a job, and by all accounts he's very good at that job. We're constantly cited as an example of being one of the best run clubs there are, we're punching above our weight quite frankly, why is that a bad thing?

I gave you this one because i pity stupid people, but in future if you can't even reply to me properly I'm going to ignore you.

Oh also its laughable anyone thinks us signing a player at any point would have kept Modric or Bale at the club. We could have won the league and they'd have still been off. Its real fucking Madrid, not Real Salt Lake.
I'm not a levy bootlicker, I'm just not a moron. Have you ever spoke to Levy? Have you said to him "do you care about the club or your wage?"

Your point doesn't even make sense. The better the club does the more money there is for all involved? If he cares about money surely he'd want us to be a better, well rounded, well run club? Run that through your brain cell and really think about it.

Levy has a job, and by all accounts he's very good at that job. We're constantly cited as an example of being one of the best run clubs there are, we're punching above our weight quite frankly, why is that a bad thing?

I gave you this one because i pity stupid people, but in future if you can't even reply to me properly I'm going to ignore you.

Personally, I don't mind the close eye on the balance sheets, the long term planning and the flat net spend rate.

I'd just rather they didn't consistently embarras the club selling lies to the fans and the media about our ambition, when the truth is, that they are developing Spurs's infrastructure, to become a profitable prospect to the next oil-oligark, arms trader or sheik.

As an overseas fan, I wouldn't mind the least if we just fucked off half the imported buys, ran an extensive academy policy and endured endless yo-yo league positions, even with a relegation once in a while, as long as we were honest about the vision of the club and the football attempted played.

It's the sheer lying, decieving and not least the embarassing media statements once in a while, which makes it all a it cringey.
I'm not a levy bootlicker, I'm just not a moron. Have you ever spoke to Levy? Have you said to him "do you care about the club or your wage?"

Your point doesn't even make sense. The better the club does the more money there is for all involved? If he cares about money surely he'd want us to be a better, well rounded, well run club? Run that through your brain cell and really think about it.

Levy has a job, and by all accounts he's very good at that job. We're constantly cited as an example of being one of the best run clubs there are, we're punching above our weight quite frankly, why is that a bad thing?

I gave you this one because i pity stupid people, but in future if you can't even reply to me properly I'm going to ignore you.

why are you arsed about us being known as a "well run club"? oh, and we're not punching above our weight at all currently.
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